Create the story for the G.I. Joe movie


May 4, 2002
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Hi everybody. I've been thinking a lot lately about the upcoming G.I. Joe movie and what its story might be given what we know. I was also thinking about ways to make the story a 'modern telling' without sacrificing what made the series so memorable to those of us fans who grew up with it and the accompanying figures, and decided to put the issue to you guys. How would you 're-imagine' G.I. Joe as a 'modern telling' without losing any of the things that made the animated series, comics, etc. so cool and keeping in mind that Destro and The Baroness need to be the 'public faces' of Cobra with Cobra Commander in a 'Palpatine'-style role and the Drednoks hanging around as 'mercenaries'?
Here's what I'd do:

The year is 2008 and it is a normal day of hustle-and-bustle in NY. Tourists stand outside the Statue of Liberty. Inside, a tour guide takes a group of people through the monstrous structure. They reach the top of the monument only to discover it is wired with a ton of explosives. KABOOM!!! The Statue of Liberty is rubble.
Meanwhile, in Hollywood, things are in full action. A half Japanese/half Korean stuntman(Quick Kick) talks with a couple friends. Suddenly, KABOOM!!! The Hollywood sign is blown to smithereens.

All the top american defense agencies go to defcon-1. The President and his cabinet are all alerted. The military is in code-red as the government tries to figure out what the hell is happening. An address to the nation is forthcoming.

During the presidents address to the nation the satellite feed is intercepted and a new address is broadcast. However, this address is a global one.

The President and media can only stop and listen, for no one is listening to them. He is on every station, on every channel, in every country. He is... Cobra Commander.

"For yearsss... for yearsss my cohortsss and I have sssat back and watched the ruling elitistsss of the world impose their will upon the world. For yearsss we have watched billionsss of you sssubmit and give in without ssso much as a fight! NOW! Now your unchallenged leadersss have gotten lazy and unaccustomed to real challenge. They are unfit to lead you and they are unfit to represssent usss!!" The world can only watch in horror.

"The age of nationsss is over! America isss dead!! Thisss isss the NEW WORLD ORDER!!! Thisss isss COBRA!!!" Fear overcomes a great portion of the world. "I am COBRA COMMANDER and I am the leader of COBRA. Resssissstenccce is futile for we have amassed an army larger and more advanced than any to ever walk the earth." He points at the camera ala Uncle Sam. "What we want isss complete and total control of you!!!" The screen cuts to fuzz.

The government realizes they are against an unstoppable, unlocateable force. They realize they
are going to lose so they decide it is time for drastic measures. They reach wayback, deep into the governments playbook for this one. The file is so old it's an actual file, not a tape or cd. The file even has some dust on it.

Deep inside an unknown, secluded government office the book on G.I. Joe is opened...

-Back in 1972, shortly after the Vietnam War the American government saw it was becoming possible for an army to be assembled without a nation or country backing it. They could simply build themselves on the move, not obeying the laws of combat and war, and basically conquer the world. They decided to form a special organization with stopping this potential rogue force as their primary objective. They were not going to use standard G.I.'s for this group though. The operatives they used were programmed and trained to a tee, so much to the point that they had towns built around them. Their families, schools, friends, and jobs were all part of their programming/training. All in all, their were 250 operatives and each of these operatives had a special codename.-

Without further delay, the government called in operatives 1, 2, 3, and 4. General Joseph B. Colton, Vice Admiral Everett P. Colby, General Lawrence J. Flagg, and Lt. General Clayton M. Abernathy. The men are briefed in an unusual manner and given the codenames they were born to have. Lt. General Abernathy is HAWK, Vice Admiral Colby is KEEL-HAUL, General Flagg is GENERAL FLAGG, and General Colton is G.I. JOE.

Hawk proceeds with his duty of forming the next level of the team. He brings in the operatives known as STALKER, SNAKE EYES, DUKE, and ROADBLOCK. Duke and Roadblock assist in forming the next unit of the team; SCARLETT, BREAKER, GRUNT, ROCK-N-ROLL, SHORT FUSE, GRAND SLAM, FLASH, ZAP, STEELER, and CLUTCH.

