These are great... that the Spider-man comics were so funny was a nice surprise when I started reading.
Here are a couple that haven't been mentioned:
Peter has gone to California to talk to MJ. They won't let him in the building, so he wraps a towel around his face and climbs up the side of it. On his way up he passes a hairy fat man, standing in front of a window, dressed in women's underwear. The man says something about keeping this to themselves and closes the drapes. Peter keeps climbing, remarking that this was nothing that removing his eyeballs and washing them in sulfuric acid wouldn't cure...
MJ and Peter have reunited and they are at dinner, enjoying some wine and annoying the stuck-up waiter. That whole exchange is hilarious. Peter says he is celebrating his wife coming back to him, and the waiter says, what, did she loose her car keys... when ordering Peter makes some comment about arming the oysters with tiny revolvers, just to make it a fair fight, while Mary Jane is giggling and snorting... then Peter turns down her offer (I can only guess) of wild make-up sex... his explaination was very touching.
Later Spidey is hanging out on the side of a building munching on a hot dog and coke, talking to himself. He's obviously being loud enough to wake up the big, rough looking dude in the apartment next to him, who tells him to shut up. Spidey exclaims, "I'm the luckiest guy in the world!" Man, leaning out window, "Shut up!" Spidey, now upside down, in his face, chants "I'm the luckiest guy in the world, I'm the luckiest guy in the world, I'mtheluckiestguyintheworld!" The man yells back "Shutupshutupshutup!"