As for the awards, just copy and paste Op's choices ([blackout]except replace the Best Fight nomination with "Red Hulk versus the Avengers"[/blackout]).
Hey guys. I'm in Cyprus on holidy till the 12th. Internet access is hard to come by (to my surprise) so no posts for me.
I will put in my votes for awards when I get back. In the meantime Sabes is done for the year and Keyser can feel free to bunny Thor so as to wrap things up
I was going to say "yeah, I hate it when folks just copy right out of the current continuity," but then I remembered that I just had Norman Osborn take over SHIELD, so I have zero room to talk right now.
I know I for one can speak out on the lame-o's who copy out of the comics. I mean, c'mon and come up with something orig....what's that? I put Daredevil in jail?.....Uhh, yeah. Look over there! *leaps out nearby window while everyone is distracted*
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