No. He's not.
Jack Kirby created the Thing (at bare minimum he created the visuals) and for over 100 issues he always drew Ben at Reed's height or shorter.
Ben's height (and size) in recent years is a retcon and an inconsistent one at that.
That being said, I don't mind if he's a bit taller than the others as long as he's not some hulking gargantua.
Every aspect? Come on.
I think they got a lot of stuff right. Just not nearly enough.
Which stuff did you think they got right?
I just want this franchise away from Fox. There will never be a faithful FF film if the blockheads at Fox are involved. Those idiots had to be convinced to let Doom wear a mask. Case closed.
If there is a reboot, I still want a fun adventure film, not some serious and brooding take on the characters. "Batman Begins" had a tone that was appropriate for the Batman but it would be ruinous for the FF.
I was using Begins as an example of a good franchise reboot.
Not that I agree entirely with you. FF can be campy but it's meant to inspire wonder of new discoveries along with some horror and terrifying villains.
Doom should be someone the audience genuinely fears. He's the character Darth Vader was inspired by, for God's sake!
Annihilius and the Skrulls would be terrors on screen.
It doesn't need to be Begins level dark it should be around Singer's X-men and Riami's Spider-man in tone.
It does have humor it's just in the background. FF isn't a comedy.
As far as establishing the FF characters before they get their powers - No, no, no; a thousand times no. That's what slowed the first film down.
Audiences wouldn't have hated it so much if Fox had actually did a good job setting it up.
There's no reason this can't work. It just needs to be done by professionals.
Audiences hate sitting through protracted set-ups. The characters should refer to the space flight in passing as being responsible for their conditions, establish Reed's guilt over Ben, and keep moving.
All movies need set-ups. FF just needs a good one.
There's no reason this can't work. It just needs to be done by professionals.
They don't need an hour they just need a good script, director etc to make it work with the limited time they have.
Making FF have short films was another aspect Fox dropped the ball on.
I think a good action film starts with action. It certainly didn't hurt the first Star Wars film, which put us right in the action from the very first shot.
Action can only carry a film so far. FF has plenty of action but it isn't the heart of the franchise. It's the characters themselves.
The audience needs to care about these people or it won't matter what danger they're in.