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The Dark Knight Rises Johnny Depp wants the Riddler role

Johnny Depp and David Tennat would both be a good choice, they both have the range for the riddler.
I never said Depp was plain wrong for the part. I just said he's not my ideal choice for the part. And just because someone was in Dr. Who doesn't mean they don't have talent. You can't just assume that if someone has acting talent, they will be in big movies, or a lot of movies. There are plenty of actors out there who haven't had their chance to shine yet.

I don't doubt Tennant has talent. I simply said he is not as talented an actor as Johnny Depp.

Exactly. I'm saying if WB actually listened to the fans, we wouldn't have Heath Ledger in the role. That was my point.

No one is saying that anyone is going to be cast simply because the fans want them.

Again, I don't bow down and worship Depp on the same level as you guys clearly do. I hated Pirates of the Caribbean (which is what boosted him to superstar status), but I enjoy plenty of his work. However, I do find him overrated.

Bow down and worship? Please. It doesn't take anything of the sort to recognize Depp's talents. I am hardly Depp's biggest fan, but I respect him.

That's a matter of opinion. Plenty of people enjoyed Maggie. I guess you have a point with Katie, but it wasn't like she was downright terrible.

Everything is a matter of opinion. I, for example, found Katie Holmes to be significantly better than Maggie Gyllenhaal. The general opinion, however, was that both actresses were the weakest parts of the cast.

I'm just saying that Nolan doesn't cast the obvious choices that most fans make. Now, when you look at them, they are fairly obvious. But at the time before these people were cast, I didn't see too many of these names mentioned around.

Actually Christian Bale WAS the fan's choice. Aaron Eckhart was also mentioned several times around here. Matt Damon, Nolan's first choice for Harvey, was far from left field.

How so? People were casting the Joker in their minds based purely on the look of actors. Heath Ledger didn't look like the Joker, so for a lot of people, it was out of left field.

Ledger looked no less like the Joker than say Lachy Hulme or Paul Bettany.

I never said they did.

Just because Depp has displayed interest, doesn't mean he should be The Riddler.

Whatever dude. Just because I don't beat off to the sounds of Johnny Depp, doesn't mean I'm not entitled to share my thoughts.

No one's trying to censure you, guy.
I know. I just don't understand why everyone seems to be jumping on my back for not wanting Depp in the role. There's a difference between me saying I think Depp is wrong for the role, and saying I don't think Depp should play the role. The difference is that, yes, I think Depp has talent and would definitely have an interesting turn as The Riddler, but I have a vision of The Riddler in Christopher Nolan's universe, and I don't see Depp.

It's hard to verbalize what I'm thinking without making myself seem contradictory. I don't think he's wrong for the Riddler. He's just not my choice and what I envisioned. That is my official stance on the matter. Maybe that will help make things clearer as to where I'm coming from.

As mentioned before, any good actor could play The Riddler. Depp is a good actor, but he doesn't make my list of top 20 best actors (that are still alive) or anything.
I know. I just don't understand why everyone seems to be jumping on my back for not wanting Depp in the role. There's a difference between me saying I think Depp is wrong for the role, and saying I don't think Depp should play the role. The difference is that, yes, I think Depp has talent and would definitely have an interesting turn as The Riddler, but I have a vision of The Riddler in Christopher Nolan's universe, and I don't see Depp.

It's hard to verbalize what I'm thinking without making myself seem contradictory. I don't think he's wrong for the Riddler. He's just not my choice and what I envisioned. That is my official stance on the matter. Maybe that will help make things clearer as to where I'm coming from.

As mentioned before, any good actor could play The Riddler. Depp is a good actor, but he doesn't make my list of top 20 best actors (that are still alive) or anything.

I agree with you, actually the number one reason I want Depp for the role is because I want to see Bale kicking his ass and see those fan girls cryng in the THE theather HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Dude. How the hell am I pulling crap out of my ass? How is me saying I don't want Depp for the role ANY DIFFERENT than you saying you want Depp for the role? I don't need to back up why I think that way. You don't represent a majority of the fan's thoughts, and neither do I.

You keep looking past the fact that I acknowledge Depp as more than just a fan favorite. I have said NUMEROUS times that I think he's a talented actor. He's not my personal choice for The Riddler. That is a fact. I don't have to freaking back up what I'm saying, so I don't get where you're coming from with how I'm "pulling crap from my ass."

A lot of those people became fan favorites after the fact that they were being mentioned as candidates for the role. Yes, I'm fully aware that Christian Bale was a fan favorite before hand, as was Gary Oldman. I never saw Liam Neeson's name as a fan favorite for Ra's Al Ghul. It's not even that big a deal at how I perceived events of casting speculation compared to how you perceived events of casting speculation. That's just how I remember it. I'm not talking about this forum exclusively.

I think Depp is overrated. He's a good actor. Remember, I never said he wasn't. I never said I saw as anything more than a fan favorite, jackass. I said I don't Nolan will cast him because he's a fan favorite. Nobody seems to be looking past the fact that I said that. If you read correctly, you'll also see that I said I think Nolan will cast the person right for his vision, whether it included Depp or not. Jesus, people.