The group bases it's H.Q. out of what is known to most as area-51. To them, it is known simply as 'The Pit.' It is from here that they begin their battle against Cobra.

Cobra decides it is time to show the world the power of it's fully operational army via another broadcast. This broadcast is conducted as a duet by JAMES MCCULLEN DESTRO XXIV and ANASTASIA "THE BARONESS" DECOBRAY.

Destro goes on to explain how he financed the entire army with the Baroness as his assistant, and what an army it is. Destro actually tells the viewers "This is an army as impressive as the ficticous ones of the infamous Star Wars movies. Only this one, IS REAL!" The Baroness then states how they are basically in charge of the world now and what they say goes.

Their first rule to be implemented is the taking down of all flags and the rising of only one flag across the world - The Cobra Flag. Each nation has been sent a special Cobra flag to rise in it's capital. Anyone caught flying a non-Cobra flag will be executed on the spot.

The 13 G.I. Joe operatives are at a bit of a standstill. They must lead. No one is telling them how to defeat Cobra, they must simply do it. Tensions are rising for they are not up to the task. That is, until they get some needed help and guidance...

Hawk arrives on scene and takes charge. Hawk introduces Duke as the new field commander. Along with Duke, as always, is Roadblock. They are not alone though. With them are the ops known as FLINT, LADY JAYE, GUNG HO, SHIPWRECK, ACE, COVER GIRL, SNOW JOB, SPIRIT, DUSTY, RECONDO, DOC, MUTT,

This is the group that Hawk simply refers to as... The Specialists.

"Am I getting paid for this" says Shipwreck.

Covergirl scowls "You Jerk!"

"No, seriously - am I getting paid for this???"

"Knock this **** off!" barks Hawk.

"We're not here to play. You troops weren't made for that. You were made for this. Your families, friends, past experiences - they're not real. This is your reality. Everything in your life was standard government issued. And now, it's time for the United States of America to give the world it's greatest government issued equipment in what is it's darkest hour. It's time for the world to get AMERICA'S G.I. JOE'S."
That is 33 GI JOE characters right there:
(in order of appearance)
Gen. Joe Colton
Gen. Flagg
Snake Eyes
Grand Slam
Lady Jaye
Gung Ho
Snow Job
Wild Bill

33 AND I can work them all in. Not to mention are the Cobra's I've worked in thusfar...

Cobra Commander

Should I introduce Zartan and the Dreadnocks now?
So as to not overthink it, the birth of the COBRA organization, the world creates an elite organization to battle them. Subplots involving various team members from COBRA and Joe are sprinkled throughout the film.
So as to not overthink it, the birth of the COBRA organization, the world creates an elite organization to battle them. Subplots involving various team members from COBRA and Joe are sprinkled throughout the film.

Yeah, that's about it. But you just summed up about probably 50% of the movies ever made too.

Bad guys arise, good guys arise, the fun ensues. What movie does that sound like?
My Take on G.I. JOE.....(Warning, a long read that won't read great cause I'm not a writer but it is a general outline of what I would do If I where to make a GI JOE film which is the point of the thread)

