Best movie twist ending ever?


I'm a photographer
Sep 5, 2004
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What movie do you think has the best ending twist? Like an ending that COMPLETLEY knocks you off guard.
I haven't seen them all, but out of all the movies I've seen, I have to give it to SAW. DAMN that one got me.
Off the top of my head Saw 1 and The sixth sense, even though i overheard a friend of mine talking about the ending before i saw it.
Lucky Number Slevin was pretty good. Of course that was because I went in thinking it was just a black comedy.

Saw was great but went downhill when every movie needs to have the twist at the end. Usual Suspects left me baffled until I watched it again. Cube Zero had a good twist.
SE7EN. It's one of the most emotional and relevant.
Lucky Number Slevin was pretty good. Of course that was because I went in thinking it was just a black comedy.

Saw was great but went downhill when every movie needs to have the twist at the end. Usual Suspects left me baffled until I watched it again. Cube Zero had a good twist.

The Usual Suspect sucks because the twist does not work in the context of the story. When you have a twist that negates the rest of the movie, you have failed. It means the director could not think of a truly shocking ending that worked within the context of the rest of the plot he created, so he makes something that negates the rest of the plot. It is really lazy, when you actually think about it.
The Usual Suspects.

While I did believe there was definitely more going on than we were led to believe, I didn't peg it to end as it did.

Se7en's was damn good too.
Can't leave The Empire Strikes Back off the list!

Agreed about Saw. The first one was very good, and I had totally forgotten about that corpse on the floor by the end. Very well done. Also gotta give some props to the end of The Departed. When that elevator opened and the shooting began, my jaw was dropped until I got home. It just happened so quickly.
The Usual Suspect sucks because the twist does not work in the context of the story. When you have a twist that negates the rest of the movie, you have failed. It means the director could not think of a truly shocking ending that worked within the context of the rest of the plot he created, so he makes something that negates the rest of the plot. It is really lazy, when you actually think about it.

Unreliable narrator. That's why it negates the rest of the movie. You were never supposed to believe the story in the first place.

But I agree, it is lazy and takes away from the rest of the movie. But then again, that's the whole point of the unreliable narrator twist.
The Sixth Sense
The Ring (American Version)
Unbreakable ( Knew he was bad, but damn!)
Unreliable narrator. That's why it negates the rest of the movie. You were never supposed to believe the story in the first place.

But I agree, it is lazy and takes away from the rest of the movie. But then again, that's the whole point of the unreliable narrator twist.

That just seems like a cop-out to me. Like "Haha, now we can do anything, no matter how little sense it makes and if anyone calls us on it we will say 'unreliable narrator'"
I never thought that The Sixth Sense ending was all that spectacular. I saw it coming the whole time. I've argued with my wife about that one a number of times.....

I agree with Empire Strikes Back though... As a 10 year old fan when I saw it, I was flabbergasted..
In a historical context, Empire is easily the best. The problem is, it has become such a fixture in popculture that the twist has been ruined for every generation to watch it but the original.
That just seems like a cop-out to me. Like "Haha, now we can do anything, no matter how little sense it makes and if anyone calls us on it we will say 'unreliable narrator'"

I doubt that the baddest of bad guys would sit around and tell the truth. :whatever:

But I completely understand. Like how the heck would he even get a chance to see the bottom of the coffee cup without arousing suspicion?
In a historical context, Empire is easily the best. The problem is, it has become such a fixture in popculture that the twist has been ruined for every generation to watch it but the original.

Quoted for truth...

Everyone has heard the line "Luke, I am your father" like a billion times.
Spider-man 3: I know its not an amazing film but the way harry died shocked me. Also, that final battle was great. I didnt think they would do it at a construction site but that was a fantastic idea with all the space for airial fighting and the giant sandman.

I Am Legend: I he was done for and then he pulls out that big control thing and BAM! Not the ending but it was part of it

Sweeney Todd: I didnt know anything about sweeney todd until after the movie so i didnt anticipate that ending with toby.

X3: Magneto losing his powers and that dark pheonix part was really shocking and great to me. Love that film *hides*

Juno: Ill try not to ruin it for those who havent seen it but the jennifer garner character's part in the ending is really really heartwarming

These are just SOME of my favorites, definatly not the best lol but they just come to mind immediatley and are a little different then the rest.
Empire Strikes Back. Okay it was a cheat twist, but it made me really freeze at my young age.
Other movies have never really surprised me.
I wouldn't say it's the best, but some of my favorites are Arlington Road and Unbreakable. The only thing about Arlington Road, and just about every other movie I see now with Jeff Bridges, is that I can't get the image of him as Jeffery Lebowski out of my head when I see him on screen. That is how I will always see him in every movie after I watched The Big Lebowski. I hated Smokin Aces but the ending twist was alright.
Empire Strikes Back completely blew me away....

Sixth Sense is a good one

The Color of Money and Road to Perdition were both pretty shocking.....
There's one I forgot, not sure how, but Memento has a great twist ending to it.

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