The Dark Knight Did anyone feel a J. Depp/Jack Sparrow vibe from joker?

Im really glad I didn't get that vibe from Joker, because then he wouldn't be scary at all. The whole point of Sparrow is to be a drunken idiot. Did he have any serious scenes in the whole trilogy?

And as for a recast with Depp, its not that I dont think he couldn't make a good Joker. I'd love to see his take on the character. That is, if Depp weren't as huge as he is. No matter how well he performed, he would just be Johnny Depp with makeup on. He's too famous to take on a role where he has to truly become someone else, in the way Ledger did. No matter how hard he tries, or how well he does it, he'll always be Depp, and not who he's playing. If that makes any sense.

My opinion, anyways. Just that.
Wow, I just read the rest of this thread. Oh I see, it's the new thing to bash Johnny Depp now? (Well, I guess it is due time that Nicholson gets a break). Some of you are just becoming foolish now. No less, two years ago everyone wanted Depp and was horrified at the idea of Heath Ledger being cast as the Joker. Fair weather, my friends. (OK obviously not all of course, but an overwhelming number thought the world was going to end. How could he cast the gay cowboy for the THE JOKER NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Just go back and look at a few old threads and humor yourself).

"I'm a man of simple tayst mate, ah like gunpowdeh, dynamite, and RUM!"

That would be great. Just add in the mate.

Didnt realize Sparrow licked his lips a lot and acted like a pirate. I'll have to watch it for a 6th time just to be sure.

But Sparrow is a pirate?

Get over it, there's no similarities between Heath's Joker and any of Jack's overrated roles.

Who the heck is Jack? (and what does he have to do with Johnny Depp?)

Also, I liken this Joker to Hannibal Lecter of SOTL. Hannibal is one of the greatest villains of all time in such a limited amount of time in SOTL. But then we got more and more of him and the mystique and aura surrounding the character was just lost. Obviously the Joker will be used again by some other director with an entirely different cast, but for now I want that performance by Ledger as the Joker in TDK to be able to stand by itself for a decent amount of time.

Exactly. Just think of 'Hannibal Rising' (you may not remember actually, it was quite forgettable). And if that wasn't bad enough, the actor for 'young Lector' wasn't even remotely good in the role, even if you don't compare him to Anthony Hopkins level. Neither the story idea was of any interest, which made it all the more worse. I tried watching Hannibal and I couldn't get through it, it was just boring. Red Dragon was far better, but on it's own is just alright.

I've already touched on the Joker being recasted in other threads, but I'll just reiterate that the character of the Joker should be involved, in some capacity, in the next film for a number of reasons. But this isn't the thread for that so I'll digress...

Back to the subject, I dont think its so much Ledger's performance, its the fact that a true interpretation of the Joker (which is what we got in TDK thanks to great writing just as much as great acting, lets not forget that) has alot of similarities to characters Depp has already played, not just Jack Sparrow.

If you combine elements from Depp's Willy Wonka, Sweeney Todd, Edward Scissorhands & yes, Jack Sparrow, it's a pretty damn close interpretation of the Joker. I never suggested Depp for the role initally, but I was never against it either. On the same token, I'd be excited to have him do any number of roles in the next film because he's quite simply one of the best actors of this generation. He's a star because of these eclectic roles, and the fact that women happen to like him, not because he's tabloid fodder like Jolie, so when people try to lump him in that group I see it as almost disrespectful to his talent. If not for the female adoration, he could just as easily be another Daniel Day Lewis or Sean Penn, guys who are respected for their craft, and ability to play off kilter individuals. Besides Pirates & Willy Wonka, he's almost never done anything hugely successful commercially anyway, so please with all the "he's too big of a star" crap, he ain't Tom Cruise or Will Smith. Anyone suggesting he isn't one of the best actors of his generation needs to get over themselves

So the reason why people feel his credit as an actor is lacking because women like him? Wow, sexist much... I guess maybe that's why Brad Pitt doesn't get his kudos either.
i didnt read through the thread, but my response is NO. I like Depp's acting all around. Dead Man is absolutely brilliant work. Pirates of the Caribbean movies are great actionadventure for kids and young adults and I'm sure older people enjoy them as well (But theyre not exactly high brow pieces), but I don't see at all how the acting is comparable.

