Cap winning Oscars? That would be awesome. This could and should be Marvel's best film to date. There are so many great ingredients in the Captain America story, plus right now is a perfect time to have Cap return. We feel cheated by our government, hate our president, mired in an unwinnable war, have no social security, no health care, no hope for a better future...we need an American hero now like never before. If the movie plays on those themes it will appeal to a broader audience than just comic book fan boys. As a result of the topic and the times, this movie could be beyond brilliant. However if it's just Cap thumping on his chest and whizing his shield around, the movie will suck. I mean, now is a perfect time for Cap to come back. He can be thawed out, see what's happening in Iraq and ask why the U.S. is doing the same things the Germans did in WWII. That's drama.
Cap could be great! Or it could get seriously f**ked up.