BvS Batman v Superman - Reviews Thread [TAG SPOILERS] - Part 1

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I just walked out of the threatre. Screw everyone who Hayes on this, this was a 9 out of 10 for me.
I cursed Zack a few days ago and I take it back, he did amazing! Seriously have not had this much entertainment since Titanic.
Chris, Zack, Henry, Gal, Hans, the CG people, even Amy Adams delivered brilliantly. OMG I literally can't wait for the next DCU film. My gawd AMAZING!
I just walked out of the threatre. Screw everyone who Hayes on this, this was a 9 out of 10 for me.
I cursed Zack a few days ago and I take it back, he did amazing! Seriously have not had this much entertainment since Titanic.
Chris, Zack, Henry, Gal, Hans, the CG people, even Amy Adams delivered brilliantly. OMG I literally can't wait for the next DCU film. My gawd AMAZING!
Glad you liked it as much as me.
After taking some time to think about the movie, I have to say, I cannot believe this was so hated. To get where I'm coming from with this review, I gotta go back a while to explain. It'll seem ranty, but I'll get there.

Was it the greatest movie of all time? Of course not, that's Return of the Jedi. Maybe The Big Lebowski.

I'd say this was an 8 or 9 out of 10 comic book film. Or film in general.

I'm a very harsh critic, and most of the time I walk out of a comic book movie having been entertained and thinking "yeah, that was an alright movie. I really enjoyed certain parts of it." I was actually thrilled by this movie start to finish. For reference, my favorite superhero movies of all time are Batman Begins, Captain America: The First Avenger (and why not throw in the sequel, too.), The Amazing Spider-Man, and Man of Steel. Even with enjoying those films, I feel at certain points the creators don't really understand the source material.

I never listen to critics or fanboys on anything - I fail to see what was so horrible about Age of Ultron, Iron Man 2/3, etc. What got me worried for this movie three years ago was when I had expected a Superman sequel and got told the next movie would be based off The Dark Knight Returns.

Great, my least favorite Batman story, and the one I find to be the most overrated. Not just because I think it does Superman a disservice, but I found it weird, all over the place. Most importantly, it made another of my favorite heroes unlikeable.

Now I get to watch my favorite DC character get his movie hi-jacked by Batman, and even though I like Batman, I was expecting this movie to do a disservice to Superman to prop up Batman. But then trailers began coming out, showing promise of a better story. Snyder said all the right things, like "TDKR is my example of what NOT to do with Superman." Laughing at the idea of Batman ever being able to beat Superman in a fight. My excitement was through the roof.

And then I saw people who liked Man of Steel call BvS a disappointment. Uh-oh. Now I got worried. All I can say is, thank God for lowered expectations, because I walked out of this movie thrilled. I had less problems with this film than I did Man of Steel. Cheif among those were Pa Kent's utterly idiotic death scene (which cemented to me that Zack Snyder really does not understand Superman), and the fact that I felt Clark didn't have enough dialogue.

This movie was engaging from start to finish. It was the fastest two and a half hours I've ever spent in a theater. From the earliest scenes, a smiling Superman, Alfred in a workshop, a fearless Lois Lane who actually investigates things, etc. Already I was having fun. I found that many of the criticisms I had seen on the internet, on this board, especially 4chan, were blatantly untrue.

This was NOT a dark movie. It had high stakes, like many superhero movies. Ultimately far less casualties than some of the recent ones. Superman smiled several times in the movie, his scenes with Lois were heartwarming, humor was sprinkled throughout (and actually funny, unlike most recent movies.)

Zack Snyder apparently realized his mistake with killing off Pa Kent, but it's too little, too late. Another pointless choice that handicaps potential for future films is
their version of Jimmy Olsen being a CIA agent who is killed. They either should have stuck with Jenny being a female Jimmy, or had Clark save this Jimmy as well.
Which is a shame, because Perry and the rest of the Daily Planet on-goings are incredibly fun to watch. He goes out of his way to
explain areas being uninhabited, but it's no more goofy than any other movie or comic that's done the same. It's how these things work.
Certainly nothing to nitpick over, at least not that aspect. At the end of the day, I think Snyder did an alright job directing wise, but I would still rather he be replaced with someone else.

