Sci-Fi Orphan Black

Primal Slayer

Let the Siren scream
Jun 30, 2005
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Orphan Black is a science fiction television series financed and distributed by BBC Worldwide and Space, [2] the show is an American and Canadian co-production. The series stars Tatiana Maslany as Sarah, a woman who discovers she is one of several clones.

Vampire Diaires brought up Dopplegangers, The Lying Game brought us twin sisters, now this show brings us clones. Just watched the first episode and it was interesting enough for me to go on to the latest (2nd) episode.
I was excited about this...watched it and well...I hated it. I found the characters very unlikeable and thus could not really create an emotional bond with the show.
It's only two episodes in. But the actress does a good job of playing all these different clones.
I think its great now I just gotta hope ti doesn't get cancelled on me.
Like the show so far, Cosima is by far her hottest Clone :D
Just started watching this. I think it's awesome.
Olivier with a tail really tripped me out...

and then when Helena gave it the heavy-duty slice, OWTCH!...
Olivier with a tail really tripped me out...

and then when Helena gave it the heavy-duty slice, OWTCH!...

Then proceeded to dance with and wave it around on the dance floor of the club right after. This show is twisted in the right way.
I totally thought he was kidding when he said he had a tail. Or he meant it in a hypothetical sense, like "I totally could if I wanted to with our technology." But no, this dude decided the best expression of genetic superiority for him was to give himself a tail... :dry:
I totally thought he was kidding when he said he had a tail. Or he meant it in a hypothetical sense, like "I totally could if I wanted to with our technology." But no, this dude decided the best expression of genetic superiority for him was to give himself a tail... :dry:

This. When they showed he ACTUALLY had a tail, the show officially entered "WTF" territory.
Just noticed that the soccer mom clone is an extreme couponer/hoarder :D
This. When they showed he ACTUALLY had a tail, the show officially entered "WTF" territory.
I'm glad they seem to be switching over to Max Headroom as the main villain after that episode. I don't think I could take Olivier seriously after the tail incident.
I'm glad they seem to be switching over to Max Headroom as the main villain after that episode. I don't think I could take Olivier seriously after the tail incident.

This. However, part of me expects him to have a tail also. If not more.
Maybe he's got awesome bat wings wrapped around his torso under his clothes or something. Or laser eyes. I mean, if you could evolve anything, who would't immediately want laser eyes?
This is a great show, and you just know that executive type is another one of her. Cosima is so my favorite... and I thought she was playing Delphine, but it seems like she's serious... but I'm not sure, either...

And the bio mom twist sheds a lot of light on the backstory, that the Neolutionists had surrogates all over the place.
Cosima is just allaround the hottest and best of the clones, but Helena creeps the f**k out of me...
Good finale and the big reveal about the DNA sequence was just cold yet I wouldn't put it past it actually happening one day.
Damn. Great finale. Painful wait for next season.

Who is Mrs S? I'm guessing she has some involvement with the Dyad Institute and then she went rogue and somehow arranged for at least one of the clones to fall into her care. It would appear that she's now on the run from Sarah and the Dyad Institute judging from the trashed house, although I guess she could have trashed the house just to keep Sarah guessing about what is going on. Still, it was stone cold of her to run with Kira.

What is with Paul? I'm still unsure what the Dyad Institute have over him. I thought we'd seem pictures of him beat and being held hostage somewhere. But he told Sarah that he was a "private contractor" who accidentally killed six American soldiers in "friendly fire". Would a private contractor, presumably there to do construction work, really carry a gun and use it to kill six people? Maybe I missed what his explanation was, but it seems as though he's still lying to Sarah as well.

Donnie is Allison's monitor! It makes sense since they never explained his odd phone conversation while burning the contents of his lock box, but it was still a bit of a shocker. Not as shocking as Allison killing Ainsley! The Desperate Housewife has really changed over the course of just eight (?) episodes since she was introduced.

