The Dark Knight Jokerizing your bills...did it.

Ray Stantz

Jul 29, 2007
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Hey all-

I tried to find it first wih no luck, but there was a thread here where someone had proposed jokerizing all of your personal dollar bills and then spending them in order to circulate and do our own marketing. Needless to saay, I took the idea to heart. I work in a movie theatre box office where we get extra bundles o cash just in case we run out durring rounds. I jokerized an entire stack of 100 $1 bills.

100 people now wield a joker dollar with written on them. Hopefully that helps to spread the good word. One of my managers found out about it, and I was scarred ****less. I did this at my work and this is a legal matter, drawing on money and all. Instead of any punishment I was rewarded with this bute:



You better believe that thing is gracing my wall now. The theatre only got one and it is in my possesion. There is a god and not all illegal things turn out bad!:woot:

I especially liked this little piece that i didn't really notice on the poster that hit the net:


Thats just a nice little pinch o' joker I didn't expect. Whoever is working on the promotions for this film definantly has their **** straight. Anyway, just wanted to share.
Was wondering what that red lettering said on the bottom. Thanks for the enlightenment.:woot:
hahahaaha, all cuz of maddocks and i!

your welcome :D
I'm a batfan and have been following the viral campaign very closely. unfortunately I live in ireland and it's difficult to be involved in ALL aspects. I have a desire to make a dark knight framed piece, with the gotham times, some joker cards, and the why so serious dollar. (don't just wanna use the few I made myself, i'd prefer the origional.) my question is does anyone have any of the whysoserious dollars that they are willing to sell? ALSO, i know some people got joker CARDS sent to them. i'm guessing these are pretty sought after, but does anyone have these??

Thank you for your time,
I got one but I aint given it up, sorry :csad: If I had more than one I'd hook a brotha' up though. I just got lucky and found one in the street at Comic-Con...
Try Ebay, that's where I got mine. I only paid $5 bucks for it. Not too bad.
Hey guys. thank you for your responces. you know as you mentioned ebay, I had a brainwave... i had only searched ebay.CO.UK not .com, so i checked .com and got a couple to choose from! a fair bit more then 5 bucks though :S but It'd be nice when I get the merchandise framed and I can at least know that I have TWO genuine pieces of Dark knight viral goodies :)

If only I could source some OFFICIAL joker cards, at the mo i bought a collection of 12 on ebay for cheap,. but a couple I think look like they could work!
I'd wait for Ebay, it's probably going to be pricey as hell for a while, until heath's death is a little less on peoples minds.
I have the Gotham Times if you need that.
Redd: Thank you very much mate, Really appreciate the offer, but thankfully I have my gotham times :)

Must get a photo of the joker card I have, it's almost like the card used in begins, but from the waist up... the figure is very very similar, same hunch over and is holding a sceptre in the same way etc... just nothing below the waist.
Here if you need a pic of a Joker dollar here yea go.

Hey Redd,

I would like the Gotham Times, because I didn't got mine. I'm from Mexico, what would I have to do to have it? Hehe...
Hey guys. thank you for your responces. you know as you mentioned ebay, I had a brainwave... i had only searched ebay.CO.UK not .com, so i checked .com and got a couple to choose from! a fair bit more then 5 bucks though :S but It'd be nice when I get the merchandise framed and I can at least know that I have TWO genuine pieces of Dark knight viral goodies :)

If only I could source some OFFICIAL joker cards, at the mo i bought a collection of 12 on ebay for cheap,. but a couple I think look like they could work!

I know whatyou mean bro. As of right now I have the Joker Dollar, two Gotham Times papers, and the Grumpy Joker Mask. I still need to find one of the cards and the two other masks I am missing (Chuckles and Dopey)
You're going to have a tough time finding those masks. But good luck. Send us pics of them if you get them.
aw nice one, you got the same kind of idea then? well I have a picture of the cards I bought. the middle card is the main one I want to use. if you compare it to the one used at the end of begins, it is roughly the same character, just cut of at the waist...

so i wanna maybe get an evidence bag and recreate the evidence sticker and use it like that, because i don't think I'm going to get an actual joker card which was sent out in the campaign.
yeah the only pics that I have seen of the masks were in a Halloween catalog book for Rubies. But they are not going to start selling those masks until Halloween.
I just looked at party city and they dont have it.
I know whatyou mean bro. As of right now I have the Joker Dollar, two Gotham Times papers, and the Grumpy Joker Mask. I still need to find one of the cards and the two other masks I am missing (Chuckles and Dopey)

:boba:Wow you did you get so lucky?
Did you get all that at the same time?
I wish I had that stuff that Nirvana1375 has. I only have some Gotham Times newspapers and 2 Joker posters.

I have been looking everywhere for some Joker masks. I really want one!
I wish I had that stuff that Nirvana1375 has. I only have some Gotham Times newspapers and 2 Joker posters.

I have been looking everywhere for some Joker masks. I really want one!

Go to Ebay; not any right now, but stuff shows up...........
But on e-bay it can get a little expensive.

The shipping alone can sometimes chew you apart
very true redd. Thats weird that party city didn't have it, They carried them at halloween. And they keep halloween stocked all year round.

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