Heinz 57.

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Guru for Geeks
Apr 17, 2003
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Welcome Hype Members! Welcome to the White thread retread where people can discuss White American Culture in a civil tone.

Now, before some of you guys raise yer "That's Racist!" shields, let's clarify a few things right off the bat: This thread is for everybody--no matter what color they are. While the purpose of this round-table discussion is to address matters pertinent to Euro Americans, it is also designed to tackle subjects that appeal to all Hype peoples. TRANSLATION: If you listen to Music or have fond memories of White TV comedies i.e. Cheers, Frasier, The Bionic Man, or have an opinion on whether Hilliary Clinton should run for U.S. president, you have a right to be here--color be damned.

Here is just a sampling of some of the categories that we will explore...

Possible Topics For Discussion:
Angelina Joile,.. Pregnant again?
How important is it to keep super heroes white in movies?
When do you retire as a Action Movie Star?
Are white Actors being chosen for roles more for "star power" than whether they fit the role?

Possible Topics For Discussion:
Someone "define" White music - Do people still say it's Rock & Country?
What is the future of "American Music"., etc.

Possible Topics For Discussion:
Is this country really ready for a Black or Female President?
Rush - Friend or Foe?
"Honorary Whites"

...and well, anything else you guys want to chat about. Sports figures, sex, food, whatever is on your mind.


As many of you realize, this thread is actually a shameless copy of a different hue to give equal time to others who want a place to freely discuss The Phenom of the Heinz 57 nature of the Variety that makes up the group you could call white.

So,.. Let's keep the conversation civil, balanced and educational. This thread is not to here to DIVIDE us, but rather to enlighten eachother on the differences among us!



*I'll add to this tomorrow as time permits*


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is this real?

As a Heart attack.

We have others who have complained that there is NO thread for white people or Asian people to discuss any issues or ideas that they may feel impact being another race other than black.

If we are lucky,.. the Majority of posters will be like the Majority of posters on the Slo Go thread,.. People who talk about Art, Music, Sports, Current events from a white spin w/o too many of them talking down or getting stupid.

The Mods basicaly IMHO showing me that I'm wrong to give the benifit of doubt in regards to this.

I think they feel that it is simply not posible to have this thread be "mostly" on the good like the Slo Glo thread,.. that it will quickly be destroyed by folk who can't keep hate out of the mix.

We'll see.

At the best,... there will be some who will come here and type tennis,... I hear that Russian lil girl who barely beat Serena last October may be the next real tennis player.

The people who follow such things at work are not saying diddly,.. like they are holding their breath.

At worse we will have Most responses be the hateful type that some Mods probably expect.

maybe this is a dumb question... but why is it called heinz 57? are you implying something about race and/or ketchup usage?
Quick, somebody get the "thats Racist" little black kid gif before this gets out of hand! :cmad:
Angelina Joile,.. Pregnant again?
How important is it to keep super heroes white in movies?
When do you retire as a Action Movie Star?

Is this country really ready for a Black or Female President?
Rush - Friend or Foe?
"Honorary Whites"


What does any of this have to do with "white culture"?
nothing because there is none:o

and wtf is with the title

Like, is this a Mr & Mrs Smith appreciation thread??? And why did he show skiers???? This thread in its own is stereotypical. Im not worried about someone coming in with racist posts, rather the OP showing such predictable things that white people do.
maybe this is a dumb question... but why is it called heinz 57? are you implying something about race and/or ketchup usage?

In OPEN honesty:

I was at a loss for a Thread title that wouldn't offend SOMEONE.

Then I remembered two friends of mine who bragged that they were not irish,british,dutch,italian,greek,polish,or german,... but all that stuff was in there somewhere. One said that if you had to call him anything,.. let it be "Heinz 57."

His Mom had told him that when he had asked about his family.

If you have a better Title,.. suggest,.. we'll start your thread and have the Mods Blend this thread to that one.

so it's supposed to be ironic then? ok.:huh:

also the funny thing- everything mentioned in the first post was probably talked about in LS's thread.

What does any of this have to do with "white culture"?

I like how people IMMEDIATELY sidetrack the convo looking for an arguement.

The same question came up in the black thread involving a black actress,... in the same spot UNDER CIMEMA,.. NOT CULTURE,.. and here you are spoiling for a fight.

Geez,.. the Mods are rite.
nothing because there is none:o

and wtf is with the title

Fine,.. I suppose you of course KNOWS what constitutes convo on a Pro white board,.. U guys are too predictable.

Dude, you want to start a skiing thread, go on ahead. We have a Mr & Mrs Smith thread. I just dont see the point to this one. I mean, what do you want to talk about, rednecks and hillbillys???

Like, is this a Mr & Mrs Smith appreciation thread??? And why did he show skiers???? This thread in its own is stereotypical. Im not worried about someone coming in with racist posts, rather the OP showing such predictable things that white people do.

Why is this SO HARD for you guys?

The First POST was ALMOST exactly like the Slo Glo thread as far as the intro.

No blacks came onto the slo glo and whined that it was stereotypical to show blacks doing different things,... Or how the name of the thread alluded to the very stereotypical age of the Gerricurl,....

but on here you guys are trying too hard to be exactly what the Mods are saying,.. unable to play nice and come correct.

You don't like the way I did this OR the fact that I did do it,... PLEASE start the equiv in your image so WE CAN ALL MOVE ON.

The point was the COMPLAINT that there wasn't such a thread,.. now there is.

he started it because were complaining about the Soul Glo place. But there really isn't anything to talk about here that wouldn't be talked about elsewhere. And he might've well have let the people who were complaining to start it anyway.
Why is this SO HARD for you guys?

Dude, ask yourself the same question. Ask yourself why you are the only one who "gets" this thread. Maybe its because we dont friggen need one. Like I said earlier, unless we are talking about rednecks, then we dont need this thread.
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