Arrow Episode 22: Darkness on the Edge of Town-Rate & Review Thread-


Apr 16, 2012
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Wow.... That was the most fun I have had watching tv in years. What did everyone else think?
Goodnight, sweet prince.

I thought this episode was amazing. This series just keeps out doing themselves every episode. Next week looks great.
Like I said in the general discussion thread.

The fight between Ollie and Merlyn was perfect the way Merlyn just knew Ollie was there, then catching his arrow. Plus the sheer power Merlyn has breaking the bow, then denting the vent shaft.
Also loved the way Diggs, Felicity, and Ollie executed the plan to get Felicity closer to Merlyn's computer.
Fryers killing Yao Fe was completely a shocker to me, it really was
Good stuff!I was somewhat unimpressed with the Roy Harper storyline up to now,but I admit I got the chills when said his little "I need him to teach me" thing.

I really bought the little ruse Ollie and Digg did with Moira.The final scene-:wow: Mindblowing!Only downside is it probably means Malcolm is heading for the grave next week.

Tommy is looking a little warn already.And the poor guy hasn't seen the worst yet.

The only weak link for me was the Ollie/Laurel love scene.It seemed really awkward.Ollie's just a step away from completing his "mission" and Tommy and Laurel's romance hasn't been cold for more than a week or so.Seemed a real inopertune time.

Flashbacks were ok.I was happy to see Ollie was justified in not helping the "student".I thought we'd never learn what happened to him.

Yeah, Ollie and Laurel scene...bleh

Interested to see how Tommy reacts

And Merlyn was total badass!
It was okay. I thought it sort of ironic Oliver had his mother kidnapped. The Ollie/Laurel bits did not play out well to me. And I'm not an Olicity shipper, either, so whatever on that account. I did enjoy her babbling, as usual, though. Liked Digg coming to the rescue. Loved Oliver being all scary to Roy. Roy's calling him a wimp was fun, though. Terrible judge of character.

I do like Walter - I loved how hugged Thea, both times. And I so feel for him, and I agree with him that divorce is an under-reaction.

I usually like Tommy, but bitter, angry Tommy (though justified) is not as much fun. Still not okay with the killing, though. Note that this is the second time Oliver has had a meeting with Tommy that was really at least partially (if not wholly) a mission (last time was Tommy's birthday). Does he ever do anything with him that isn't a cover? I will note that Oliver did seem to be contemplating something before he got the "work closely with my father" bit and shut down.

I was, as usual, not into the island scenes but, as usual, I state this is not reflective of their quality, but only of me not being interested in the island storyline. I really don't even try to judge quality there, because I feel the same boredom with all of them.
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Ollie needs to go to Gotham and get trained,he got owned
Great episode.I didn't think they would have Oliver and Laurel have sex.

Next week when Oliver likely kills Malcolm what Is likely to happen
1:Tommy has all the reason to become oliver's arch nemesis
2:Oliver will break up with Laurel when he realizes his mission Isn't complete.
It's kinda shame to see Walter go,but his character is probably the least important at this point.Thea is probably the one who will suffer most over this.I'm hoping this won't lead to more mother/daughter confrontations like days past.

I'm not one of the people who want "all island" episodes,but they at least have kept the segments interesting.
Malcolm is awesome and I really don't want to see him die yet.
Malcolm is awesome and I really don't want to see him die yet.

I don't know something about next week makes me think that Tommy does put on his dad's suit but his dad isn't dead. Ollie will put an arrow into the Dark Archer's chest thinking he just took out Malcolm and turns out to be Tommy instead. I would rather see Malcolm stay and Tommy go. Don't get me wrong I won't be upset or disappointed either way.
The fight with Malcom was well choreographed! loved the arrow catch too
Regarding next week's promo
Tommy in the Dark Archer uniform (I thought - it was quick) - I actually hold old a miniscule bit of hope that it's a mislead - like the him helping Quentin with an investigation line from last week's promo. Something that technically happens, but isn't what it seems. Besides it being out of character (even if he hates Oliver, he's not going to be okay with all his father's murders), it makes no logical sense for him to don that outfit because he'd get his butt kicked in two seconds.

I don't know, unless he's trying to kill Oliver out of hate and this donning the outfit is just a way to divert blame elsewhere. Still doesn't make sense, given his lack of skill and his knowledge of Oliver's skill, though. I can't think it's an homage to his father, because I can't believe he'd be okay with what his father has done.