Act One - Duke is Born (15 mins long)
Movie starts with a mission briefing to some US Marines. They are being sent to Afghan to squash a new terrorist group, that the US Government has no info on except for satellite pictures that show a base of operations. Action starts. The mission goes bad right of the bat. Marines are dieing as the Terrorist group(all wearing black outfits with a red painted Cobra on the chest) is larger then they thought. Then a single Marine takes the mission in his own hands. Conrad S. Hauser a blue eyed, blond haired kid(really 29 yrs old) from St. Louis, Missouri. Steps up his game, single handed defeats the terrorist group and saving a few of his friends lives. The Marines then find a weapons shipment and manifest that shows the shipment coming from Scotland, and plans to steal a Nuclear device from a US submarine. As the small group returns to the US, Conrad is given the Medal of Honors. The scene then switches back to a small Afghan town wear a Solider of the Terrorist group is being help, he is injured, his face is scarred. He plans for retribution on the US Government.
Act Two - G.I. HOOOOOO! (10 mins long)
Conrad has been summon to see Major General Clayton Abernathy. In this meeting Conrad is told that a US Submerine has been Hi-Jack and some Nuclear materials were stolen. It is known that it was the same terrorist group that Conrad had help defeat, and their only lead is the ship manifest that shows Scotland shipping this group weapons. Conrad is asked if he would like to help Clayton run a new Elite Anti-Terrroist Group code named G.I. Joe. Conrad accepts. The next scene would show Abernathy introducing Conrad to this new group as their second in command. This is a small group of seven(including Clayton and Conrad). Abernathy debriefs them on their current mission to Callander, Scotland. Abernathy then tells why this group is needed(cue emotional patriotic speech). Then they are given Code Names. Conrad is given the name Duke. We then meet Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, Flint, Stalker, Lady Jaye and Clayton is Hawk. They are shown entering an air-carrier called the USS FLAGG(A fictional vechicle that is would be a larger more armed version of this helicopter
Act Three - Meet Destro(40 mins Long)
USS FLAGG approaches Destro castle, Duke with is Binoculars sees the Guards wearing the same uniforms as the Afghan terrorist. They touch down a few miles away and set-up camp and make a plan. Stalker(communications expert) and Hawk remain at the camp as Duke serves as Field leader. Snake-Eyes and Lady Jaye are sent to scout the interior of the castle as they are the Covert specialist. Duke, Flint and Scarlett start taking out Guards that Patrol the outside of the Castle.
After the Guards are taken down, Snake-Eyes never reports back. Lady - Jaye tells the Joe's (over comm links) that he split and went to investigate the castle solo. Hawk sends the Joe's to find him. As they are sneaking in Scarlett sets off an alarm, cue big Action scene. 4 Joe's versus a countless horde of Cobra Vipers. The Joe's get bottlenecked into the Throne room where they seal off the door. Here they now see Snake Eyes Shackled and held with a Katana blade to his throat by a Ninja dressed in White. A tall figure emerges from behind the throne, wearing a Mask made of Iron(kind of like this but more evil looking). He introduces himself as Destro and introduces his Accountant the Baroness who is holding an AK-47 toward them. Then then asks them to stay awhile(kind of a old-bond villain feel) and a group of Night Creepers drops down behind the Joe's and Knocks them out.
Act Four - Storm Shadow vs Snake Eyes(20mins long)
The Joe's awaken in Jail cells. Hawk and Stalker are there but Snake Eyes seems to be missing. Hawk and Duke try to come up with a plan. Scene switches to a roof top. Snake Eyes and the White Ninja are there. They talk about there past. As Snake Eyes is about to call him Thomas Arash...Snake Eyes is interrupted, the White Ninja tells him he is now called Storm Shadow, and he hasn't gone by that old name for a long time. Storm Shadow tells Snake Eyes that he is on the roof for one reason so that he can exact revenge. Flashback a few years prior and we see Storm Shadow catching Snake Eyes above his dead master(yes, I reverse it). Strom Shadow gives Snake Eyes a sword and they fight. The fight goes for a long time, Snake Eyes tries to plead with him saying he didn't kill his master. The Fight ends with Storm Shadow falling off the roof. Snake Eyes peers over the ledge to see the body on the ground but sees nothing, Storm Shadow has vanished. Snake Eyes goes into the castle to free the Joe's. On his way there he eaves drops on Destro having a coverstation with what seems to be his boss, Destro refers to him as Cobra Commander. CC tells Destro to ship the Device to New York, and wire Grand Central Station to blow. Destro shuts off communication and tells the Baroness to kill the Joe's as he leaves for America. Snake Eyes takes off.