Superman has plenty of doubts and frustration, but really comes into his own at the end of the movie.
"THIS is my world. YOU'RE my world." was one of the best scenes in any comic book movie ever. It places Clark Kent as the true persona above Kal-El and Superman is no longer unsure of what to do - he's willing to die for a world that fears him simply because it's the right thing to do.
Apart from that, he loves his Ma, he loves his girlfriend, he's immediately drops whatever he's doing to fly off and help those in need. I really wish he had more dialogue, and I feel like several scenes would have benefited from him asking a bit more.
I quite enjoyed that he had no problems knocking Doomsday into his own statue - Clark not caring for a monument to him was pretty telling about how good he was.

Unlike TDKReturns, Batman here is actually likeable despite being unhinged. Making his own gear, doing actual detective work, he feels more like what the character has been in the comics. As far as him
killing thugs, I feel that the one he seemingly kills during the Kryptonite chase was strange and I still have qualms about that. Near the end though, I felt Batman was willing to kill because if he didn't save Martha, he believed the world would become what he saw in his vision.
Within the context of the movie, it didn't seem that weird to me. I say that as a person who HATES any kinds of changes from the comics.

Gal Gadot's acting was surprisingly pretty good. Even as someone who says superheroes are far more complex than people think, I don't think it requires serious acting chops to do a good job playing one of them. Rolling her eyes at Lex was hilarious and a good character building moment. Her entrance in the movie was the second coolest thing I've ever seen in a comic movie, and I'm not even a huge WW fan. Her body language during the fight was character building, and showcased her personality, rather than just action for the sake of action.

I disliked Eisenberg's casting from day one. It sucks, because Luthor is my favorite comic book villain and unless drastic changes happen to him in prison character wise, I don't wanna see him show up again later. If he would get cool, calm, and collected rather than eccentric, I'd be fine. I liked the first few scenes with Lex, however, before his dialogue kept becoming cheesier and more poetic, a problem most comic films have when someone like Aunt May, Commissioner Gordon, or Captain America suddenly become philosophers.

As far as the other league members go, I like what Marvel did with building up to the Avengers with a movie for each, but I have zero problem with how the movie teased what was to come for Justice League. I didn't find anything cringeworthy or desperate to catch up to Marvel with how they handled it.

I don't feel that too much was happening in the movie. I felt the acting and writing were well enough that it didn't matter if it was fast or slow paced, like The Dark Knight. Some of the transitions were off and you could tell the movie was trimmed down here and there. The only strange scene transition was into the Knightmare, and immediately following it, but
I think Flash messing with time caused Bruce to remember things in other timelines. Whatever happened, I'm sure it'll be elaborated on. I don't like the implication from the Flash or maybe Bruce's paranoia from what he was told that all it takes for Clark to go off the rails is for Lois or Martha to die, but we know so little about that earth that maybe Darkseid possessed him in his state of despair.

As far as the fight itself, I think it was handled almost perfectly. Clark does indeed
try to reason with Bruce first. Yes they act silly to even fight in the first place, but there has never been a case of superheroes fighting each other, movie or comics where it's believable that they could just act so irrationally. I say that as someone who defends the Civil War comic which is criticized for being poorly thought out and an excuse for heroes to fight eachother. I also hate TDKR and most cases of heroes fighting eachother. The fight does a good job of showcasing that Superman could end it non-lethally at any point, but is holding back to insane degrees to not accidentally turn Batman into an oil slick. Batman's dialogue here is a little tryhard, and next to Lex's rants it's about the only bad dialogue in the film. Surprisingly, the fight doesn't just exist to have Superman get slapped around, and their actions each further the fight. It ends rather quickly before going on too long and having the same problems people criticized Man of Steel for, and going as over the top as it could. Any higher and it would have resulted in Superman pummeling a human and nobody wants that.

Following that is a very exciting resolution to the film and I think it was done far better than anyone could have hoped for given what we knew about the movie. Everyone who's ever picked up a comic knew the film would end with a team-up. It wasn't a movie that tried to cram several stories into one, it was one story that took ideas from several. The ending was powerful despite
it being obvious to anyone that Superman will come back.

I feel like a lot of people's issues could have been solved if they had just paid attention.
"Why did Lois throw the spear into the water?" To get it away from Clark. I don't think her going back for it took up too much time either. That's just one in a sea of nitpicks that I don't get that were made for this film.
Several things on film were not as goofy as they were made out to be in writing, such as the ending of the fight, or Lex's surprise for Senator Finch.

