Black Superheroes Movies - Part 3

Thanks one of things I wanted to avoid was being stereotypical while being true to the origin
Thats cool.

I always thought Luke Cage had one of the more intresting superhero backgrounds. Alot of stuff happens to him before he gets his powers.
So no pimp origins a la Falcon.
Hell no...I wanted to base the characters on real people so once Carl becomes Luke Cage (LC is more of a persona than an actual identity...think of how different Lady Gaga the person is compared to her onstage persona).
So I based Luke Cage on Ray Lewis of the Ravens and Mike Tyson. Ray Lewis brings the flamboyant style of hitting people which you'll need for a superhero in a yellow shirt and Mike Tyson brings the threat of violence. Mike can walk into a room and some people would be afraid of getting punched. Luke Cage becomes a person who implies hitting someone with just a look. Luke Cage becomes a serious muted version of Terry Tate.

One of the biggest departures from the comics is that the Hero for Hire business will take off. In the comics he was always poor and struggling. I think if someone was a legitimately superhero offering their services to paying customers that would become successful very quickly. He wont become a billionaire but he wont be poor either. Cage will make a name for himself to the point that he'll appear in rap videos, commercials....this will also translate into the actual marketing of the film (I was thinking a little too far ahead). Cage could do Subway commercials, market his brand into urban gear and even energy drinks anything that wants a piece of this movie. The trailers could even be a commercial for his Hero for Hire.
So basically Luke Cage would pull a Micheal Clarke Duncan or Mr T and go from Bodyguard to celebrity in their own right
Wow Roach,

I've been reading your ideas for Luke Cage. I like it very much. It flows. It makes sense and it seems to show some of Cage's humanity. He just wouldn't be a jive talking, cool pose, thug or brute. He would be a character with hopes, dreams, a person who was cheated out of those, someone that people would sympathize with and root for.

Looking forward to reading more.
Hell no...I wanted to base the characters on real people so once Carl becomes Luke Cage (LC is more of a persona than an actual identity...think of how different Lady Gaga the person is compared to her onstage persona).
So I based Luke Cage on Ray Lewis of the Ravens and Mike Tyson. Ray Lewis brings the flamboyant style of hitting people which you'll need for a superhero in a yellow shirt and Mike Tyson brings the threat of violence. Mike can walk into a room and some people would be afraid of getting punched. Luke Cage becomes a person who implies hitting someone with just a look. Luke Cage becomes a serious muted version of Terry Tate.

One of the biggest departures from the comics is that the Hero for Hire business will take off. In the comics he was always poor and struggling. I think if someone was a legitimately superhero offering their services to paying customers that would become successful very quickly. He wont become a billionaire but he wont be poor either. Cage will make a name for himself to the point that he'll appear in rap videos, commercials....this will also translate into the actual marketing of the film (I was thinking a little too far ahead). Cage could do Subway commercials, market his brand into urban gear and even energy drinks anything that wants a piece of this movie. The trailers could even be a commercial for his Hero for Hire.

Then we can get that scene in the trailer interspersed between action sequences where some old black man/woman says something to him like, "There's more to being a hero for your people than just doing heroic things, boy. It's what you make of yourself", or something like that.
I can picture all of that working welll in a film.Too bad it didn't work out.It sounds great roach.
well during the rewrite I had changed Carl from a football player to a a child Stryker and he broke into an old gym and tried to steal some of the old trophies...and old trainer stops them and sees something in Carl. He begins training Carl as a boxer and this is what takes Carl off the streets. He tells Carl that all it takes to inspire people is the heart of a champion and retold a story of how Joe Louis inspired people when he became the Champ. This would go into what inspires Carl to create Cage....during the course of the story the old man would die when Carl is incarcerated.

this setback has inspired me to go forward and while I may not write Luke Cage I am gonna try to pull a Kevin Tancharoen and try to direct it. Im meeting with several people out here to do short film trailers based on characters.....Luke Cage is one...Black Panther is another
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I think Carl Lucas being a boxer makes sense as he was known for being good with his fists and preferred using them than knives like Stryker.
well during the rewrite i had changed carl from a football player to a a child stryker and he broke into an old gym and tried to steal some of the old trophies...and old trainer stops them and sees something in carl. He begins training carl as a boxer and this is what takes carl off the streets. He tells carl that all it takes to inspire people is the heart of a champion and retold a story of how joe louis inspired people when he became the champ. This would go into what inspires carl to create cage....during the course of the story the old man would die when carl is incarcerated.

This setback has inspired me to go forward and while i may not write luke cage i am gonna try to pull a kevin tancharoen and try to direct it. Im meeting with several people out here to do short film trailers based on characters.....luke cage is panther is another

Wow Roach,

I've been reading your ideas for Luke Cage. I like it very much. It flows. It makes sense and it seems to show some of Cage's humanity. He just wouldn't be a jive talking, cool pose, thug or brute. He would be a character with hopes, dreams, a person who was cheated out of those, someone that people would sympathize with and root for.

Looking forward to reading more.

well during the rewrite I had changed Carl from a football player to a a child Stryker and he broke into an old gym and tried to steal some of the old trophies...and old trainer stops them and sees something in Carl. He begins training Carl as a boxer and this is what takes Carl off the streets. He tells Carl that all it takes to inspire people is the heart of a champion and retold a story of how Joe Louis inspired people when he became the Champ. This would go into what inspires Carl to create Cage....during the course of the story the old man would die when Carl is incarcerated.

this setback has inspired me to go forward and while I may not write Luke Cage I am gonna try to pull a Kevin Tancharoen and try to direct it. Im meeting with several people out here to do short film trailers based on characters.....Luke Cage is one...Black Panther is another

This is solid too! Good luck on the film trailers. But I was thinking that you might want to take what you got here and make an original character for a comic or novel. With some tweaks it could be a different character. It worked the 50 Shades of Gray author.
It is something I am thinking about
Dude, solid stuff. I'm really sorry you didn't get a chance to write this, is there no more chances for this? Either way, dude, I hope you can get a shot at directing this, and/or writing Black Panther. I'd love to see what you come up with. :)
More than likely because he's not stereotypical enough. They won't outright say it, but that's more than likely why they chose not to use it.
Actually it had more to do with my ex-agent being in way too over his head

I have a few ideas for Marvel so we'll see I was working on a Namor script before this and as I said I am in the middle of making short films based on Cage and BP.
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Yeah, and that.
Hell if there was a 04 era Luke Cage Fox Studios movie we would be watching Cage played by 50 Cent face off against Black Mariah played by Tyler Perry


I've got a expanded update to Luke Cage origin that I might post.
Roach did you find it difficult writing Cage? Like did you want him to stray far away from any kind of stereotype but felt that some might have been necessary in order to sell the script?

And this may be off topic but how do you go about selling a script based on already copyrighted characters? Do you just just write it and push it without worrying about the legal matters or does your agent worry about all of that?
Its funny that Luke Cage gets called a thug and stereotype for being a gang leader as a teenager yet Ben Grimm (The Thing) was also a gang leader as a teenager yet he doesn't get any of the negative association that Cage gets.
You already know why.

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