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Arrow Arrow Season 3 Episode 20 ""The Fallen"" Discussion Thread

I get the feeling they're treating this whole Ra's storyline like a reverse Flash Gordon. Like what if Dale actually just agreed to marry Ming and Ming agreed to just leave Flash alone and everyone just lived in harmony.

So, Ollie just has to give Ra's his way,all Ollie's friends get to live in safety if they stay away and everyone lives in harmony from here on.
Or the Felicity actress is having some fun on that writers couch with the writers. Think casting couch but for the writers. In exchange for more scenes

Or, and bare with me on this for a second, the person telling the story is telling the story they want to tell.
I like Felicity to much to see her dead. However if he had punched her in the throat so she couldn't speak for the rest of the episode. Till she got back to Starling for that Laurel scene I would of been happy.

Yeah that sounds good. I was only 'half' hoping because it would've been out of character and incredibly stupid of Ra's to do that. Truth be told I don't want Felicity dead either. But the audacity... The throat punch works. Throw in a broken trachea and an oxygen tank and I'm sold.
Or, and bare with me on this for a second, the person telling the story is telling the story they want to tell.

...to the detriment of the progress made in season 1 and 2. The Meryln/Ra's arcs had so much potential, but too many fumbles following the pump fakes. The melodramatic 'woe is me' that accompanies Olicity didn't do them any favors either.
...to the detriment of the progress made in season 1 and 2. The Meryln/Ra's arcs had so much potential, but too many fumbles following the pump fakes. The melodramatic 'woe is me' that accompanies Olicity didn't do them any favors either.

... Alright. Doesn't really have anything to do with me pointing out how absurd the speculation that Rickards was banging the producers for more screentime was. But alright.
Really wish they would stop giving EBR emotional scenes. She's not very good at them.
Meh episode. This was a shipping episode using Thea death and Oliver joining the League of Assassin as a disguise.
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Sort of sad when I was more interesting in the flashbacks then the actual episode. Hopefully Season 4 they come up with a better storyline
wow that Sucked!! this episode wait this SEASON has been an abysmal failure!! and really the writers have managed to do something that i never thought was possible! that it would be okay if they killed Felicity off!!( and they got rid of Roy for this ^&*?!?!)) Man come on! diggle gives a speech and Maseo turns, but was putting arrows in people all over the city and didnt feel anything!?!?! thats terrible!!i need the blue pill so i can forget this season never took place! i cant believe they left off with Deathstroke for this soap opera crap!!
oh and if i was Atom i would sooooooo be done with chick!! i like romance but this is a FREAKIN SUPERHERO SHOW!!! Come on with this BULL^&*(!!
This episode was weird, half of it was great, Nable was fantastic, Amell was the best he's ever been and the plot progressed nicely, but my friggin god, I hope this episode was the writers venting a bit on the Olicity crap, because that scene was just awkward. If they removed the sex stuff this episode would be an 8 for me, but I have to give it a 6, Olicity is just a drag most of the time, doesn't help that I've never been able to buy Oliver being attracted to Felicity, it felt very one sided to me in S1 and S2, so it just flat out doesn't work for me.
Thought the episode was fine. Felicity needs to go though or go back to how she was used before. Which isn't gonna happen so the show will suffer trying to force Felicity stuff.

Great job Arrow you managed to turn a good character that was fine in the role she was to force the shipper crap and hurt the show.

Also I really don't want to see Flash is so much better than Arrow posts. Let's wait until Flash gets to season 3 and then compare.
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Blegh. This was just such a blah episode, and after the last one feeling like things were finally looking up...

At least Oliver and Felicity aren't going to be in the same room for a while. I could totally get on board with seeing some Laurel + Thea 'Vigilanteing for Dummies' interspersed with 'Brainwashing 101' after this rubbish.

Every time something interesting seemed to be happening, Felicity ruined it. Urgh.
It was an ok episode but nothing really got me. I feel like the flashbacks should've been cut entirely from the episode and dedicate the remaining time to Thea along with Thea/Ollies relationship as a whole.
I appreciated the stronger focus on characters rather than action, but Olicity really dragged down what could've been a great episode.
Can't believe that we lost Roy for this crap.
Thought the episode was fine. Felicity needs to go though or go back to how she was used before. Which isn't gonna happen so the show will suffer trying to force Felicity stuff.

Great job Arrow you managed to turn a good character that was fine in the role she was to force the shipper crap and hurt the show.

Also I really don't want to see Flash is so much better than Arrow. Let's wait until Flash gets to season 3 and then compare.