Act Five - the rescue(10mins long)
The six Joe's still planning, hear a noise. Snake Eyes appears and opens their cells. Duke wants an explanation, but no time as the Baroness arrive. The Joe's take on her Vipers, as Lady Jaye matches off against Baroness. Lady J wins and the Joe's head off. Snake Eyes tells them the plans he overheard. They make for the USS FLAGG, and take off. Duke again wants an explanation from Snake Eyes, and all he can get from Snake Eyes "I had to deal with something from my past", Duke knows to leave him alone. Hawk calls the Pentagon for reinforcements at Grand Central Station, an he finds that Cobra is already there with Hostages, a bomb and are asking for 10 billion dollars, also the President is Visiting New York, but they have him Guarded in the Presidential suite of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel . The Joe's are sent in to disarm the bomb and free the Hostages.
Act Six - secret railway(30mins long)
USS FLAGG lands on the roof to Grand Central. Stalker hacks into it's computer mainframe. Hawk stays with Stalker to help the Joe's thru thier comm links. And the five Joe's enter GCS through the roof top entrance.
They find the hostages in the GCS main concourse. All tied. They can Vipers still wiring the place. They Act. They kill all visible Vipers. And secure the main concourse, and sent the Hostages free. It was all too easy. Destro appears with his Night Creepers and Storm Shadow. He tells them the bomb is not in Grand Central Station and that they are foolish. Destro leaves and a fight ensues. Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow match off for part two of their fight. Flint, Lady Jaye and Scatlett tell Duke to follow Destro as they hold off the night creepers. Duke follows Destro to a secret railway underneath the GCS. There he sees a small bomb being loaded on a train. He sneaks on the train in the last car before the train leaves the station. The fight ends in the main concourse. Only Snake Eyes continues to battle. He tells the others not to interfere. As he has Storm Shadow on the ground and appearing to have victory, Storm Shadow throws a Grenade towards the Joe's Snake Eyes looks away from Strom Shadow to see the grenade go off with a blinding light. As Snake Eyes gets his vision back Storm Shadow is gone, it was only a flash grenade.
Act Seven - Duke vs Destro(45mins long)
Duke makes his way, car to car, taking out any Vipers he comes across. He reaches the middle car of the train and meets Destro, Destro introduces Duke to his new Guard Overkill(who would look like this 4/batwave4-1.jpg but reverse the reds and blues, and instead of the silver metallic parts make it gold), stating he is an expensive experiment that Cobra wants to build more off cause he is too efficient in his job but can't due to cost, Destro Leaves Duke and Overkill to set up the bomb when they reach their destination. Overkill wakes up and attacks Duke. Duke is outmatched by Overkill's Strength. He tricks Overkill to throw a punch which Duke ducks out of the way, Overkill ends up with an arm out of a window, Duke then picks him off the ground and sends Overkill threw the window underneath the train where he is crushed. Duke catches his breath when the train stops. He sees the Vipers and Destro get off the train with the bomb. He follows fighting the Vipers as he goes up this spiral staircase. At the end he appears to be in the Waldorf-Astoria. Destro and his Vipers get on an elevator and Duke follows by taking the stairs. Duke makes it to the Presidential Suite to find Vipers tying the President and his family to the Bomb. Destro sends his remaining Vipers to attack Duke but are quickly handled. Destro then goes Hand to Hand against Duke as the US President watches on. The fight is fierce, Duke is exhausted from all the events giving Destro a clear advantage. As Destro gets the upper hand and Duke is laying on the ground, the two in front of a large window. As Destro pulls out a gun a large aircraft appears from the window, it's the USS FLAGG, it's guns roar as thousand bullets soar per second Killing Destro and because it's a movie Duke and the President are fine, and Scarlett defuses the bomb.
Act Eight - The End(5mins long)
GI JOE should end with a Star Wars ending where the President thanks the Joe's for saving his life as well the countless others of New York, and give all the Joe's medals. The final scene should show Cobra Commander with a living Baroness looking over a product line that is constructing BATS( the black ones).
the End.
Total run time 2hrs and 35mins long.