Depp has never played anything near this type of role. and I mean 'type' in terms of characterization not quality of acting per say. Depp can transform to a degree but Heath pulled off Oldman-esque proportions with TDK. Depp has played amazing roles in fantastic movies, all very diverse, but he has yet to fully disappear for me. And JAck Sparrow is a quirky, drunk and charismatic pirate. Joker is a flamboyant psychopathic nihilist. I can see why you would compare the two but I think the similarities are trivial. Jack would never do the things that make Ledger's Joker. Comparisons to hannibal lecter, oldman's role in the Professional, now those are roles that are worthy to compete with the intensity of ledger's performance, not sparrow.
I can definitely see similarities between Jack Sparrow and the Joker. A number of people I know who have seen the movie immediately said afterwards that the Joker reminded them of Depp in Pirates. Here's a few reasons why I can see the resemblance....

1) Extremely eccentric and charismatic.

2) A flamboyant and very likeable portrayal of insanity.

3) Often very feminine, in movement, mannerisms, and the way they speak (particularly the Joker with regards to speaking)

Th original post didn't mean are they similar in terms of what they do like many people have stated. We all know Joker isn't meant to be a fun character (although he undoubtedly is) and Jack Sparrow is not supposed to be evil or menacing in the slightest.

I think alot of the posts on here (not all I must add) are simply defending their film because Jack Sparrow isn't "COOOOL" like the Joker and also because Heath Ledger is now GOD it seems.
Re: To the OP
What is a Depp character? Any character that Johnny Depp has portrayed, I assume, is now a Depp character. Not every eccentric character is made for or belongs to Johnny Depp. Not unless Tim Burton is directing it, anyway. Guess who's playing the Mad Hatter in the new Alice in Wonderland?

Johnny Depp Is Awesome actor, one of the best, and I would love to see him as the Joker one day... just not in the Nolan Films... but I could eat my hat, I did with Heath. What an joker he turned out to be.
yes, i got that "vibe."

however, the vibe is NOT "omg the joker was just like jack sparrow."

no, rather, its that same vibe when u saw jack sparrow, and realized you were looking at a unique performance that will be remembered for all time. and then u watch heaths performance, and recieve that same "vibe" that you can only relate to the last time you remember getting it, since it doesn't happen often, and for most ppl it was depps performance as jack sparrow.

i know what the original poster meant, but everybody else misunderstood it.
I got no Jack Sparrow vibe from Heath's Joker, thank god. How can anyone even compare the two? Depp's character was a charicature of Keith Richards played for laughs. Ledger's Joker was a multi-layered incredibly deep character he not only created himself, but lost himself in. One minute he could make you laugh and the next be realistically terrifying. While Depp might have added his weird body language to Sparrow, Heath didn't just act goofy at times for the hell of it, every subtlety in his movements and vocal tone was precisionly carried out. Hell, Depp's Hunter S. Thompson was closer to Heath's Joker, and a much better acting job, I might add. There's nothing close to Heath's performance in any of the pirates movies, from anyone. :whatever:
I got no Jack Sparrow vibe from Heath's Joker, thank god. How can anyone even compare the two? Depp's character was a charicature of Keith Richards played for laughs. Ledger's Joker was a multi-layered incredibly deep character he not only created himself, but lost himself in. One minute he could make you laugh and the next be realistically terrifying. While Depp might have added his weird body language to Sparrow, Heath didn't just act goofy at times for the hell of it, every subtlety in his movements and vocal tone was precisionly carried out. Hell, Depp's Hunter S. Thompson was closer to Heath's Joker, and a much better acting job, I might add. There's nothing close to Heath's performance in any of the pirates movies, from anyone. :whatever:

i really dont think the original poster was comparing the two. im pretty sure the "vibe" they meant is that they were both similar becuz they were both EPIC not because they were IDENTICAL.
First: Not in the slightest.

Second: While I don't see a Depp/Sparrow vibe within Heath/Joker, I do think that Joker is a "Sparrowish" type of character in that no one can play the character (with all of the little mannerisms) besides Heath, much like no one can nail the character of Sparrow like Depp.
After seeing the movie a few times, I realized the vibe I got from Heath's performance...and it was NOT Johnny Depp/Jack Sparrow. This is going back a few years, but some of the older members may be able to appreciate this one:

Jeff Goldblum in The Fly

Go back and re-watch The Fly, how Goldblum twitches, licks his lips, speaks with a slight lisp, etc. Obviously I'm referring to before he turns into

Granted, it's not EXACTLY the same...but some of you may see some similarities if you watch unbiased.