Still, I have only the tiniest smidgen of hope, though. I'm kinda not even caring about the finale (or the show) if they go that way. Yeah, I know I shouldn't hang my hat so heavily on one aspect of the show, it's just I don't feel there's been adequate build-up to Tommy becoming a killer of innocents or supporting his father's goal.
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Wow. That was a great episode. Next week looks really intense. Anyone see next weeks preview of
Ollie up in chains
? That looks like it was Taken directly from mike Grell's run. I think it was issue 33. I was pumped when I saw that. One week seems so far away lol

This was definitely one of the top episodes of the season. Everything was clicking right. 9.5/10
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This is easily one of the best episodes ever.

10/10 good action, awesome twists [BLACKOUT]Yao Fei dying[/BLACKOUT], and everything going to hell.

Regarding next week's promo
Tommy in the Dark Archer uniform (I thought - it was quick) - I actually hold old a miniscule bit of hope that it's a mislead - like the him helping Quentin with an investigation line from last week's promo. Something that technically happens, but isn't what it seems. Besides it being out of character (even if he hates Oliver, he's not going to be okay with all his father's murders), it makes no logical sense for him to don that outfit because he'd get his butt kicked in two seconds.

I don't know, unless he's trying to kill Oliver out of hate and this donning the outfit is just a way to divert blame elsewhere. Still doesn't make sense, given his lack of skill and his knowledge of Oliver's skill, though. I can't think it's an homage to his father, because I can't believe he'd be okay with what his father has done.

Still, I have only the tiniest smidgen of hope, though. I'm kinda not even caring about the finale (or the show) if they go that way. Yeah, I know I shouldn't hang my hat so heavily on one aspect of the show, it's just I don't feel there's been adequate build-up to Tommy becoming a killer of innocents or supporting his father's goal.

That's a lot of feelings regarding a quick shot you're not sure you actually saw. :oldrazz:
Oliver has finally discovered everything about the Undertaking and his mother's involvement with Malcolm, which shows how much the showrunners didn't progress Oliver that much in comparison to everyone else around him. We also confrontations between Oliver and Malcolm in different ways (Oliver/ Dark Archer and Green Arrow/ Malcolm) and in both of these confrontations, Oliver got owned big time.

I'm glad that Oliver and Dinah Laurel finally hooked up as I hope they don't repeat the mistakes of Clark and Lana of Smallville. Oliver's meeting with Roy should have felt like a big deal, yet it didn't for some reason and their meeting dealt a huge blow between Thea and Roy's relationship

Everything is falling apart for Moira as her relationship with Oliver is getting rocky and gets a divorce from Walter Steele. She's had it coming to her through out the season.

The scene between Oliver and Tommy was mainly about Dinah Laurel, but she shouldn't be the only reason their friendship take a turn as Oliver's secret also created the first cracks between them.

They killed off 2 DCU characters in Brion Markov aka Geo-Force and Yao Fei and I wonder if this is an edict from DC Comics' New 52 influence. How nice to hear about Ferris Aircraft as it relates to Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris.

Good penultimate episode as I'm looking forward to the season finale.
Damn, Yao Fei...
Well that's not totally fair... Malcolm got trained in Nanda Parbat.
I don't mean that. I meant the fact that Ollie says he got trained by a man named Yao Fei, and it turns out he didn't get taught a single thing by him. It was Slade and Shado that taught him anything on the island.

It's one of my big nitpicks with the show. They obviously planned in the beginning to have Yao Fei teaching Ollie about archery and combat, but then changed it midway, introduced Slade and made him the real Deathstroke, included Fei's daughter, and then killed him off.
Oh I see... you can't really fault the writers too much. They had a plan in place when the series began and sometimes those plans change.

The island story was boring during the early part of the season, I'm quite glad they changed things up and gave Ollie a team in both time periods (Shado/Slade on the island, Diggle/Felicity in Starling City).
I just wish I could erase that line. It sucks knowing what they intended, and seeing how it actually turned out.
I just wish I could erase that line. It sucks knowing what they intended, and seeing how it actually turned out.

Well in a sense it wouldn't be entirely inaccurate regarding that line since Oliver first saw that technique applied (albeit on himself) by Yao fei so it was in a way Yao Fei who introduced him to that technique. It's reasonable to assume that maybe while he was training with Shado at some point down the line, he brought it up and Shado taught him on how to execute it.
I guess you are talking about the choke out?

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