As far as the action in this one, I felt it was less action for the sake of it and more the action all served a purpose.
Superman beating up Doomsday to save Lex, Superman taking Doomsday into space, the nuke setting the stage for a weakened Superman to struggle against Doomsday, Wonder Woman enjoying the fight, WW and Superman working together in smart ways against Doomsday, Batman luring him around to be where he needed, etc. There were less scenes where it was just someone getting knocked around.

As far as things I didn't like, I really didn't like Eisenberg's Lex. I tried not to hate him, but couldn't shake first impressions.
The editing for Flash's first appearance was a little weird. I'm really pissed about Jimmy Olsen. Dialogue is too corny at several parts, and I wish the scenes of Superman saving people weren't spoiled by celebrities talking over them. Batman nearly goes into complete edgy mode near the end of the fight. The first set of henchman we see him apparently kill is strange.

The people I saw it with are harsher critics in some regards, particularly to portrayals of Batman, and even they loved it.

I don't think this was a dark movie, I think it was a movie with a lot of conflict, but less casualties than Man of Steel. In the end, heroes triumph despite their flaws. Superman inspires, people are saved. They did say to view Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and JL as a trilogy in which Superman grows as a character. Far more humor and plenty of heartwarming moments. This is the second film and things can only get brighter from here on out. I still say the movies will be better off without Snyder, but this was a very fun movie.

8/10, or 9/10.

The only "joyless slog" is whoever goes into this movie wanting it to fail.

The movie is a mess. It's like a decent Batman movie continously interrupted by a bad Superman movie. Ben Affleck is a very good Bruce Wayne and looked awesome as Batman but I didn't like his characterization at all. Cavill is completely wasted in the role when he could be great with a script that gets the character of Superman. WW was fine. Lex Luthor was Electro-bad for me. The editing was horrible with bad cuts and many scenes going nowhere. There is no ideological conflict between Batman and Superman. I wanted more interaction of the two. Also I think Superman should have had an epic,inspiring speech at the Senate hearing,it was the perfect opportunity to flesh his character but no,everything gets tied by weak plot devices. Loved Batman's action scenes, Trinity vs Doomsday was underwhelming. DOS came too soon IMO. The Justice League set-ups were far too forced. Loved Irons as Alfred. The action was good.

It's a huge disappointment,I was so hopeful for this movie... it's TASM2 all over again.

The movie is a mess. It's like a decent Batman movie continously interrupted by a bad Superman movie. Ben Affleck is a very good Bruce Wayne and looked awesome as Batman but I didn't like his characterization at all. Cavill is completely wasted in the role when he could be great with a script that gets the character of Superman. WW was fine. Lex Luthor was Electro-bad for me. The editing was horrible with bad cuts and many scenes going nowhere. There is no ideological conflict between Batman and Superman. I wanted more interaction of the two. Also I think Superman should have had an epic,inspiring speech at the Senate hearing,it was the perfect opportunity to flesh his character but no,everything gets tied by weak plot devices. Loved Batman's action scenes, Trinity vs Doomsday was underwhelming. DOS came too soon IMO. The Justice League set-ups were far too forced. Loved Irons as Alfred. The action was good.

It's a huge disappointment,I was so hopeful for this movie... it's TASM2 all over again.

Couldn't disagree more. I thought the film was brilliant. Loved Batman (Frank Miller ftw!) and Superman had an exceptionally good storyline...I have no idea why you didn't like it? It was all about Superman questioning if he can live up to the ideals his father instilled in him, which leads to him having to face his mortality.
I am especially confused about your comment that Batman and Superman had no ideological conflict when a better half of the movie was spent on the subject.

You also missed the point of the senate hearing. That scene was pivotal to the character. When the place blows up Snyder is able to convey so much emotion without a single word. Everyone dead around him. Yet he survived. There was a deep sorrow there not just for the people but for the fact he couldn't join them in death. That those around him would suffer while he remains unscathed. Which is why the final scene with the spear is so essential to his storyline and why he needed to face his mortality.
Does anybody finds it odd that Superman....

is able to survive that court room explosion but dies when gets stabbed by Doomsday?
Does anybody finds it odd that Superman....

is able to survive that court room explosion but dies when gets stabbed by Doomsday?
Completely different scenarios.
You find it odd that a [blackout]relatively small conventional bomb doesn't hurt him but a Kryptonian monstrosity can pierce him, especially aftee he's been weakened by Kryptonite?[/blackout]

Couldn't disagree more. I thought the film was brilliant. Loved Batman (Frank Miller ftw!) and Superman had an exceptionally good storyline...I have no idea why you didn't like it? It was all about Superman questioning if he can live up to the ideals his father instilled in him, which leads to him having to face his mortality.
I am especially confused about your comment that Batman and Superman had no ideological conflict when a better half of the movie was spent on the subject.

