State your unpopular film related opinion - - - - Part 13

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Citizen Kane is a very good movie, only I don't think it really stands out as a masterpiece
Nolan's Batman trilogy is 2 mediocre films wrapped around a great one. Batman '89 is better than BB & TDKR
I love Nolan's trilogy, but I agree about the 89 Batman film being better than BB & TDKR
I actually think that Batman Begins is the best of the Nolan movies.
Is that...I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not.

I do remember when the film came out, there was some controversy surrounding the depiction of the Persian Empire. My understanding was most people laughed it off as yet another attempt by busy-bodies to pick a fight where there wasn't one (like the "he's adopted" line in The Avengers). Assuming you're not joking, I honestly had no idea people genuinely believing 300 to be "racist" was a thing -what line did it cross to be deemed racist that other films don't?
300 is super racist. And weirdly homophobic for one of the gayest movies I've ever seen.
Batman 89, Batman Returns and Batman Forever are bad movies.
Is that...I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not.

I do remember when the film came out, there was some controversy surrounding the depiction of the Persian Empire. My understanding was most people laughed it off as yet another attempt by busy-bodies to pick a fight where there wasn't one (like the "he's adopted" line in The Avengers). Assuming you're not joking, I honestly had no idea people genuinely believing 300 to be "racist" was a thing -what line did it cross to be deemed racist that other films don't?
Is that...I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or not.

I do remember when the film came out, there was some controversy surrounding the depiction of the Persian Empire. My understanding was most people laughed it off as yet another attempt by busy-bodies to pick a fight where there wasn't one (like the "he's adopted" line in The Avengers). Assuming you're not joking, I honestly had no idea people genuinely believing 300 to be "racist" was a thing -what line did it cross to be deemed racist that other films don't?

No im not joking. It doesn't offend me personally as I'm not middle eastern but it's pretty blatant.
I'm not sure how unpopular this is, but The Man of Steel is easily the first superhero film to have an actually satisfying fight between the hero and the main villain. Before that, Thor was the only one that I thought even attempted to have a good final confrontation, and even that was weak.
Agreed. Aside from the avengers man of steel had the best action of any superhero film.
I may even go farther with that, and say it might very well be the first superhero film that has been able to actually translate the action of a comic book to the big screen. I would have to rewatch a couple of films to say that, though.
Batman 89, Batman Returns and Batman Forever are bad movies.

I'd say the only opinion there that is truly unpopular is Batman. Batman Returns is fairly mixed. Batman Forever is much more negative than positive.

See, you make that face, but keep in mind the reaction you're having is the exact same reaction I had to what you said.

No im not joking. It doesn't offend me personally as I'm not middle eastern but it's pretty blatant.

300 is super racist. And weirdly homophobic for one of the gayest movies I've ever seen.

If you guys say so. I don't see it myself, was just curious if people actually felt that way. Thanks for filling me in. :up:
The real question should be who would care enough about 300 to actually examine such things

Although, in fairness, the homophobic aspect was raised as far back as when the comics were first released. I think Alan Moore was someone who was vocally critical of it for that, but I can't remember the exact details behind it. And, honestly...I don't care.
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