Best origin film? (UPDATED)

I'm probably going to go with Batman Begins. Or Spiderman (the only Raimi one I really liked)
So I thought of making a poll, but there are just way too many origin films when counting the duds like Steel, Supergirl,, just say your favorite origin this time around, haha.
Still IM1 for me. After that it'd be a tie between STM and CATFA for 2nd with BB 3rd and TASM and Thor a tie after that for 4th place.
I find MoS to be right in between Spider-Man1 and TASM in terms of quality. Roughly about as good as SM2 then.
Still Batman Begins. Followed by MOS. Then IM. Then TASM. Then Thor. Then CA:TFA.
1. X-Men: First Class
2. Spider-Man
3. Iron Man
4. Thor
5. Captain America: The First Avenger
6. The Amazing Spider-Man
7. Daredevil
8. Fantastic Four
9. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
10. Ghost Rider
11. Blade
12. Hulk
13. The Punisher

1. Batman Begins
2. Superman
3. Batman
4. Man of Steel
5. Green Lantern
6. Catwoman
The Avengers (the origin of the Avengers) :D
If I considered Avengers an origin movie then it'd probably be my #2 for sure.
Top Ten:

1. Avengers
2. Batman Begins
3. Iron Man
4. Spider-Man
5. Thor
6. Captain America
7. Superman: The Movie
8. X-Men
9. Batman
10. Man of Steel

EDIT: Knock off Man of Steel and put X-Men First Class between Spidey and Thor if we're counting that movie.
Superman The Movie is still the Gold Standard for origin movies.
Honestly... I gotta go with Man of Steel. i realize Begins is the more quality film, but it didn't hold my attention nearly as much as Man of Steel.

Spider Man
Iron Man
X-Men First Class
Daredevil (Directors cut obviously)
The Amazing Spider-Man
Captain America
Fantastic Four
Green Lantern
It's better without a poll, easier to update opinion later
I still think Batman Begins is my No. 1 origin film
Have not seen Man of Steel yet
Still Batman Begins for me after watching BB recently.

And if I were to give a choice for Marvel, it would be Iron Man.
It's better without a poll, easier to update opinion later

Thanks for the feedback :up:

And yah, that and with there being so many origin films to would be best to just have posters give their views without voting and without anyone arguing over the results, lol.
My head and heart are in disagreement on this one.

The best origin film to me, is probably still BB, with Iron Man in close-second.

My favorite origin is now Man of Steel. Superman is my favorite character and I've waited for so many years to see a version that resembles the one I fell in love with in comics and cartoons. I'm thrilled to now have a cinematic incarnation that comes very close to that, so I can't help but love it to pieces.
My head and heart are in disagreement on this one.

The best origin film to me, is probably still BB, with Iron Man in close-second.

My favorite origin is now Man of Steel. Superman is my favorite character and I've waited for so many years to see a version that resembles the one I fell in love with in comics and cartoons. I'm thrilled to now have a cinematic incarnation that comes very close to that, so I can't help but love it to pieces.

Agree with the bold :up:

It is really a great thing for the demo that wanted to see a Superman that Snyder gave us for MOS. A true Americana Superman(his line about being raised in Kansas to Swanwick was just AMAZING to hear), Cavill bringing all the feels and emotions Superman should have(from fear to humble to brave) and the "controversial" ending...I rather loved [BLACKOUT]because hey, at least this time Superman cried and let out his emotions rather than smirking as he did in Superman II when he killed Zod, lol.[/BLACKOUT]



My favorite origins are the movies where the main protagonist is just as compelling inside the costume as the is outside the costume, the exception being Superman as I think Superman 'the hero' is as dull as dish water but his life as a baby (on Krypton) is pure Sci-Fi and I love Sci-Fi. Also with the exception of Superman I lose a lot of interest when the hero actually 'becomes' the hero and this was especially the case in Batman Begins, I was bored out of my mind for the 3rd act of the movie, the act that should be the most exciting.
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1 Superman
2 Spider-Man
3 Batman Begins
4 Captain America TFA
5 Iron Man

That's my top 5.I'd say TIH is up there.But not sure it qualifies as an origin picture.Same with Thor.Is Thor really an origin film just 'cause it's the first?

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