Black Superheroes Movies - Part 1

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So I hear Jessica Jones is getting show called Aka Jessica Jones which is in developme4nt now for ABC. So does anybody think Luke Cage will make guest a appearance ?

They specifically mentioned Luke Cage and Carol Danvers as supporting cast for that show. It is more likely that the inclusion of Luke Cage will cause the show to not get picked up or ordered rather than he be replaced with a Channing Tatum wannabe. (And, honestly, who would wanna be Channing Tatum?)


Question: What would be a realistic budget for a Black Panther film to get its money back?

Question: Should the first Black Panther film be set in Wakanda exclusively?
Black Panther could work on a budget anywhere between $80 million which is still rather low for a superhero movie

Iron Man cost $140 million. A good director like Guillermo Del Toro could do it for less (he did Hellboy for $66 million)

Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengence has a $50 million budget which is incredibly low. The first Ghost Rider cost $110 million to make.

Marvel will probably do what they did with Thor have part of it set in Wakanda part set in America like they did with Asgard
They specifically mentioned Luke Cage and Carol Danvers as supporting cast for that show. It is more likely that the inclusion of Luke Cage will cause the show to not get picked up or ordered rather than he be replaced with a Channing Tatum wannabe. (And, honestly, who would wanna be Channing Tatum?)


Question: What would be a realistic budget for a Black Panther film to get its money back?

Question: Should the first Black Panther film be set in Wakanda exclusively?

The budget should be a least 80 to 100 million...second it should be Wakanda, New York then back to Wakanda:o
I'm gonna say no just because I've always hated that name. It's unfair for me to say that, but ugh....that name.

I see...well there is no way to get around the name:o
I third the budget of $80-100 million. What would keep it from an Iron Man or Thor budget is the fact that Black Panther isn't a big name, and there aren't that many black actors in Hollywood that have been given a chance to sell. I can see the concept doing well and selling around $100-120 million here if the movie looks good, but I wouldn't set up a huge budget because it would make it harder to succeed.

As far as setting goes I would have it 80% in Wakanda, 20% in America. He'd first be in America graduation college or speaking with Nick Fury. A few times in the movie he would go to the United Nations, or talk to Iron Man about something. Beyond that though I want most things to go down in Wakanda.
They specifically mentioned Luke Cage and Carol Danvers as supporting cast for that show. It is more likely that the inclusion of Luke Cage will cause the show to not get picked up or ordered rather than he be replaced with a Channing Tatum wannabe. (And, honestly, who would wanna be Channing Tatum?)


Question: What would be a realistic budget for a Black Panther film to get its money back?

Question: Should the first Black Panther film be set in Wakanda exclusively?

Thanks for the info

A BP movie should have a budget of around 150-180 million. My reasoning is that number one Marvel is now under Disney which is a big budget studio. If you look at what Warner brothers typically spends on a summer tent pole flick 150 million is a reasonable number. They recently spent 200 million on that debacle that is Green Lantern and 250 million on Superman Returns. Oddly the Nolan films Batman Begins 150 budget and The Dark Knight 185 million is the lowest.

Secondly I think BP should briefly be set in any other location then Wakanda. BP doesn't really need to even go to the states because as good a school Harvard or Princeton is there other universities such as Cambridge or Oxford who could serve the same purpose in the context of a story.If there is any ties to the Avengers Nicky Fury or Agent Coulson could hop on a plane to Wakanda.
You don't need anywhere near that much money for a BP movie.
Yeah BP doesnt need to be that expensive

AS far as how much time is spent in America Im not sure. I think the 80/20 idea is good
I think its about the scope of a movie that should determine its budget. A more intimate story will cost less then a globe hopping film.

Now the issue of Marvel creating new/using old black characters. The problem is too many characters are based off the blaxploitation era. Now of course they can be updated. I support this but you have to ask yourself. Would you buy a Spiderman/x-men/ff/thor issue over Powerman/Luke Cage? Also its hard to not notice the one black guy in a all white team(of powerhouses).
The whole thing is a catch-22, as with the exception of a few, a lot of the black characters in circulation were pretty much of the exploitation campy type or are just side characters nowadays, yet giving the mantle of a popular character to someone black nowadays just angers the fanbase.
You don't need anywhere near that much money for a BP movie.

I don't think so I've been doing some research and according to my research it took an average of 105 million to make a movie in 2007. I got those numbers from an article in the LA times. Those numbers are not genre specific, seasonal specific, or anything just a general movie. So one would assume a tent pole project in the summer should be around 40-50 million times larger.
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The whole thing is a catch-22, as with the exception of a few, a lot of the black characters in circulation were pretty much of the exploitation campy type or are just side characters nowadays, yet giving the mantle of a popular character to someone black nowadays just angers the fanbase.

Which is why I'm in favor of taking the old campy blaxploitation characters and giving them a modern update over just making a black version of already popular white superheroes.

We know what Bendis has done with Cage or Mike Carey on X-Men Legacy taking a minor Apocalypse henchwoman Frenzy from the 80s and turning her into a hero X-Men like Claremont did with Rogue.

All it takes is a writer to take an intrest in a old black Superhero or villain character and give them a retool.
I don't think so I've been doing some research and according to my research it took an average of 105 million to make a movie in 2007. I got those numbers from an article in the LA times. Those numbers are not genre specific, seasonal specific, or anything just a general movie. So one would assume a tent pole project in the summer should be around 40-50 million times larger.

Scott Pilgrim cost 80 mil to make, and that movie had 10 times the special effects a BP film would have. Simply put, you could get it done for 50.

What did the five fingers say to the face? "Hulk smash!"
Scott Pilgrim cost 80 mil to make, and that movie had 10 times the special effects a BP film would have. Simply put, you could get it done for 50.

I certainly hope not...
Come on man, they used special effects for just walking down the street in that movie. I'd say the majority of the effects would come from maybe BP climbing on s**t, maybe some Vibraniam Daggers, and Klaw. (If he's in the movie and he f**king better be! :argh:)
If they shoot on location in a section of Africa and just CG the more technical parts of the nation, then yeah. I seriously doubt it could cost them that much to shoot there, unless the local government is just *******s about it.
Or you could go shoot in the Mojave and call it Africa.
Scott Pilgrim cost 80 mil to make, and that movie had 10 times the special effects a BP film would have. Simply put, you could get it done for 50.

You could make it for less hell you could make a BP movie and put it on SyFy Saturday movies. However if your looking for a runaway blockbuster which I assume everyone wants. Then like the saying goes "You gotta spend money, to make money".Movies with 50million budgets have lesser quality special affects and next to zero marketing.
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