Cobra Commander - Viggo Mortensen
Duke - Wentworth Miller
Hawk - Harrison Ford
Snake Eyes - Tomas Jane
Lady Jaye - still deciding on
Scarlett - still deciding on
Flint - still deciding on
Destro - Gerald Butler
the Baroness - ?
Cobra Vipers/Night Creepers - UFC Fighters
Overkill - Tyler Mane(NO dialog)
the chick that played jean grey for Baroness

J-Lo for Lady Jaye

that guy from alvin and the chickmunks for Shipwreck.

[sarcasm][Serpentor]This I command!!!! [/Serpentor][/sarcasm]
My Take on G.I. JOE.....(Warning, a long read that won't read great cause I'm not a writer but it is a general outline of what I would do If I where to make a GI JOE film which is the point of the thread)

Act One - Duke is Born (15 mins long)
Movie starts with a mission briefing to some US Marines. They are being sent to Afghan to squash a new terrorist group, that the US Government has no info on except for satellite pictures that show a base of operations. Action starts. The mission goes bad right of the bat. Marines are dieing as the Terrorist group(all wearing black outfits with a red painted Cobra on the chest) is larger then they thought. Then a single Marine takes the mission in his own hands. Conrad S. Hauser a blue eyed, blond haired kid(really 29 yrs old) from St. Louis, Missouri. Steps up his game, single handed defeats the terrorist group and saving a few of his friends lives. The Marines then find a weapons shipment and manifest that shows the shipment coming from Scotland, and plans to steal a Nuclear device from a US submarine. As the small group returns to the US, Conrad is given the Medal of Honors. The scene then switches back to a small Afghan town wear a Solider of the Terrorist group is being help, he is injured, his face is scarred. He plans for retribution on the US Government.
Act Two - G.I. HOOOOOO! (10 mins long)
Conrad has been summon to see Major General Clayton Abernathy. In this meeting Conrad is told that a US Submerine has been Hi-Jack and some Nuclear materials were stolen. It is known that it was the same terrorist group that Conrad had help defeat, and their only lead is the ship manifest that shows Scotland shipping this group weapons. Conrad is asked if he would like to help Clayton run a new Elite Anti-Terrroist Group code named G.I. Joe. Conrad accepts. The next scene would show Abernathy introducing Conrad to this new group as their second in command. This is a small group of seven(including Clayton and Conrad). Abernathy debriefs them on their current mission to Callander, Scotland. Abernathy then tells why this group is needed(cue emotional patriotic speech). Then they are given Code Names. Conrad is given the name Duke. We then meet Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, Flint, Stalker, Lady Jaye and Clayton is Hawk. They are shown entering an air-carrier called the USS FLAGG(A fictional vechicle that is would be a larger more armed version of this helicopter
Act Three - Meet Destro(40 mins Long)
USS FLAGG approaches Destro castle, Duke with is Binoculars sees the Guards wearing the same uniforms as the Afghan terrorist. They touch down a few miles away and set-up camp and make a plan. Stalker(communications expert) and Hawk remain at the camp as Duke serves as Field leader. Snake-Eyes and Lady Jaye are sent to scout the interior of the castle as they are the Covert specialist. Duke, Flint and Scarlett start taking out Guards that Patrol the outside of the Castle.
After the Guards are taken down, Snake-Eyes never reports back. Lady - Jaye tells the Joe's (over comm links) that he split and went to investigate the castle solo. Hawk sends the Joe's to find him. As they are sneaking in Scarlett sets off an alarm, cue big Action scene. 4 Joe's versus a countless horde of Cobra Vipers. The Joe's get bottlenecked into the Throne room where they seal off the door. Here they now see Snake Eyes Shackled and held with a Katana blade to his throat by a Ninja dressed in White. A tall figure emerges from behind the throne, wearing a Mask made of Iron(kind of like this but more evil looking). He introduces himself as Destro and introduces his Accountant the Baroness who is holding an AK-47 toward them. Then then asks them to stay awhile(kind of a old-bond villain feel) and a group of Night Creepers drops down behind the Joe's and Knocks them out.
Act Four - Storm Shadow vs Snake Eyes(20mins long)
The Joe's awaken in Jail cells. Hawk and Stalker are there but Snake Eyes seems to be missing. Hawk and Duke try to come up with a plan. Scene switches to a roof top. Snake Eyes and the White Ninja are there. They talk about there past. As Snake Eyes is about to call him Thomas Arash...Snake Eyes is interrupted, the White Ninja tells him he is now called Storm Shadow, and he hasn't gone by that old name for a long time. Storm Shadow tells Snake Eyes that he is on the roof for one reason so that he can exact revenge. Flashback a few years prior and we see Storm Shadow catching Snake Eyes above his dead master(yes, I reverse it). Strom Shadow gives Snake Eyes a sword and they fight. The fight goes for a long time, Snake Eyes tries to plead with him saying he didn't kill his master. The Fight ends with Storm Shadow falling off the roof. Snake Eyes peers over the ledge to see the body on the ground but sees nothing, Storm Shadow has vanished. Snake Eyes goes into the castle to free the Joe's. On his way there he eaves drops on Destro having a coverstation with what seems to be his boss, Destro refers to him as Cobra Commander. CC tells Destro to ship the Device to New York, and wire Grand Central Station to blow. Destro shuts off communication and tells the Baroness to kill the Joe's as he leaves for America. Snake Eyes takes off.
