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My guess on why the Venom storyline will suck.

WTFimVENOM said:
Those are some great points. Also, Brock wasn't always HUGE, he took on body building after he was fired from his job. This is another reason why Topher can play the part perfectly well.
good point, but as long as the Venom outfit is huge it should be fine.. I dont think anyone wants to see a skinny venom, a skinny brock is no problem what so ever.
Shadow Moses X said:
good point, but as long as the Venom outfit is huge it should be fine.. I dont think anyone wants to see a skinny venom, a skinny brock is no problem what so ever.
Exactly what I think
Shadow Moses X said:
good point, but as long as the Venom outfit is huge it should be fine.. I dont think anyone wants to see a skinny venom, a skinny brock is no problem what so ever.
I agree completely
EDIT: Srry for the double post
I'm thinking maybe they hired a skinny guy like Topher Grace to play Eddie Brock on purpose so either
A)He'll be a small guy at the start so when the symbiote bonds with him they can have a hulking blue screen Venom to show the effect it has on someone,or
B)So he can bulk up later in the film,showing progression from the start of the film to the end.
They hired Grace probably because they want Brock to mirror Peter. Brock won't be a big guy, and a don't expect him to grow as the movie progresses. We'll see some ugly effect to make Venom bigger probably.
i would seriously throw up and never watch spiderman 3 again if the movie were just like RMThompson's predictions. That would be horrible.

Im looking for something thats faithful to the comics but still a new and entertaining story altogether, and i think thats what most of the fans want so therefore thats what we should get.
Spider-Fan930 said:
They hired Grace probably because they want Brock to mirror Peter. Brock won't be a big guy, and a don't expect him to grow as the movie progresses. We'll see some ugly effect to make Venom bigger probably.
kooguy911 said:
i would seriously throw up and never watch spiderman 3 again if the movie were just like RMThompson's predictions. That would be horrible.

Im looking for something thats faithful to the comics but still a new and entertaining story altogether, and i think thats what most of the fans want so therefore thats what we should get.

agreed... I would hate it. I am glad that everyone agrees that Grace in a black costume is NOT Venom... because if they do that, it will suck! My worry is that they are just going for an Anti-Spider Man, skinny guy in a black suit. I hope I am wrong.
Topher Grace is ment to be in a spiderman costume, if you watch his MOVIES and not that 70s show.. hes a fit.
RMThompson said:
agreed... I would hate it. I am glad that everyone agrees that Grace in a black costume is NOT Venom... because if they do that, it will suck! My worry is that they are just going for an Anti-Spider Man, skinny guy in a black suit. I hope I am wrong.
i think Brock will do great as Venom cause it's possible they will use padding to make Venom look buffer or CGI to make him look taller.
Has anyone seen LXG? The effects on Mr. Hyde were horrible. Venom's effects will probably be similar. One reason I wish they had gotten a bigger guy.
Spider-Fan930 said:
Has anyone seen LXG? The effects on Mr. Hyde were horrible. Venom's effects will probably be similar. One reason I wish they had gotten a bigger guy.

Are you joking. 'The League' was actually a small budget movie. Only about 70million. Spider-Man's budget is somewhere around $200 million. Spider-Man has the state of the art CG technology. The effects won't be similar at all.
matthooper said:
Are you joking. 'The League' was actually a small budget movie. Only about 70million. Spider-Man's budget is somewhere around $200 million. Spider-Man has the state of the art CG technology. The effects won't be similar at all.

The effect may look a little better, but they will be doing something similar. The effect is going to look off. The Spider-Man movies have used state of the art technology, but even these movies have had bad effects shots. One in particular, in the first movie when he is jumping over rooftops after leaving his school. SM3 may have more of a budget, but if just Ock and Spidey's effects made a 200 mil movie, factor in what they have to do: Sandman's effects, Spidey's, crew pay, etc. I don't think it bodes well for the make a small guy look bigger effects.
Spider-Fan930 said:
The effect may look a little better, but they will be doing something similar. The effect is going to look off. The Spider-Man movies have used state of the art technology, but even these movies have had bad effects shots. One in particular, in the first movie when he is jumping over rooftops after leaving his school. SM3 may have more of a budget, but if just Ock and Spidey's effects made a 200 mil movie, factor in what they have to do: Sandman's effects, Spidey's, crew pay, etc. I don't think it bodes well for the make a small guy look bigger effects.