You also missed the point of the senate hearing. That scene was pivotal to the character. When the place blows up Snyder is able to convey so much emotion without a single word. Everyone dead around him. Yet he survived. There was a deep sorrow there not just for the people but for the fact he couldn't join them in death. That those around him would suffer while he remains unscathed. Which is why the final scene with the spear is so essential to his storyline and why he needed to face his mortality.

Good for you that you enjoyed it.
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Does anybody finds it odd that Superman....

is able to survive that court room explosion but dies when gets stabbed by Doomsday?

No. Surely you were paying more attention than that...
Can't watch YouTube at work, can someone summarize? Did KS like it?

It's difficult to tell, him and the other dude are being pretty tongue in cheek and facetious all the way through so it's difficult to tell if they're mocking critiques or making one of their own :funny:

It seems he was disappointed mostly and didn't enjoy a lot of aspects at all.
I haven't listened (and probably won't) but it is refreshing that he's being honest if what you say is true.

After all, he did that BluRay special with Snyder and Co. a few years back and also got to see some early stuff.
Like he didn't deserve it.

Keep listening.

Smith trashes the characterization of Batman in this film.

Comparing him to Donald Trump in how stupid his reasoning is. So ultimately he likes Ben, but hates Ben's Batman.

I agree.
Can't watch YouTube at work, can someone summarize? Did KS like it?

No. Neither of them did. Smith does his usual softly, softly approach, but you can tell he wasn't behind it. They couldn't get into it much as they were avoiding spoilers.

He's releasing a Fatman On Batman later with his full spoiler review. I'm very much looking forward to it. He's usually a very positive reviewer of movies, so I'm interested to see if his full take carries on from the tone he talks with on Babble-On.
Keep listening.

Smith trashes the characterization of Batman in this film.

Comparing him to Donald Trump in how stupid his reasoning is. So ultimately he likes Ben, but hates Ben's Batman.

I agree.

The Trump comparison is absolutely on the money.
The Trump comparison is absolutely on the money.

Would have suited Lex better. Very similar to the post-crisis or Clancy Brown Lex.

For shame we're stuck with the terrible Eisenberg version. Mr. Sunday Movies brought up a good point about EisenLex on his podcast today. This version of Lex will never be the saavy and intimidating business tycoon, and never become the US President. So much wasted potential. All because Snyder and WB don't get Superman or his mythology.
You find it odd that a [blackout]relatively small conventional bomb doesn't hurt him but a Kryptonian monstrosity can pierce him, especially aftee he's been weakened by Kryptonite?[/blackout]


Kryptonite radiation also weakens Superman, he is carrying the K-spear, so radiation coming from that affects him and weakens Superman as much, in case of Doomsday, he is stabbed with it which kills him.
Would have suited Lex better. Very similar to the post-crisis or Clancy Brown Lex.

For shame we're stuck with the terrible Eisenberg version. Mr. Sunday Movies brought up a good point about EisenLex on his podcast today. This version of Lex will never be the saavy and intimidating business tycoon, and never become the US President. So much wasted potential. All because Snyder and WB don't get Superman or his mythology.

Call me cynical, but I can easily see this Lex making it to the presidency. :cwink: I have to go again.....

I actually didn't mind Eisenberg as Lex. I thought it was a good idea. It's just where the script took him I had issue with.
Well I just think that an explosion is more fatal than merely a stab to the body.

So, just to confirm...there is no after credits scene. If there is, it would have been discussed all over the net.

Because as the credits were rolling, I actually stay behind till I feel like I don't want to wait anymore and left.
Does anybody finds it odd that Superman....

is able to survive that court room explosion but dies when gets stabbed by Doomsday?

He's weaken by Kryptonite when he's stabbing Doomsday. He's no longer made of steel hence he could get stabbed to death.
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