Captain America is a completely different character and has also been greatly benefited by being in the same universe as characters like Iron Man, in the MCU.
The older Superman, that most people know, is a very good guy with almost no moral flaws, which by today's standard is pretty boring. You can make him more flawed , but then you will please a few people that weren't pleased before, but you will displease older Superman fans who see him as the flawless man of tomorrow. You can change his personality, so he doesn't seem so goody-goody, but then you will have people complaining that he is acting like a smart ass, or that he is arrogant. .
LOL, the irony. You don't like people twisting your words when you twist and/or misinterpret what other people say on a regular basis.
I said WB doesn't have passion for Superman, I never said anything about lack of interest. Interest is Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2. Passion is Spider-Man 1 and 2.
Superman has gotten movies and tv shows....its as if they're smart enough to realize that, despite their apparent lack of passion for the character, he's still an icon and they can make money off of him.
Yeah because they'd be passionate about any of these characters if they weren't making money![]()
My point was that Superman has been very much reduced to a cameo character even on JLA where it's a variety show like some of the previous DC shows. 2 ep are about when he was the focus and those two involved him either being weakened or overpowered & a destructive force of nature. Heck, even the last two starred Zod and Brainiac respectively, but the ep were built on how the other available Leaguers took them on given Superman was coincidentally trapped.
A solo Superman sequel may be in the works, but it seems like they're in no "rush" (not nearly as much movement) compared to other projects.
You call me ironic?please tell me what I twisted? You responded to me first
Superman's been given a good showing form WB, three movies in the last decade, a TV show that ran from 2001-2011 along with a TV series proper to that, a two episode appearance on Supergirl aswell as the fact Supergirl is a Superman world show), countless animated appearances etc etc. If that's not caring then other DC characters have it bad.
So if you don't like something that means there was no passion in it?
I don't see how them making stuff to make money as EVERY studio does shows a lack of passion whatsoever.
Um, no. I responded to Joker and talked about WB lacking passion for the character, and suddenly you jumped in with this:
If that wasn't a response to my initial post to Joker, than who was it a response to? You make a post that is very likely a response to me, and now you're trying to make it sound like I responded to you out of nowhere.
Again, you are twisting words, then whining about other people supposedly doing it. You're the last person to talk about people getting into a "tizzy".
Good for you.
So you like a very narrow idea of Superman that isn't really Superman...
Cavill isn't the greatest actor nor does he need to be. I think he's capable of warmth and charm. But he's put in a position where it's very difficult to display.
Gosh !! Only one film from DCEU in 2018, what will we do ? You mean the release schedule will be like it was in 'the old days' and people might have to wait for a film. Ch*ist, people want the world on a plate these days....![]()
Or you know, they are planning to switch out the DCEU for a more BEU.
You said the irony therefore implying I was been ironic.
I'm calm as a cucumber you're the one getting your panties in a twist. End of the day I didn't start calling you anything you did.
Good for me indeed
Anyway moving back to topic because I have no desire to carrying on engaging with you of all people...
I understood the quieter period with the previous post. Just didn't think that applied to Batman given even when there's not a big screen adaptation, there are always something animated with him as the lead.Characters always have quieter periods and if this is a quiet period of for him then I'd say he's doing pretty damn good.
It's a show about the Justice league as a team so they're bound to do stuff like that. I don't see why that means he's been relegated as a character. The first episode I saw was him and Wonder Woman fighting that being that absorbed the Parasite and Superman was the most prominent character in that episode. Really think you're making a weird point.
They don't need to rush the sequel they're building a DCEU and until later this year he is so far the only hero in this universe with a solo film.
Translation: "The Batman, I can't actually dispute a single thing you've said, so I'm going to move goal posts, pretend I'm calm, pretend you're overreacting, and accuse you of twisting things, even though that's pretty much what I'm doing."
Yeah, its best you move back to topic.
So, to summarize you guys are discussing over if WB is passionate about superman or not passionate?
I'd say they are passionate, it may not be your version of superman, but they definitely are passionate about him, you could argue they don't have a solid viewpoint on how he is portrayed from your personal opinion, but you can still be passionate.
Think you just described yourself there.
So, to summarize you guys are discussing over if WB is passionate about superman or not passionate?
I'd say they are passionate, it may not be your version of superman, but they definitely are passionate about him, you could argue they don't have a solid viewpoint on how he is portrayed from your personal opinion, but you can still be passionate.
If WB's current treatment of Superman is a passionate one, I'd hate to see how they treat characters they don't care for.