FANTASTIC FOUR REBOOT: How would you do it?

The Man of Steel

Dec 3, 2007
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personally I HATED the FF movies, the cast was AWEFUL :down
and so was the script, So if they did a reboot this is how i'd do it,
my cast would be

Mr. Fantastic - Alan Ruck

Invisible woman - Cameron Ciaz

The Human Torch - Ryan Reynolds

The Thing - Ron Perlman

Dr. Doom - Tom Cruise

And I'd give it a feel like the X-Men movies

The reason I didn't put this in the FF area is cuz that was all about the two FF movies
I didn't mind the actors that played Mr Fantastic, Johnny or Ben Grimm, but the ones that need a recast are Sue and Doom

Sue Storm - Naomi Watts

Dr. Doom - any good english actor (I always imagined Doom having an accent) that doesn't mind having the mask on for 95% of the movie.

Director - anyone but Tim Story, that guy is horrible at making movies.
I didn't mind the actors that played Mr Fantastic, Johnny or Ben Grimm, but the ones that need a recast are Sue and Doom

Sue Storm - Naomi Watts

Dr. Doom - any good english actor (I always imagined Doom having an accent) that doesn't mind having the mask on for 95% of the movie.

Director - anyone but Tim Story, that guy is horrible at making movies.
he was the worst part of the movie, I'd pick Bryan Singer :woot:
I'm pretty ok with everything in those films except Dr. Doom, the invisible woman and Galactus. Everything else was ok-ish. Doom needs to remain Doom the whole damn film!
I wouldn't reboot the first movie. I liked it. But yeah, I'd take that God-awful-excuse for a sequel back to the drawing board.
What I would do:

1) Get a better director. No offense to Story, but he's not a good director and if I could I'd get Byrd (from the Incredibles) to do it.

2) More faithful to FF origin.

3) Dr. Doom as he should've been. I hate how they watered-down Doom in both FF movies. Take away his dark arts but otherwise keep him the same as the comics.
i think evans as johnny was the best part ofthe movies, keep him,recast the others
The Fantastic Four need a real reboot,i don't know about actors.But the story needs to be more like the comics.
I’d make it better by not having it suck so much. Making Reed an actual leader and giving the Thing the monster-like appearance he needs would be a good start.

I don’t know about casting, but Cameron Diaz sure doesn’t fit into any restart I want to see.
Fantastic 4 needs a reboot... in 10-15 years.

The present cast is fine, even with Jessica Alba although somebody seriously miscast her in the beginning. Chris Evans (Human Torch) can take Ryan Reynolds (more like Deadpool) any day. Same with Michael Chicklis and Ioan Gruffudd. What's needed really is bigger budget and better direction.
Wow, I love that Alan Ruck casting as Mister Fantastic. Bryan Singer should have done Fantastic Four. That is more up his alley, though I thought he did a fantastic job at the X-Men films. I'd cast Naomi Watts as Sue Storm, but keep Michael Chiklis and Chris Evans as The Thing and The Human Torch, respectively. They were perfect. Tom Cruise as Doctor Doom is good, but he doesn't have the height to do it.
Wow, I love that Alan Ruck casting as Mister Fantastic. Bryan Singer should have done Fantastic Four. That is more up his alley, though I thought he did a fantastic job at the X-Men films. I'd cast Naomi Watts as Sue Storm, but keep Michael Chiklis and Chris Evans as The Thing and The Human Torch, respectively. They were perfect. Tom Cruise as Doctor Doom is good, but he doesn't have the height to do it.

yeah, Bryan Singer would do a great job at an FF re-make, and yeah, I liked Alan Ruck too :cwink:
Naomi Watts would do a great sue storm, The reason I re-casted Torch and the thing is because I was thinking about if they re made the movies, I doubt they'd bring back those two, but they were the only one's who did a good job in the movie
Fantastic Four is so idiot proof. It shocks me that they couldn't make a great Fantastic Four movie.

The whole thing is keep it comic booky! don't add any nu metal songs, or slick sheen to it. Don't dumb down the characters either! Make Reed incredibly verbose, make Sue basically Mrs. Cleaver in a super model's body, and make Doctor Doom incredibly dramatic in his gestures and voice.
i'd do it somewhat like the movie but not have Von doom enterprises involved with richard and crew in a satllite when the radiation storm hits the are mutated into super beings.
while doom hears of what happened in the media he chooses to discredit them since he blames richards for testifying agains him in college for an unauthorized experimentation and misuse /destruction of campus property[the acident that disfigured him]
Doom should've been Darth Vader scary- Hell, he was Darth Vader Before Darth Vader! Although, with McMahon in the role I knew they were going to give him maximum face-time. Should have had someone like Geoffery Rush or Gary Oldman playing Victor von Doom at first and then he can voice the part for the rest of the film while someone plays Doom in his full armour and cloak- which should only ever be removed in the franchise to reveal his hideously deformed self.
I like the idea of Alan Ruck as Mr. Fantastic, although the cast for the films we got were good (would probably agree about Alba as Invisible Woman). Chiklis is good as The Thing, but they perhaps should have gone with good CGI or better Thing costume.
I also would've had the plot centering around the discovery of the Negative Zone and had the characters encountering the cosmic rays there, thus setting up the sequel: The Fantastic Four vs Annihilus!

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