Hitman: Absolution - Part 1

Hopefully i dont get everyones hopes too high for this thread, but i figured i might as well go ahead and start a thread for the next Hitman title. We have confirmation that the game is in development and now Variety is reporting that the game will make it out in "Late 2010". They also report that the sequel to the movie Hitman will "feature story elements from Hitman 5". Kotaku had a brief post about this.


The 2nd movie i dont really care about, i mean i didnt hate the first and ill see the 2nd due to the fact that its about Hitman, but im ready for the game. What are some of the things you guys want to see in the next Hitman game?
I don't think any other game series does things like this at all.

The Punisher game on last gen did something very similar, except it involved a funeral and a coffin. :D
ooooh what game was that? sounds fun (was it good?)

It was a great game, I highly recommend it.


It's a shooter, but you can also interrogate the bad guys yourself as well as using the environment to get information out of them. Lots of fun levels and great ways to kill people. Sometimes if you wipe out enough guys in one room, the last one or two will surrender or try to run away.

The Punisher features extremely gruesome scenes of torture and dismemberment and, as a result, it has the distinction of being one of the only games ever threatened with an ESRB rating of AO strictly for violence.[14] While never officially given the rating, the developers chose to place the "interrogation" scenes in black-and-white to decrease the graphic nature of them in order to achieve the far more commercial M rating.

...so you know it's good :D
Yea that game was great.

Started my purist mode playthrough. Not looking forward to those later levels. Gonna be a B I T C H
It was a great game, I highly recommend it.


It's a shooter, but you can also interrogate the bad guys yourself as well as using the environment to get information out of them. Lots of fun levels and great ways to kill people. Sometimes if you wipe out enough guys in one room, the last one or two will surrender or try to run away.

The Punisher features extremely gruesome scenes of torture and dismemberment and, as a result, it has the distinction of being one of the only games ever threatened with an ESRB rating of AO strictly for violence.[14] While never officially given the rating, the developers chose to place the "interrogation" scenes in black-and-white to decrease the graphic nature of them in order to achieve the far more commercial M rating.

...so you know it's good :D

I went out of my way to get that bad boy again, thank God it was backwards compatible, its a great game.

Yea that game was great.

Started my purist mode playthrough. Not looking forward to those later levels. Gonna be a B I T C H

Good luck to you my friend, I'm almost done on Hard difficulty, then I think I'll be up for the Purist challenge. I have to say, I've never been so satisfied with the kills until now. This is the Hitman game I've been waiting for, all they have to do is tweak the disguise system and we're good
I would kill for an HD remake of that THQ Punisher game. Been sayin' that for years.
I would kill for an HD remake of that THQ Punisher game. Been sayin' that for years.

I would also like that, but in all honesty, you're better off ordering the original xbox game online. It would be nice if a developer like Rockstar got a hold of the Punisher and give us a great game, but that would never happen
Good luck to you my friend, I'm almost done on Hard difficulty, then I think I'll be up for the Purist challenge. I have to say, I've never been so satisfied with the kills until now. This is the Hitman game I've been waiting for, all they have to do is tweak the disguise system and we're good

Yea i beat the game on Hard my first time through and it was insanely difficult. Hopefully Purist will be a little easier now that i know the layouts of the levels.
I would also like that, but in all honesty, you're better off ordering the original xbox game online. It would be nice if a developer like Rockstar got a hold of the Punisher and give us a great game, but that would never happen

Oh, I've still got my original; it's the only original Xbox game I kept. I just wish they'd do an HD remake.
Oh, I've still got my original; it's the only original Xbox game I kept. I just wish they'd do an HD remake.

Yea thats how it is for me. I played through that game again after i watched that Dirty Laundry short film. That game still holds up really well.
Finished this today. The ending was a bit of a letdown climax wise but I absolutely loved this game, man. After checking out Contracts I can tell I'll be playing this for ages and ages. So fun.

Also, I had the biggest dumb grin on my face when Ave Maria played during that one cutscene.
Finished this today. The ending was a bit of a letdown climax wise but I absolutely loved this game, man. After checking out Contracts I can tell I'll be playing this for ages and ages. So fun.