Flash is so much better, and that scares me because I really don't want to be in the same place in two years time, looking back on another superhero show I like and wondering where everything went to hell.

The more amusing side is that the Lances were actually great fun to watch this week, it just so happened they weren't on Arrow when it happened. Then again, despite his character being unlikeable as hell, Blackthorne has the juice to elevate the haphazard writing his character is suffering from, and Cassidy has finally been given decent arcs for her character in the latter half of the season, and she's shown that she can deliver when she's given good material to work with.

Honestly, I really hope that Flash can learn from Arrow's mistakes, since it's more my type of show (more light-hearted and jokey) I would hope that it doesn't just do the dumb things that Arrow is currently doing. Also would be nice if Arrow could learn form Arrow's mistakes and next season could get back on track.
It was an ok episode but nothing really got me. I feel like the flashbacks should've been cut entirely from the episode and dedicate the remaining time to Thea along with Thea/Ollies relationship as a whole.

If they gave Oliver more to do with Thea & co. I'm sure Felicity would ruin that somehow
Although glad the band aid was ripped off the will they, won't they crap. Maybe it will be better going forward
I just pray that Felicity isn't featured much in the Spin-Off show featuring the other heroes.

In my honest opinion, we've gotten way more Felicity than we should have. The only thing good about the character is the actress that portrays her.
Flash is so much better, and that scares me because I really don't want to be in the same place in two years time, looking back on another superhero show I like and wondering where everything went to hell.

The more amusing side is that the Lances were actually great fun to watch this week, it just so happened they weren't on Arrow when it happened. Then again, despite his character being unlikeable as hell, Blackthorne has the juice to elevate the haphazard writing his character is suffering from, and Cassidy has finally been given decent arcs for her character in the latter half of the season, and she's shown that she can deliver when she's given good material to work with.

Honestly, I really hope that Flash can learn from Arrow's mistakes, since it's more my type of show (more light-hearted and jokey) I would hope that it doesn't just do the dumb things that Arrow is currently doing. Also would be nice if Arrow could learn form Arrow's mistakes and next season could get back on track.

Flash being better is a matter of opinion. I don't think it's better, I think its meh for a while now.
Although glad the band aid was ripped off the will they, won't they crap. Maybe it will be better going forward

I really hope this episode was them venting it out a bit, because Olicity was pretty much this episode's B-plot. At least next episode doesn't seem to present much opportunity for spending time on Olicity.
I hope we don't have to wait for the dvd to see the cut scene between her and Oliver. It probably was short but I would hope that it would tell us why she stayed back. Having her be absent from Roys departure and Thea's near death experience seems weird.
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I hope we don't have to wait for the dvd to see the cut scene between her and Oliver. It probably was short but I would hope that it would tell us why she stayed back. Having her be absent from Rays departure and Thea's near death experience seems weird.

Ok so after that weird version of what the effect's the pit does when the perso revived & people are foolish enough to stay i the room when they know better to. she jumps out but wasn't able to kill anyone the pit's supposed to give you enhanced strength agility with the immortality lol have be just messed up like always having you be psychotic though for a few days - moths with your judgment really eroded later. the show he freak out but ....

some how after they knocked thea out & she be came a 3-4 year mentally when she woke back up instead of still being psycho? ..... what????

now on the whole felicity thing, I agreed with Diggle when he said "are you out of your mind" drugging Oliver & thinking they could all escape????

when they (Diggle Malcom & Oliver )didn't even escape the last time Malcolm & Diggle were there, they should know .

Malcolm wasn't really his(Ras) right hand ether felicity. he was one of his daughters trainers. But that's it. He may be fabled to some degree, but he had people above him. after Ras.

It's also been year sice he roam the halls there . they would have changed their security they aren't like y'all with the poor security at the Arrow Lair. with the overly easy to hack/ recently break through (even though diggle claim he upgraded the place with Argus security tech ) door. that captain lance's cop proved was a scam it seems . oy that door.

but they went ruin what sense Diggle has when said that to her when he fired his hand gun . he did do some mission's for Argus with his wife the gun happy & blow stuff up & watch people your supposed to protecting be cooked agency.

they're known for it's gun use the anything esle it seems in this show's universe instead of properly doing thing other spy agency's do befor head to gun's .

why is it so hard to pick up a silencer???? At least have a silencer.
you won't let him wear a mask when he should & a silencer is to hard to do also?

I'm sure that's more the writers not thinking straight about what a silent escape is .

well I'll say Matt nable did ok performance wise .
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