I can't be pulling crap from my ass on my own thoughts and opinions. To me, Depp is not the greatest actor in the world. Lay off.
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dammit. Sorry for the double post.
Great that he'd do it. Wont happen tho. Adrien Brody, a great actor, and my preferred Joker when the film was being cast, REEAAALLLYYY wanted the role. Didn't happen. We'll get another left fielder.
What the hell? How am I flaming? By voicing my opinion that Depp is not my personal choice for The Riddler? Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I'm not the one that started arguing over how I don't think Depp should be The Riddler. My original post:

Yeah, I'm much more for Tennant than Depp. I really don't want to see Johnny Depp in the role.

Where the hell is the argument? All I see is myself voicing an opinion. I'm not singling out anybody who disagrees. Don't accuse me of doing anything I didn't do. You're the one turning this into an argument. Don't tell me to lay off, because I'm not harping on anyone. You seem to be misinterpreting what I'm saying, and I'm correcting it.

My thoughts. My opinions. Go to hell, dude. Case closed.
again, my comp is glitching out. don't know why the double posts are happening. sorry.
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Wow. And you're calling me immature? I don't call people names unless instigated. When you keep singling me out for voicing my opinion, you're bound to provoke a reaction out of me. Calling me stupid and immature makes you no better.

Jesus, is anybody else seeing this crap?
Wow. And you're calling me immature? I don't call people names unless instigated. When you keep singling me out for voicing my opinion, you're bound to provoke a reaction out of me. Calling me stupid and immature makes you no better.

Jesus, is anybody else seeing this crap?

Don't worry about it. Try to laugh at it.
Haha, true, but am I in the wrong here or something? I didn't start anything. That's what bothers me.

Someone needs to lay off the juice ;).
Nothing wrong with that. Seems someone can't even take a joke lightly.

Whatever. Guy Pearce and Michael Fassbender for the Riddler!
Holy ****...u can stop arguing even though it makes me laugh, but both of you have good points and who knows whos going to play the riddler i think everybody should stop talking about who is going to play him and start talking about what the character himself is going to be like...for instance they wrote the joker in the script of DK before Heath Ledger was even casted so when they started filming Ledger had his character and knew from reading the script what the joker was going to be like....all im saying is everyone should be focusing on the character of the riddler FIRST and once we know what he is going to be like then we choose who would BEST portray the character.
Honestly, if you're a director, even Nolan, and Depp says he wants the role, you gonna actually tell him, "no, I don't think you're right for this?"
I think The Riddler is an underrated character, even in the comics and animated series. I want to see The Riddler played out like he was in the story "Dark Knight, Dark City." It's probably the best arc the Riddler has in the comics. If Nolan uses The Riddler, he'll write him as a serious, cerebral character...which will automatically elevate it above the campy Carrey portrayal, even before Nolan casts an actor.

He's been known to engage in grand theft, assault, attempted murder, and murder. But he generally can't just shoot someone and be done with it. He has to concoct some intricate death trap and either - generally, if the victim is Batman - challenge the victim to find the one and only way to escape (yes, Jigsaw from the Saw series is, in some ways, a major Riddler rip-off) or - if it's someone other than Batman - provide Batman with riddles that he had to unravel in order to save the intended victim.

And of course, that's his M.O., no matter what kind of crime he's committing. Any crime that can described in a riddle, The Riddler can, and will, commit. And if they do another film version of The Riddler, they really need to make his riddles difficult, which they've never done in previous on-screen representations. The Riddler's riddles should require genius-level intelligence and problem-solving skills to solve. That's the point. Riddler is a narcissist who has to constantly prove to the world that he's smarter than everyone. And Batman can only thwart him by being even smarter.

Honestly, if you're a director, even Nolan, and Depp says he wants the role, you gonna actually tell him, "no, I don't think you're right for this?"

Well, I think that's not the case. I don't think it's a matter of "are you talented enough to play Riddler?" Depp clearly has talent. I think it's more of "do you fit the vision I have of the character?" Whether Depp does or not is all up to Nolan. Despite Depp saying he's interested in the role. God knows how many talented actors have expressed interest in roles, but have never been considered or cast.
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The reason so many people would want Depp for the role isn't because of laziness and not being able to think of a different choice, it's because they know he could own the role, as he always has done in his career.

He's a FANTASTIC actor.
See, and that is a matter of opinion. No one is right. No one is wrong. You want to see Depp as the Riddler? Go for it. You want to see someone else as the Riddler? Go for it. The director is the only one making the final choice anyways. I think Depp is a great actor, but not fantastic.
If Depp was casted as the Riddler, he would be devoted to making the character the best he can possibly be because 1. Hes a fan of the character and also a fan of Frank Gorshin and 2. It would be a challenging role for him and Depp loves those kind of roles. I dont see why Nolan wouldnt cast him unless Depp doesnt fit into Nolans vision of the Riddlers character.
Well, see Depp isn't one of those guys that usually get auditioned...most people already know that Depp in a role means he auditions YOU. Basically, is the **** you're creating up to MY standards.
I like that Depp gave some throw back the Adam West series but that is seriously not the take I would want to see.
Depp for Riddler AND Tennant for Mad-Hatter.

Problem solved. :wow:
Riddle me this, riddle me that, Which villain do I not want to appear in the film about the big, black bat?
I don't know the answer to that, but what I do know is that what you just said was pretty freakin' lame.

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