You're wrong. The 'League' is already a few years old and the technology is already way ahead of even Spider-Man 2. LXG had very little CGI budget. They went with mostly miniatures and traditional effects.

You mention one shot from the first movie that is bad. Those effects were done in 2001 almost 6 years ago and almost 7 years before the CGI will be done for SM3.

I got an idea for everyone who has these negative premature "thoughts" on effects, casting, chartacters and such. Don't see the movie. You all seem to have a problem with everything whether it's Venom, Topher, effects or whatever the case maight be. The film is a year away and no effects have been done.
matthooper said:
You're wrong. The 'League' is already a few years old and the technology is already way ahead of even Spider-Man 2. LXG had very little CGI budget. They went with mostly miniatures and traditional effects.

You mention one shot from the first movie that is bad. Those effects were done in 2001 almost 6 years ago and almost 7 years before the CGI will be done for SM3.

I got an idea for everyone who has these negative premature "thoughts" on effects, casting, chartacters and such. Don't see the movie. You all seem to have a problem with everything whether it's Venom, Topher, effects or whatever the case maight be. The film is a year away and no effects have been done.

You know, this attitude on this site is really getting old. Just because I don't go along with the possibility of being spoonfed a crappy Venom, and am vocal I shouldn't see the movie? Do I have to like every aspect of the movie to watch it? I am sick of people saying this to people expressing a negative view. If you don't like me saying it, guess what DON'T READ IT! I am anxious to see this movie, but at the same time I don't want to see it ruined by a poorly done Venom.
RMThompson said:
You know whats funny about you blasting someone you don't know? Your sig that makes comments about you being kicked out of a board for something you didn't do... kind of makes me wonder if you *acutally* did what you claim you're innocent from.

It's an opinion man - grow up and get over it. To each his own and all that.


exactly, i've always acted like this under my one screenname. I never needed to make up another screenname to blast someone or troll, which is what they said i did.
I think there will be a chemical/symbiote that gives Sandman his powers. It will merge with Spidey's suit as well and eventually merge with Brock
Spider-Fan930 said:
You know, this attitude on this site is really getting old. Just because I don't go along with the possibility of being spoonfed a crappy Venom, and am vocal I shouldn't see the movie? Do I have to like every aspect of the movie to watch it? I am sick of people saying this to people expressing a negative view. If you don't like me saying it, guess what DON'T READ IT! I am anxious to see this movie, but at the same time I don't want to see it ruined by a poorly done Venom.

You gave a theory on why the effects would suck comparing them to LXG. I gave the facts on why your theory was wrong. That's it.

LXG had a budget of 70 million, SM3 is about $200 million. LXG’s CGI was done in 2002, Spider-Man 3's CGI will be done in 2006. An eternity as far as computer effects advance.

LXG mostly went with traditional effects and used very little CGI, and the CGI was rushed and done for very little money. The computer effects were not done by the best like Spider-Man 3. LXG had to do millions in re-shoots because the studio didn’t like how it turned out. They blew the budget and had very little for good CGI effects. Basically, LXG's effects and more specifically, the CGI was crap, and not even close to how Spidey’s will be, not even in the ballpark.
Spider-Fan930 said:
You know, this attitude on this site is really getting old. Just because I don't go along with the possibility of being spoonfed a crappy Venom, and am vocal I shouldn't see the movie?
What? Crappy Venom?? So far all the news about Venom has only made me put more faith in SM3 and Venom as a character.
matthooper said:
You gave a theory on why the effects would suck comparing them to LXG. I gave the facts on why your theory was wrong. That's it.

LXG had a budget of 70 million, SM3 is about $200 million. LXG’s CGI was done in 2002, Spider-Man 3's CGI will be done in 2006. An eternity as far as computer effects advance.

