Best and Worst of Marvel 2007

I think you may have been the only person to read that book. You Jenkins fanboy, you. :o
I think you may have been the only person to read that book. You Jenkins fanboy, you. :o

Exactly, the rest of you are just basing your opinions on nothing! Leave Jenkins alone!

*clutches Inhumans issues*
Inhumans was nothing without the Jae Lee art.

True, but someone had to tell him what to draw, right? Right?:csad:

I love how you think that with a straight face.

It's not that hard, because it's true. People are just feeding off the CW Frontline backlash. WWH: Frontline was not that bad.

Even Bendis has good comics. :o

Had good comics. Had.

I miss Bendis. I want to see him go back to his roots and do some more crime drama.
I think most of us would if it meant getting him off the Avengers.

And Jenkins sucked before Frontline. His Hulk run was crappy, his second Sentry mini-series started good and then sucked ass by the end, and there are probably other instances that I could look up but I won't because it's cold and my hands hurt now. :o
Bendis would be better suited to write Brubaker's Criminal book. :o
lolz, is that any good? I started reading it more for Sean Phillips' art than anything else, but the first arc bored me.
lolz, is that any good? I started reading it more for Sean Phillips' art than anything else, but the first arc bored me.

I never made it past the first issue, myself. It's too boring, and Brubaker writes common thugs as being smarter than they actually are. He seems to think that's the only way of making them interesting.
I guess Rucka brought the gritty street crime stuff to Gotham Central, then.
It's funny because Criminal is lauded by critics and comic professionals, and it's his weakest work this side of UXM.

In your opinion.

I love it, but it's not as good as Sleeper.
Oh, it's a Wildstorm book. I generally tend to stay away from those.

So what's stopping you from seeking out and enjoying Wildstorm books. It's that same attitude that has kept people from reading all those awesome books Image is pumping out.

Granted, the only Wildstorm book I read now is Ex Machina.

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