Also, I had the biggest dumb grin on my face when Ave Maria played during that one cutscene.

Yea that was my one gripe(outside of the disguise system, which is no longer a gripe considering they are fixing it), i really wanted there to be more of an emphatic ending, at least with the final two hits.

I have NEVER wanted to kill someone more painfully or slowly than i wanted to kill Blake Dexter. Easily my most despised villain iv ever come across in a game.[BLACKOUT] So it was a bit of a let down to see that the options for taking him out were thin.[/BLACKOUT]

Yea i LOVED hearing Ave Maria. Its absolutely become the theme for this series.

Also, Balthus, go create a contract and send it to me so i can get that cheevo :woot:
Yea that was my one gripe(outside of the disguise system, which is no longer a gripe considering they are fixing it),

Was there an official announcement that they're tweaking it?
Awesome, thanks! I'll be looking forward to that update.

Will it mostly alter how quickly people recognize you? That seems like something that should change throughout difficulties.
Yea that was my one gripe(outside of the disguise system, which is no longer a gripe considering they are fixing it), i really wanted there to be more of an emphatic ending, at least with the final two hits.

I have NEVER wanted to kill someone more painfully or slowly than i wanted to kill Blake Dexter. Easily my most despised villain iv ever come across in a game.[BLACKOUT] So it was a bit of a let down to see that the options for taking him out were thin.[/BLACKOUT]

Yea i LOVED hearing Ave Maria. Its absolutely become the theme for this series.

Also, Balthus, go create a contract and send it to me so i can get that cheevo :woot:

I agree about Dexter for sure, but I found the final hit itself was even more anti climatic being that [blackout]you don't even get to kill the guy...it's just a cinematic.[/blackout]

But otherwise, the actual ending was pretty cool. It was friggin awesome to hear [blackout]Diana's voice again...hehehe![/blackout]

Will do about the Contract. I sent you a challenge, too haha. Funnily enough, the first contract I created I picked the same target and exit as you did hahaha.

Awesome, thanks! I'll be looking forward to that update.

Will it mostly alter how quickly people recognize you? That seems like something that should change throughout difficulties.

I hope it more so tweaks how far away they recognize you. Sometimes it seems like the guy is so far away and there's no damn way he can see me, but then he spots me. It gets frustrating sometimes.
Awesome, thanks! I'll be looking forward to that update.

Will it mostly alter how quickly people recognize you? That seems like something that should change throughout difficulties.

They haven't said as I don't think they even know. They're gonna play with it some but from what iv heard it seems it'll be along the lines of the distance u can be before being spotted
I agree about Dexter for sure, but I found the final hit itself was even more anti climatic being that [blackout]you don't even get to kill the guy...it's just a cinematic.[/blackout]

But otherwise, the actual ending was pretty cool. It was friggin awesome to hear [blackout]Diana's voice again...hehehe![/blackout]

Will do about the Contract. I sent you a challenge, too haha. Funnily enough, the first contract I created I picked the same target and exit as you did hahaha.


Haha nice. Yea I just did the quickest contract I could so I could snag the cheevo. Ill make some legit contracts later.
I'm surprised and a little disappointed that there's no cheevo for getting Silent Assassin on all missions or completing all the challenges. Would've been awesome and seems like a no brainer.
I'm surprised and a little disappointed that there's no cheevo for getting Silent Assassin on all missions or completing all the challenges. Would've been awesome and seems like a no brainer.

Yea i am too. Would of been a tough one tho.
Definitely would've been a challenge but also rewarding. As is, there's not really much point in doing the challenges once you have 100 of them.

I mean, I still do them because I love the game, but it woulda been nice to have a reward!
You know, I was looking at the achievement icon for Grand Master and I kinda wonder if it was meant to be 100% of all challenges complete. It's a whopping 150 gamer score and even the icon itself has a 100% symbol.

I mean, 100 challenges isn't difficult at all, really. But 100% challenges complete would've made much more sense for that gamer score and cheevo title considering the difficulty level. Hmm.....

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