LXG mostly went with traditional effects and used very little CGI, and the CGI was rushed and done for very little money. The computer effects were not done by the best like Spider-Man 3. LXG had to do millions in re-shoots because the studio didn’t like how it turned out. They blew the budget and had very little for good CGI effects. Basically, LXG's effects and more specifically, the CGI was crap, and not even close to how Spidey’s will be, not even in the ballpark.

Yeah, and you also used the idiotic "if you don't like it, don't see it" line. It is a cancer that is beginning to make any kind of debate impossible on this site. Next time, don't sink low to make your point.
WTFimVENOM said:
What? Crappy Venom?? So far all the news about Venom has only made me put more faith in SM3 and Venom as a character.

I have many complaints on how Venom may be presented in this movie, but to repeat:

1- By using Venom in Spider-Man 3, you compromise the potential great story of Harry vs. Peter, that has MUCH more build up (over the course of two films).

2- Brock is being played by a comedic actor. I have no reason to believe Topher can pull this role off. It is obvious they want a Brock that mirrors Peter, but Brock has more aspects to his character.

3- Making Venom "Hulk up" will look stupid.

4- By using Venom in the same movie the black suit first appears, his story will feel cheap and rushed.

That about sums it up. I am usually a much more positive person on this site, but these things have me worried. I hope the movie turns out great, but I don't think a rushed Venom is good. A set up for a 4th film Venom, ok, a rushed Venom, HELL NO!
Spider-Fan930 said:
I have many complaints on how Venom may be presented in this movie, but to repeat:

1- By using Venom in Spider-Man 3, you compromise the potential great story of Harry vs. Peter, that has MUCH more build up (over the course of two films).

2- Brock is being played by a comedic actor. I have no reason to believe Topher can pull this role off. It is obvious they want a Brock that mirrors Peter, but Brock has more aspects to his character.

3- Making Venom "Hulk up" will look stupid.

4- By using Venom in the same movie the black suit first appears, his story will feel cheap and rushed.

That about sums it up. I am usually a much more positive person on this site, but these things have me worried. I hope the movie turns out great, but I don't think a rushed Venom is good. A set up for a 4th film Venom, ok, a rushed Venom, HELL NO!
lol at your last comment
Spider-Fan930 said:
I have many complaints on how Venom may be presented in this movie, but to repeat:

1- By using Venom in Spider-Man 3, you compromise the potential great story of Harry vs. Peter, that has MUCH more build up (over the course of two films).

2- Brock is being played by a comedic actor. I have no reason to believe Topher can pull this role off. It is obvious they want a Brock that mirrors Peter, but Brock has more aspects to his character.

3- Making Venom "Hulk up" will look stupid.

4- By using Venom in the same movie the black suit first appears, his story will feel cheap and rushed.

That about sums it up. I am usually a much more positive person on this site, but these things have me worried. I hope the movie turns out great, but I don't think a rushed Venom is good. A set up for a 4th film Venom, ok, a rushed Venom, HELL NO!

OK, well, I guess I'll respond, just for the heck of it.

1. I disagree. If this was another Spidey vs Goblin movie, it would not be as succesful. We have to remember, this is a movie, and movies sell on sensationalism. They NEED to have new baddies every movie to keep the story rocking. I sort of like how the Harry vs Peter story arc has been through the first two movies, and will continue, maybe to its finale in the fourth movie. If they kept in alive in the FOURTH movie, it would be redundant. Some people are going to think it is already.

2. Apparently you have no faith in actors. Topher Grace is a fine actor. His work in FILM has been outstanding, Traffic, In Good Company, and even Win a Date! Sure he's a funny guy, but his dry sense of comedy will only add to the possible Anti-Peter storyline. Also, again, this is a movie, and have TWO popular, young, known actors is going to draw teenage girls in... another reason to cast him, even if it's the wrong reason. A succesful film will only lead to more films. I think he's funny. I've always found his dry humor to be excellent.

