Naruto - Part 1

As for the last chapter I feel if Naruto wants to complete his role as a brother/friend to Sasuke he needs to kill him. He poses a major threat to everything with his mental instability.
I think
Sasuke's new design for Naruto: The Last was revealed, so i doubt Sasuke's gonna die in the manga.

The manga ending makes sence, but i think it's doign so way too fast right now, Naruto vs Sasuke has been hyped for almost a decade right now, yet more time has been spent on Madara and Kaguya...
I don't think the fight needs to be longer than this. It's long enough to have a kick-ass battle and a proper ending.

And I've been thinking about the movie spoiling who lives...
There is a good enough chance that it's a separate reality. Kinda like the last movie was.
As for the last chapter I feel if Naruto wants to complete his role as a brother/friend to Sasuke he needs to kill him. He poses a major threat to everything with his mental instability.
Not going to happen.
"MY WAY OF THE NINJA IS TO NOT KILL", he still lives by it, killing Sasuke all of a sudden will go against his ability to change the hearts of others for the best, like he did with Gaara, and a few others.
The things is, 5 chapters isn't nearly enough for a proper Naruto vs Sasuke battle and to explain all the loose ends, considering how much the war had dragged, this just seems like it's being done too fast.
Shueisha has spoken I guess. Bleach's ending must be around the corner too seeing as that one has been bleeding significantly more than Naruto. So I know they want that to be over with. Judging by where the story is at I think it's safe to say it's pretty dern close.
I'd like to believe that, but the way Kubo paces Bleach, I think it's gonna take a while. The lack of content in each chapter must be one of the reasons why it's not going so well.
The things is, 5 chapters isn't nearly enough for a proper Naruto vs Sasuke battle and to explain all the loose ends, considering how much the war had dragged, this just seems like it's being done too fast.
We know their abilities, so there's not much new. It'll be a direct battle. We don't need more than five. And what loose ends are there that deserve explaining?
It better be compressed, and with as little exposition as possible.
Series end is what I've been looking forward to the most since I stopped following, don't want them to stretch it.
At the pace things are going, Bleach could last for another year or two, but if the manga sales get lower, there's nothing that will save it from cancellation, even the single chapters have been ranking in the bottom 5 of the magazine for quite a while.

It'll be a direct battle. We don't need more than five. And what loose ends are there that deserve explaining?

Taken directly from another forum

Where did Kaguya come from?

What happened to Hamura?

Who is the death god?

What was Obito's reason to attack Konoha?

What was Danzo's deal with Tobi?

Where were the Uchiha the night of the Kyuubi attack?

What is Tenten's clan?

How will sadistic Kabuto return to his Konoha orphan brothers?

Was Jiraya the middle man spy for Itachi and Konoha or is that just a fan theory?

How will Sasuke not die in an angry mob since everyone is going to blame the Uchiha for the war (which is kind of why Sasuke wants to be the "Hokage" in the first place, e has no other choice but to be hated by everyone other then a handful of Orohimaru survivors)?

Will this revolution come to pass (not Sasuke's, but a hybrid of Naruto and Sasuke's)?

Did the pairing wars turn Kishi off to ever resolving a pairing and just make him want to capitalize on them since no one will be happy unless he leaves it open for people to make up their own headcanon?

What did Hashirama give Sasuke?

Will Karin meet Naruto and will she become stronger or will she remain a bite victim and remain with Sasuke instead of learning new Jutsu by people who don't take advantage of her? (Comic relief = likely lesser fate)

What will the outcome and reaction be of the GoKage?

Will Gai ever walk again?

Is Kurama now permanently split in two?

What happened to the Whirlpool village?

Will we ever find out what Karin's past is or what she did with Sasuke as suggested by Suigetsu? My guess is they gave each other their v-card.

Like, seriously? we spend some 100 chapters with Obito, Madara and Kaguya, yet the final bit in the story, the stuff you could actualy milk the most, gets resolved in a rush. Then you also have things like Orochimaru, and all the weird things he did, having him reform this easily is kind of hilarious.

By the way, found this image quite funny:

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lol ^
That image sums it up.

But back on the topic I ask once again...what loose ends are there that deserve explaining? Do you seriously care about any of that? Tenten's clan? Karin's past or resolution? Jiraya middle spy? Really? Hashi giving something to Sasuke that is so irrelevant at this point that people don't even bring it up? That's all content worth of being on fillers, which is what they did with the 6 tail Jinchuuriki, for example. We didn't need any of that.

The important answers, the answers that really have any serious impact on the story will either come in the final chapter or in the upcoming movie, which will show how the world reacted to the war and everything that happened. The others can come in the databooks and the most curious ones can be left for the reader to wonder, as long as it doesn't compromise the story's comprehension. It's not like every little detail needs to be explained. Some things are just so futile that don't deserve manga space.
I used that post to give an idea on the loose threads, i don't think all of them need to be answered, but 5 chapters isn't much to tie up this final fight, this plan that has been set into motion and hasn't been finished yet involving the bijuus (i don't even know what's going on, maybe it has already been sealed), Orochimaru being a good guy?, closure to the most important individuals in this particular cast, as well as other smaller things like what happened to Anko and the guy with wood abilities who was captured by Tobi & Kabuto.

