Drama HBO's True Detective - Part 3

If there was daylight I missed it. :(
Was the ep even over when you posted lol

It was, like the season as a whole, just fine. It was far more interested in its characters and digging into their history and grieving process than the police work, which always felt a little tacked on.

Probably flows better binged. Far from terrible imo.
Was the ep even over when you posted lol

It was, like the season as a whole, just fine. It was far more interested in its characters and digging into their history and grieving process than the police work, which always felt a little tacked on.

Probably flows better binged. Far from terrible imo.
Actually, yes, it was. What pushed it over the line for me was Clark spouting the line "Time is a flat circle." He might as well have turned and looked at the camera when he said that.

This actually makes me appreciate Season 2 and 3 even more now. Night Country started off fine, but episodes 5 and 6 were just awful.

I thought it ended okay enough. This really should have been a 3 or 4 part series or just a movie that was its own thing separate from trying to cash in on TD season 1 because I really liked Danvers and Navarro.
Actually, yes, it was. What pushed it over the line for me was Clark spouting the line "Time is a flat circle." He might as well have turned and looked at the camera when he said that.

I was being facetious, but fair enough. I kinda turned my nose up at that bit too, but it didn't break it for me. His mindset and life up until that point being in that station probably felt like one long terror, so it fit well enough.

I'd say overall this was neck and neck with what I remember about S2. Convoluted in a different way but certainly watchable. Farrell alone was worth the watch. It's not touching S1, and S3 is probably second in tow for me.
Was the ep even over when you posted lol

It was, like the season as a whole, just fine. It was far more interested in its characters and digging into their history and grieving process than the police work, which always felt a little tacked on.

Probably flows better binged. Far from terrible imo.
Yeah, I didn't think it was awful at all. It cleared everything up to my satisfaction. It was first season good, but then nothing can touch that.
Overall I thought the season had a strong start, kind of a meh middle and an okay-ish ending. I'd maybe rank it as on par with season 3 as far as quality though I thought this season was the more memorable of the two.
Overall I thought the season had a strong start, kind of a meh middle and an okay-ish ending. I'd maybe rank it as on par with season 3 as far as quality though I thought this season was the more memorable of the two.
Same thoughts, pretty much. Some parts of episode 2-4 were way tedious to watch

I really liked the ending though. Found it fitting for what the story was.
I thought the finale was....fine.

It ties the major plot points up, but I can't help wishing they took the last 3 or so episodes in a different direction. I was really pulled into the horror/supernatural aspects of it early on, and it feels like they sort of bailed on that in the end. At the same time (as others have mentioned) the detective aspects felt tacked on in the end.... so when you strip away the supernatural stuff, but then halfheartedly deliver the detective stuff.... I ended up feeling somewhat let down.

Overall I found it to be a pretty enjoyable season anchored by some excellent performances by the leads.
I thought the supernatural was still very present unless I missed something
(e.g., how the tongue got there, who really killed the scientists once the women released them out in the ocean - which ties to what they mentioned in episode 2; all having died prior to freezing).
Pizzolatto continues to act a fool, I see.
I thought pretty highly of him up until the shenanigans started.
I thought the supernatural was still very present unless I missed something
(e.g., how the tongue got there, who really killed the scientists once the women released them out in the ocean - which ties to what they mentioned in episode 2; all having died prior to freezing).

The supernatural was present, but I really wanted them to lean into it more than they did.
I really, really disliked this season but Pizzolatto is such an embarrassing dick. What an absolute waste of talent. I'm a big fan of even some of his weaker writing and would love to have seen the career he could have had if he was remotely tolerable to be around.
Yeah, they should probably alternate showrunners. That's a lot more interesting IMO.

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