Is it really "Just the internet"?


Mar 1, 2006
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I know many on here have developed strong bonds, friendships and such.
Hell, many use this forum to stay in touch with their loved one that are so far away and may have increased their heart felt connection through interaction here. Some have met their spouse through boards.

I'm fond of many here, I can't say that I've developed any lasting friendships, maybe I have and I just don't know it. Is there a decoder for internet friend ship and etiquette? I'm clueless.

I've met a few people that I've talked to on line and I'm sure many on here have as well.

Tell do you feel?
Edit. Original post was a bit too naughty so heres a duck-
The internet is a tool. If you decide what you want from it, and get that from it, that is cool.
If it takes control, and you're now getting stuff you don't want from it, you are lame.

If you're using it to stay in contact with people you like, what could be nicer? It's still "just the internet", that you are using, as a tool, to foster and perpetuate a real life thing.

If you are using it for entertainment purposes, and you have found entertaining people on it, then it's also still "just the internet".

If you are getting high blood pressure, or crying, or losing sleep, or becoming bored out of your skull with what you find on the internet, but you keep compulsively returning, again, it is still "just the internet", and in real life you are being stupid and self destructive.
I dont know, no one on here likes me, what with my bad grammar and such. but i hope to one day meet dog lips and have a love child with him.

Speaking of such, DBella met Immortalfire & C.Lee they ******* her in a motel and now she's preggers, they were gonna do a DNA test see who the daddy is but the baby on the scan had no tashe, so it's immortals..

I don't even think a dry face smiley would be suffice.
I dont know, no one on here likes me, what with my bad grammar and such. but i hope to one day meet dog lips and have a love child with him.

Speaking of such, DBella met Immortalfire & C.Lee they sp*troasted her in a motel and now she's preggers, they were gonna do a DNA test see who the daddy is but the baby on the scan had no tashe, so it's immortals.

No lie.
Doesn't anyone speak English anymore?! With my paycheck, I can't afford to go to Foreign Language class.
Doesn't anyone speak English anymore?! With my paycheck, I can't afford to go to Foreign Language class.

And it's paycheque, not paycheck, thats englisy your using your american version. (for future reference its colour not color)
I :heart: you all.

Ok, not really. But I'm fond of several of you. :word:
the internet is a demon that captured my soul.
And it's paycheque, not paycheck, thats englisy your using your american version. (for future reference its colour not color)
"that's" not "thats"
"you're" not "your"
"English" not "englisy"

In GB you can use your version of English spelling, but here, we have our own. Thanks. :)

Also, bad use of punctuations. :csad:
Back on topic. I have no problem with most posters here. I like some more than others but that's because we talk more through PMs or IMs or phone conversations. I can't say I hate anyone here but that's because hatred is such a deep emotion that I do not care to invest on on strangers. I have made a few good friends here though.
Back on topic. I have no problem with most posters here. I like some more than others but that's because we talk more through PMs or IMs or phone conversations. I can't say I hate anyone here but that's because hatred is such a deep emotion that I do not care to invest on on strangers. I have made a few good friends here though.

It's just heaving breathing.

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