Superman's superiority over other heroes is silently coveyed by his "simple" costume. He has no gadgets....none of that crap.
That tells everyone "I
This is totally missing the boat.
Marvel never does this crap. It's always DC rebooting their universe. Are they that disorganized? Can they not keep things going without this??
Maybe this is a "
New Coke" scheme.....
Get everyone hating this new crap ....then they bring the old one back?
I think you're missing the point of this revamp.
DC and Warner Bros. are really making sure that their sales go beyond just comic book stores. All of their comics will be released digitally the same day the physical copies come out, they're making deals with retailers such as Hastings and Barnes & Noble to give more shelf space to comics, and they will even be promoting their new comics on television. They are really aiming to try and get new readers on board without gimmicks such as a .1 issue or a new #1 for the sake of a new #1.
And the best way to get these new readers is by:
1. Making these comics as accessible as possible. Continuity for a lot of these comics, Superman in particular, is very confusing. Starting from scratch for Superman makes it easier for neophyte readers or readers who haven't read comics in a long time to jump on board. New #1s also make them think that they don't have to read 700 issues of Superman or 900 issues of Action Comics to get what is going on.
2. Top notch quality creators. Geoff Johns and Jim Lee on Justice League, Geoff Johns on Green Lantern and Aquaman, Grant Morrison on Action Comics, George Perez on Superman, Scott Snyder on Batman, Brian Azzarello on Wonder Woman, having Gail Simone, Paul Cornell, DnA, and others on books. DC is making sure that their top books are going to be good. New readers are only going to stay on if the material is good.
3. Affordability, it's why DC refuses to go above $2.99 for a regular sized comic (unlike what Marvel does in attempting to test the readers in how much they will pay for their comics in a rather sadistic manner) and why after four weeks, their comics on their digital initiative will drop to $1.99. You need to encourage impulse buying and seeing Superman #1 on your iPad for only $1.99 is going to help.