For another writer or story it could be enough time, but Kishimoto has wasted some 20+ chapters on things that didn't matter much, or Kaguya, this moment has been hyped for years, so it gets a little disapointed to see that it'll be rushed like this, wasn't the Naruto vs Sasuke fight from the end of Part I also longer than this? We may know their abilities already, but the characters now have more to play, with considering the bijuus and all their new abilities.

If there was one moment you could milk, then that moment wasn't Obito, or Madara, much less Kaguya, it was Naruto vs Sasuke, this fight has been hyped for how long? Almost a decade? I realy doubt Kishi will have enough time to make it match such high expectations.
In part 1 they were still discovering the full extent of their abilities. Sasuke with the curse mark level 2 and Naruto with the one tail cloak. Now, they already know it. The talking has already been done. And they know each other thanks to the Kaguya battle - I think the only surprise we might have is Naruto pulling off a Juubi cloak - so that's why I believe 5 chapters is enough to have their battle, but in the next chapter we'll have a better idea of how it's going to be paced.

I also have a feeling that, if 699 is a normal chapter, the conclusion won't comprise too many things. Most will be left to be understood in the upcoming movie. But maybe it's a big chapter like the first one in the series was so it can have more going on.

EDIT: Oh wait, the chapter was already released. Didn't read it yet.

EDIT 2: Yep, that's it. They're going all out, already. There's not much to see on both sides. If they weren't so powerful and had to resort more on different techniques and their wits instead of their megazord powers, it could be more interesting. There could be more variety. I hope Kishi improves this battle, but now I don't even see it lasting more than 2 or 3 chapters. He even had to use flashbacks to consume some page space. It feels like there's really not much to do.
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So yeah, i don't think this fight is going to be worth all the wait, as you said, with a bigger variety of techniques or some strategy it could be more interesting, but it seems like Kishi's tired and just wants to do a straightforwad big scale battle. The thing with the movie is that it seems like the manga is adapting itself in order to serve as good promotion for that project, it has been dragging on for a long while, but now that the movie is close to being released, they decide to end it fast, right before the film's release.

Hell, the film Teasers have already spoiled the fate of certain characters, while i disliked many of the twists and turns from Part II, i feel like Kishi was still trying to make a good story, but for the past 3 years or so, it just seems like he's going on autopilot. A real shame that the plot has ended up the way it did, 5 years or more ago everyone was hyping Naruto vs Sasuke, now it doesn't seem like that many are caring, as we already know the ending, and the fight itself seems to follow a simple structure (uber powerful ninjas sending strong attacks at each others, with flashbacks to take up time, then comes the talk no jutsu).
What's with the guys at Uchiha wanting to kill their non-Uchiha friends?

Madara vs Hashirama?
Obito vs Kakashi?
Itachi vs his friends?
Sasuke vs Naruto?

Sasuke calls Naruto his only friend, and he's delivering the killing blow?
1 issue to go, this is starting to wrap up quite nicely. [BLACKOUT] I think now that they both lost an arm it makes sense why Naruto has his arm bandaged up in the trailer for the last movie. He must get a replacement arm at some stage, probably the same as Sasuke.[/BLACKOUT]
What an emotional read that was for me.
gosh darn.
The end is coming

We'll be getting a Part III featuring the next generation

It won't be an extensive work though, we'll also be getting spin off books, first one will be about Kakashi.

Honestly not a big fan of all these pairing though, many feel realy forced, Kakashi's generation didn't all need to start marrying.
Final chapter is out!

[BLACKOUT]I liked 699, but the final chapter just felt like fan fiction to me, Kishi did the same mistake as Rowling back in the day, though i think it was worse here. So, Naruto's son Bold uses a bolt as a necklace? huh. Everyone apparently ended up in pairs, funny thing is also that almost every female shinobi seems to have ended up in the kitchen.[/BLACKOUT]
A very neat and tidy way of wrapping up an enjoyable manga. I wonder if I'll feel the same when Oda eventually wraps up One Piece.
Predictable ending but I'm kind of glad it ended that way anything else would have been disappointing.
A very neat and tidy way of wrapping up an enjoyable manga. I wonder if I'll feel the same when Oda eventually wraps up One Piece.

Hopefully One Piece won't take big nosedive in its second half like Naruto did.

Predictable ending but I'm kind of glad it ended that way anything else would have been disappointing.

I disagree, i honestly was a bit disapointed with
so many forced pairings, characters like Orochimaru just going free and disappearing, or the kids being almost exact clones of their fathers.
Hopefully One Piece won't take big nosedive in its second half like Naruto did.

I disagree, i honestly was a bit disapointed with
so many forced pairings, characters like Orochimaru just going free and disappearing, or the kids being almost exact clones of their fathers.

Yep, i agree with all that.

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