Poor Cosima. Dying from whatever affliction Katya had. I hope Delphine isn't playing her, but I suspect that Delphine is still loyal to Doctor Leckie. If he has agents/soldiers who are willing to enter into extremely long term relationships with clones for the sole purpose of scientific research, then I find it hard to believe that Delphine would be so easily swayed by Cosima's love. We knew that Paul was messed up before Sarah impersonated Beth, but there was no indication that Delphine has been anything other than a loyal employee (and lover) of Dr Leckie.

And is Helena really dead? That clone has taken serious punishment before and bounced right back (similar to Kira and her ultra healing). Unless Sarah put a second bullet into Helena's brain, I have to wonder whether she will return to her "sister" next season.

Orphan Black has easily been my favourite TV series in 2013. I'm surprised by just how good it is and still amazed by the lead actor's skills. The Helena impersonating Sarah scene was brilliant. There was something "off" about her posture or body language which indicated that it wasn't Sarah, but it wasn't obviously Helena either.
Damn. Great finale. Painful wait for next season.

Who is Mrs S? I'm guessing she has some involvement with the Dyad Institute and then she went rogue and somehow arranged for at least one of the clones to fall into her care. It would appear that she's now on the run from Sarah and the Dyad Institute judging from the trashed house, although I guess she could have trashed the house just to keep Sarah guessing about what is going on. Still, it was stone cold of her to run with Kira.

What is with Paul? I'm still unsure what the Dyad Institute have over him. I thought we'd seem pictures of him beat and being held hostage somewhere. But he told Sarah that he was a "private contractor" who accidentally killed six American soldiers in "friendly fire". Would a private contractor, presumably there to do construction work, really carry a gun and use it to kill six people? Maybe I missed what his explanation was, but it seems as though he's still lying to Sarah as well.

Donnie is Allison's monitor! It makes sense since they never explained his odd phone conversation while burning the contents of his lock box, but it was still a bit of a shocker. Not as shocking as Allison killing Ainsley! The Desperate Housewife has really changed over the course of just eight (?) episodes since she was introduced.

Poor Cosima. Dying from whatever affliction Katya had. I hope Delphine isn't playing her, but I suspect that Delphine is still loyal to Doctor Leckie. If he has agents/soldiers who are willing to enter into extremely long term relationships with clones for the sole purpose of scientific research, then I find it hard to believe that Delphine would be so easily swayed by Cosima's love. We knew that Paul was messed up before Sarah impersonated Beth, but there was no indication that Delphine has been anything other than a loyal employee (and lover) of Dr Leckie.

And is Helena really dead? That clone has taken serious punishment before and bounced right back (similar to Kira and her ultra healing). Unless Sarah put a second bullet into Helena's brain, I have to wonder whether she will return to her "sister" next season.

Orphan Black has easily been my favourite TV series in 2013. I'm surprised by just how good it is and still amazed by the lead actor's skills. The Helena impersonating Sarah scene was brilliant. There was something "off" about her posture or body language which indicated that it wasn't Sarah, but it wasn't obviously Helena either.

interesting theory there about Mrs. S... I'm liking it...

that threw me that it turned out that Donnie really WAS Allison's monitor, after all... that was some serious s**t that he went thru to maintain his function as a monitor...

I'd be very disappointed if Cosima was on the way out in the next series... she's easily the most appealing of the clones, to ME... as to Delphine's loyalties, it's POSSIBLE that her allegiances are with Dr. Leeky... if Donnie could fake it by taking the s**t that HE did from Allison, I think Delphi could easily be playing an effective and well-played part against Cosima...

as to Helena, don't you believe for a SECOND that that crazy b***h is dead... I agree that her healing factor has to be in line with Kira's... an accelerated healing factor of a sort... and besides, Helena provides that extremely dangerous and insanely creepy threat factor to the show and to Sarah...

as for Kira, and on a wild out-there theory for a future storyline, I wonder if her accelerated healing factor would or could be somehow be used to possibly accelerate her growth rate by speeding up her aging processes with the end result of Kira attaining adulthood and becoming the mirror image of Sarah?... like I said, a wild out-there theory...

and yes, Tatiana Maslany truly IS a versatile actress to be playing the characters and idiosyncrasies of all the different clones the way that she has...

I think Orphan will be a breakout show for her...

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