Act Five - the rescue(10mins long)
The six Joe's still planning, hear a noise. Snake Eyes appears and opens their cells. Duke wants an explanation, but no time as the Baroness arrive. The Joe's take on her Vipers, as Lady Jaye matches off against Baroness. Lady J wins and the Joe's head off. Snake Eyes tells them the plans he overheard. They make for the USS FLAGG, and take off. Duke again wants an explanation from Snake Eyes, and all he can get from Snake Eyes "I had to deal with something from my past", Duke knows to leave him alone. Hawk calls the Pentagon for reinforcements at Grand Central Station, an he finds that Cobra is already there with Hostages, a bomb and are asking for 10 billion dollars, also the President is Visiting New York, but they have him Guarded in the Presidential suite of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel . The Joe's are sent in to disarm the bomb and free the Hostages.
Act Six - secret railway(30mins long)
USS FLAGG lands on the roof to Grand Central. Stalker hacks into it's computer mainframe. Hawk stays with Stalker to help the Joe's thru thier comm links. And the five Joe's enter GCS through the roof top entrance.
They find the hostages in the GCS main concourse. All tied. They can Vipers still wiring the place. They Act. They kill all visible Vipers. And secure the main concourse, and sent the Hostages free. It was all too easy. Destro appears with his Night Creepers and Storm Shadow. He tells them the bomb is not in Grand Central Station and that they are foolish. Destro leaves and a fight ensues. Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow match off for part two of their fight. Flint, Lady Jaye and Scatlett tell Duke to follow Destro as they hold off the night creepers. Duke follows Destro to a secret railway underneath the GCS. There he sees a small bomb being loaded on a train. He sneaks on the train in the last car before the train leaves the station. The fight ends in the main concourse. Only Snake Eyes continues to battle. He tells the others not to interfere. As he has Storm Shadow on the ground and appearing to have victory, Storm Shadow throws a Grenade towards the Joe's Snake Eyes looks away from Strom Shadow to see the grenade go off with a blinding light. As Snake Eyes gets his vision back Storm Shadow is gone, it was only a flash grenade.
Act Seven - Duke vs Destro(45mins long)
Duke makes his way, car to car, taking out any Vipers he comes across. He reaches the middle car of the train and meets Destro, Destro introduces Duke to his new Guard Overkill(who would look like this 4/batwave4-1.jpg but reverse the reds and blues, and instead of the silver metallic parts make it gold), stating he is an expensive experiment that Cobra wants to build more off cause he is too efficient in his job but can't due to cost, Destro Leaves Duke and Overkill to set up the bomb when they reach their destination. Overkill wakes up and attacks Duke. Duke is outmatched by Overkill's Strength. He tricks Overkill to throw a punch which Duke ducks out of the way, Overkill ends up with an arm out of a window, Duke then picks him off the ground and sends Overkill threw the window underneath the train where he is crushed. Duke catches his breath when the train stops. He sees the Vipers and Destro get off the train with the bomb. He follows fighting the Vipers as he goes up this spiral staircase. At the end he appears to be in the Waldorf-Astoria. Destro and his Vipers get on an elevator and Duke follows by taking the stairs. Duke makes it to the Presidential Suite to find Vipers tying the President and his family to the Bomb. Destro sends his remaining Vipers to attack Duke but are quickly handled. Destro then goes Hand to Hand against Duke as the US President watches on. The fight is fierce, Duke is exhausted from all the events giving Destro a clear advantage. As Destro gets the upper hand and Duke is laying on the ground, the two in front of a large window. As Destro pulls out a gun a large aircraft appears from the window, it's the USS FLAGG, it's guns roar as thousand bullets soar per second Killing Destro and because it's a movie Duke and the President are fine, and Scarlett defuses the bomb.
Act Eight - The End(5mins long)
GI JOE should end with a Star Wars ending where the President thanks the Joe's for saving his life as well the countless others of New York, and give all the Joe's medals. The final scene should show Cobra Commander with a living Baroness looking over a product line that is constructing BATS( the black ones).
the End.
Total run time 2hrs and 35mins long.