3. Here I agree. If these graphics look anything like THE HULK or LXG I am going to scream, but there are PLENTY of reasons to think otherwise. I personally think that we are going to see a slimmed down version of Venom. In the original comics he wasn't MUCH bigger than Spiderman.. see a picture I posted earlier in this thread for proof, but in the UNLIMTED storyline, and in countless others, he was much larger.

4. Again - disagree. I am so *sick* of movies being like television shows. If they showed a symbiote towards the end of Spider Man 2, and left it there waiting for an answer in Spider Man 3, it would be just like another cliffhanger movie. THATS when movies feel cheap, when storylines are not completed. Sure, I just got done saying that I like the story arc of Harry v Peter, but at least each individual story was encapsulated. A movie should be able to be watched on its own, without seeing the previous or especially the sequals, and have it make sense. I don't see a way for a symbiote to show up, and not finish the storyline in one movie. They could give Pete the Symbiote, transfer it to Eddie, and create Venom, all in one movie, and then the main thrust of that storyline is complete. Great. If the costume was created and then the movie ended, it would be terrible.

Spider Man 1 and Spider Man 2 can be watched without each other and make perfect sense. :spidey:

And to those who complain about us complaining... well that makes no sense. We're here to b*tch about what we don't know because we're all uber fan-boy geeks who are dying for this movie. Even if they made Venom a little purple elf with three legs I go see the damn thing...

Probably twice.
RMThompson said:
OK, well, I guess I'll respond, just for the heck of it.

1. I disagree. If this was another Spidey vs Goblin movie, it would not be as succesful. We have to remember, this is a movie, and movies sell on sensationalism. They NEED to have new baddies every movie to keep the story rocking. I sort of like how the Harry vs Peter story arc has been through the first two movies, and will continue, maybe to its finale in the fourth movie. If they kept in alive in the FOURTH movie, it would be redundant. Some people are going to think it is already.

2. Apparently you have no faith in actors. Topher Grace is a fine actor. His work in FILM has been outstanding, Traffic, In Good Company, and even Win a Date! Sure he's a funny guy, but his dry sense of comedy will only add to the possible Anti-Peter storyline. Also, again, this is a movie, and have TWO popular, young, known actors is going to draw teenage girls in... another reason to cast him, even if it's the wrong reason. A succesful film will only lead to more films. I think he's funny. I've always found his dry humor to be excellent.

3. Here I agree. If these graphics look anything like THE HULK or LXG I am going to scream, but there are PLENTY of reasons to think otherwise. I personally think that we are going to see a slimmed down version of Venom. In the original comics he wasn't MUCH bigger than Spiderman.. see a picture I posted earlier in this thread for proof, but in the UNLIMTED storyline, and in countless others, he was much larger.

4. Again - disagree. I am so *sick* of movies being like television shows. If they showed a symbiote towards the end of Spider Man 2, and left it there waiting for an answer in Spider Man 3, it would be just like another cliffhanger movie. THATS when movies feel cheap, when storylines are not completed. Sure, I just got done saying that I like the story arc of Harry v Peter, but at least each individual story was encapsulated. A movie should be able to be watched on its own, without seeing the previous or especially the sequals, and have it make sense. I don't see a way for a symbiote to show up, and not finish the storyline in one movie. They could give Pete the Symbiote, transfer it to Eddie, and create Venom, all in one movie, and then the main thrust of that storyline is complete. Great. If the costume was created and then the movie ended, it would be terrible.

Spider Man 1 and Spider Man 2 can be watched without each other and make perfect sense. :spidey:

And to those who complain about us complaining... well that makes no sense. We're here to b*tch about what we don't know because we're all uber fan-boy geeks who are dying for this movie. Even if they made Venom a little purple elf with three legs I go see the damn thing...

Probably twice.

1. Spider-Man movies will make 350+ million dollars no matter who the villain is. Plus, you have Sandman for variety, and GG2 in for substance and drama. It works fine.

2. Again, why should I have faith in Topher for what should be a creepy role. All his roles have been funny.

4. Doing the whole Venom saga in one movie is pushing it. I would rather see the idea explained and done in detail rather than rushed and jumbled.

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