Clark or Conner

Sep 23, 2004
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For those of you that read the comics who do you think SV Clark acts more like?

I saw Conner I mean they way they have written him is more or less like SV Clark then the way we have seen Clark to be. I mean if you look at it and read TT Conner's life is more like the SV one then Superman thats just what I thik though.
Also another good example is Conner and Cassie love life is mor like SV Clark and Lana then what Clark and Lana's really was. Remember Conner left Cassie because he was afraid of hurting her and their first time was like Clark and Lana's first time as well.
Also if you read the comics Conner was also running away from what he really was till he learned how to deal with it and step up and move on. Plus Cyborg and Bart dont help to much.
I don't really know about comics but I don't want you to have to make it a quadruple post :)
Dude Conner is a badass. He has too much of Lex in him.

SV Clark wishes he had Lex in him.
LOL that is true Conner would put the fear of God into SV Clark. But I still think SV Clark is more or less Conner because if you also look at it everything from SV mostly happens to Conner then Superman.
Crisis Superman said:
Dude Conner is a badass. He has too much of Lex in him.

SV Clark wishes he had Lex in him.

So does SV Lana....................

wait for it.......................

wait for it......................

Tony_Montana said:
Also another good example is Conner and Cassie love life is mor like SV Clark and Lana then what Clark and Lana's really was. Remember Conner left Cassie because he was afraid of hurting her and their first time was like Clark and Lana's first time as well.

At least conner demonstrated his reasoning. Man took down the titans like they were nothin.

But yeah this clark on smallville acts like conner without frekin balls.
He also took out the Outsiders and had the guts to shoot Superman in the back with his heat vision
Kane said:
Dude Conner is a badass. He has too much of Lex in him.

SV Clark wishes he had Lex in him

I knew they were gay for each other, aye no homo and no brokeback pause.
Youtube be hating they took 3 of my Kreuk videos off too (when she was on Conan, the nickelodeon backstage visit to Smallville and when she was on Regis and Kelly) after there on there for like 3 months and I had to re-create an account. There's a lot cool stuff on youtube too so I hope they dont take it down, I'mma start DLing it oo
I would like to see Tom Welling in the Black/Red Superman shirt Connor wears at least once before Smallville ends. I think that would be cool if they could work it out. It could be like his first attempt at a costume or something.
Ironically if you do that, SNL/NBC would be the first to order it to be taken off youtube
If it comes down to Clark is on his own end of the spectrum on SV. He's all for Lana and that's it.

Connor at least had more depth and development then SV Clark could ever muster in one episode.
TwilightPro101 said:
If it comes down to Clark is on his own end of the spectrum on SV. He's all for Lana and that's it.

Connor at least had more depth and development then SV Clark could ever muster in one episode.
I do agree there
Conner would sacrifice himself for everyone. Unless its lana sv clark will blaim it on everyone gets jurt because of me.

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