Cobra Commander - Viggo Mortensen
Duke - Wentworth Miller
Hawk - Harrison Ford
Snake Eyes - Tomas Jane
Lady Jaye - still deciding on
Scarlett - still deciding on
Flint - still deciding on
Destro - Gerald Butler
the Baroness - ?
Cobra Vipers/Night Creepers - UFC Fighters
Overkill - Tyler Mane(NO dialog)

The problem I have with your take is that there is too much focus on Duke. The movie is 'G.I. Joe,' not 'Duke.'
Act Eight - The End(5mins long)
GI JOE should end with a Star Wars ending where the President thanks the Joe's for saving his life as well the countless others of New York, and give all the Joe's medals. The final scene should show Cobra Commander with a living Baroness looking over a product line that is constructing BATS(NO dialog)

The problem I have with this is I don't think a G.I. Joe franchise, or any franchise for that matter, should try and 'be like Star Wars.'

Yes, It would be wonderful if it ended up that way by chance but don't just copy Star Wars.

I do like that ending though, for the end of the franchise not the first film. Of course if it were the end of the franchise the part with Cobra Commander would be left out. I imagine the end of this franchise will have an ending similar to that. The surviving G.I. Joes getting medals and during the global telecast the President refers to them as 'Real American Heroes.' Everyone applauds and the movie ends.
Also, you have it as though Snake-Eyes is talking to Storm Shadow. Snake-Eyes never talks and if he does ever talk it'll probably be to Scarlett first. You have a few hit and misses here but nice try. I like your introduction of Duke though.
A long stone hallway. For several long seconds, a figure makes its way down the hall, and just when it seems like we're about to see his face, the camera turns to two COBRA GUARDS standing on either side of the door.

They snap to attention, saluting the figure. This man is JAMES MCCULLEN XXIV (Gerard Butler).

I'm sorry, sir. My own father-

No, you're not. Stand aside.

The two comply, and McCullen enters the room.

It's almost surreal how different the room inside is from the centuries old castle it resides inside. It's stark, sleek, and sterile. Amidst a huge assortment of lays a frail figure wearing a metal mask, JAMES MCCULLEN XXIII(Billy Connoly), the current DESTRO. DR. KWINN, a small Inuit man strides forward.

I don't care what you say or what he says- that mask has to come off. All of that jargon about nanotechnology is so much gibberish- it's interfering with his treatment.

It's pancreatic cancer that wasn't diagnosed until it was too late. FAther knows this, so why interfere with tradition to delay the inevitable?

Dr. Kwinn shifts nervously under James' gaze.

I'm not going to kill you simply because Nature took its course. It is his time. And if his fate is a foregone conclusion, then there can be no harm in leaving us be for a moment, can there?

Kwinn nods, and leaves. Destro stirs, and gestures for his son to come to him.

I suppose when St. Patrick made himself famous, all of the snakes fled to our homeland, eh?

You don't approve of my dealings? Of their presence(Indicates the door)?

I... I don't have the time left to make up my mind. MARS will be in your capable hands. I

I am not you. I am not grandfather. I cannot simply retread what you have done. But the world is changing. What was done to our ancestor is happening everyday, everywhere. The British Empire waned, and its bastard child rose up to takes its place and surpass it, and encouraged the rest of the world to follow suit. Wearing the mask has always been a symbol of defiance, but far too many of the McCullens have feared to tread into the realm of open rebellion. Now it's time for the trapped Cobra to strike back. I can't lie to you and say I'm not going to do what I am going to do, but I ask at least for your understanding.