Just my opinion, I'm sure it's not shared by everyone...which is fine...
there were times where the way he talked and moved was too much like a Depp character, most notably jack sparrow. i swear, if theres anyone to recast the joker with, its Depp. heath at times felt like a jack sparrow type character with his version of joker. the wierd movements and way of saying some things, his humour.
Heath's Joker in now way resembled or acted in a similar fashion to any Johnny Depp character.

Johnny Depp is a good actor albeit overrated and the last thing people want are people comparing Heath's last great piece of work to an overrated hack who once had talent and now switches between three characters depending on the movie.

EDIT: If Depp is cast in any of Nolan's Batman movies then Nolan has truly sold out and failed us, the fans.
I can definitely see similarities between Jack Sparrow and the Joker. A number of people I know who have seen the movie immediately said afterwards that the Joker reminded them of Depp in Pirates. Here's a few reasons why I can see the resemblance....

1) Extremely eccentric and charismatic.

2) A flamboyant and very likeable portrayal of insanity.

3) Often very feminine, in movement, mannerisms, and the way they speak (particularly the Joker with regards to speaking)

Th original post didn't mean are they similar in terms of what they do like many people have stated. We all know Joker isn't meant to be a fun character (although he undoubtedly is) and Jack Sparrow is not supposed to be evil or menacing in the slightest.

I think alot of the posts on here (not all I must add) are simply defending their film because Jack Sparrow isn't "COOOOL" like the Joker and also because Heath Ledger is now GOD it seems.

There's nothing about Sparrow that strikes me of lunacy, insanity of even eccentricity.

Johnny Depp Is Awesome actor, one of the best, and I would love to see him as the Joker one day... just not in the Nolan Films... but I could eat my hat, I did with Heath. What an joker he turned out to be.

Johnny Depp is about 45 now. You want to see grandpa Joker? :oldrazz:
Heath's Joker in now way resembled or acted in a similar fashion to any Johnny Depp character.

Johnny Depp is a good actor albeit overrated and the last thing people want are people comparing Heath's last great piece of work to an overrated hack who once had talent and now switches between three characters depending on the movie.

EDIT: If Depp is cast in any of Nolan's Batman movies then Nolan has truly sold out and failed us, the fans.

:whatever: You can't lose talent.

And what three characters do you speak of? There isn't one character that he plays that reminds me of the other.
yes, i got that "vibe."

however, the vibe is NOT "omg the joker was just like jack sparrow."

no, rather, its that same vibe when u saw jack sparrow, and realized you were looking at a unique performance that will be remembered for all time. and then u watch heaths performance, and recieve that same "vibe" that you can only relate to the last time you remember getting it, since it doesn't happen often, and for most ppl it was depps performance as jack sparrow.

i know what the original poster meant, but everybody else misunderstood it.

I agree totally with everything you wrote. I think people have misunderstood what the OP meant. Basically, both Ledger and Depp threw themselves into their characters creating something iconic that will be remembered in decades to come. Obviously, Heath wasn't trying to emulate Jack Sparrow, but he did have a vision and obvious dedication to the character which created something special.
Actually, yes, I did. It came to mind on my first viewing, and I couldn't put my finger on why it reminded me of Depp/Sparrow.
I can definitely see similarities between Jack Sparrow and the Joker. A number of people I know who have seen the movie immediately said afterwards that the Joker reminded them of Depp in Pirates. Here's a few reasons why I can see the resemblance....

1) Extremely eccentric and charismatic.

2) A flamboyant and very likeable portrayal of insanity.

3) Often very feminine, in movement, mannerisms, and the way they speak (particularly the Joker with regards to speaking)

Th original post didn't mean are they similar in terms of what they do like many people have stated. We all know Joker isn't meant to be a fun character (although he undoubtedly is) and Jack Sparrow is not supposed to be evil or menacing in the slightest.

I think alot of the posts on here (not all I must add) are simply defending their film because Jack Sparrow isn't "COOOOL" like the Joker and also because Heath Ledger is now GOD it seems.

THANK YOU!!! thats what ive been trying to say.

and i also dont think anyone on these boards was a crazy heath fan, but now they are because he did pretty cool joker.

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