Destro is silent for a few long moments.

My father told me that in our clan, the moment the family mask is passed on makes all the difference. Whether the patriarch removes it himself to personally pass it on, or it is removed after his death, it shows the confidence he has in his heir. my own father did not recieve until after grandfathjer's death, and he spent the rest of his life trying to make up for his father's disappointment.

And his shaky hands reach up and press a button at the base of his neck, and suddenly, the silver sheen of the malleable mask fades, turning into a gunmetal gray mask akin to the one Dumas' Man in the Iron Mask wore.

And JAmes McCullen XXIV places it on his head, and it starts to shine again, plates sliding and snapping into place. When it is done, it can emote for the younger McCullen just as well as the elder.

And James the XXIII is still, looking more peaceful in death than one who makes a living selling arms has any right to be.

The new DESTRO exits, looking bereaved. Kwinn and the two guards look at him quizzically, before he finally speaks.

Send a communique to the Commander- we have work to do...

That is 33 GI JOE characters right there:
(in order of appearance)
Gen. Joe Colton
Gen. Flagg
Snake Eyes
Grand Slam
Lady Jaye
Gung Ho
Snow Job
Wild Bill

33 AND I can work them all in. Not to mention are the Cobra's I've worked in thusfar...

Cobra Commander

Should I introduce Zartan and the Dreadnocks now?

The problem with that many joes is that you wouldn't have time to develop them- movies like these have to be made for people who know nothing about GI Joe as well.

That's why sacrifices have to be made- stuff along the lines of making General Flagg, if he's included, the real GI JOE by changing his first name to Joseph(thus combining the two), keeping the team down to 6 or 7, no more than four villains if you're keeping CC in the background, etc.

These are my choices:

Roadblock (we can all dream about that legal hurdle being solved, can't we?)

It's best to choose the team based on personality and the function they would perform within a military unit.
I dont know to much about GI Joe but I ws really intrigued by the WWIII story. Love the tagline "what they were made for." I missed it becuase i didnt know what issues it was in but Ill prolly pick up the trades.

was it any good?
The problem with that many joes is that you wouldn't have time to develop them- movies like these have to be made for people who know nothing about GI Joe as well.

That's why sacrifices have to be made- stuff along the lines of making General Flagg, if he's included, the real GI JOE by changing his first name to Joseph(thus combining the two), keeping the team down to 6 or 7, no more than four villains if you're keeping CC in the background, etc.

These are my choices:

Roadblock (we can all dream about that legal hurdle being solved, can't we?)

It's best to choose the team based on personality and the function they would perform within a military unit.

They didn't spend too much time developing the 20+ characters in Armageddon. This potential movie can be alloted more characters too based on A.) The Cobras are taking the place of the asteroid and B.) it's a war pic.

How many characters did Platoon have that weren't 'developed?' And how many Oscars did it win? It can be done, problem solved.

Furthermore, the main characters are developed and DO have backrounds which will be revealed at a later time. I must admit, I have put a VERY intesting twist in the backround of this G.I. Joe universe.
I dont know to much about GI Joe but I ws really intrigued by the WWIII story. Love the tagline "what they were made for." I missed it becuase i didnt know what issues it was in but Ill prolly pick up the trades.

was it any good?

Ya' know, that's kind of what my story is too. I think I actually have something very similar to that line too in the opening 15 minutes by Hawk. Purely coinicidence though, for I have not read the WWIII comics.

I'm not sure how the exact story has gone but I heard a rumor that Shipwreck was going to die.
I dont know to much about GI Joe but I ws really intrigued by the WWIII story. Love the tagline "what they were made for." I missed it becuase i didnt know what issues it was in but Ill prolly pick up the trades.

was it any good?

It's actually a series of issues and here's the opening
issues cover.

I haven't read a comic in years but this has me intrigued enough. I may by the series after it concludes.

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