The Flash The Flash General Discussion and Speculation Thread

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Thawne probably couldn't take Darkseid. Hunter Zolomon is a different story however. Unless Thawne has been reintroduced in the new 52 along with a power boost.
Sawyer... You're avatar is too awesome, bro.

I kinda hope we get a little of Wally's characterization in JLU in this show for Barry... Mainly cracking some jokes. Not all the time, but a little. It looks like he won't be totally serious all the time, which is great. Contrast between Flash and Arrow should be cool to see. Can't wait to see them team up, man...
Barry should be lighthearted fo sho. Crackin jokes and whatnot. But they should intro Wally West later on, so they shouldn't just straight up combine Barry and Wally. I know you weren't suggesting that, but JLU Flash was just a combination of Barry and Wally.
Thawne probably couldn't take Darkseid. Hunter Zolomon is a different story however. Unless Thawne has been reintroduced in the new 52 along with a power boost.
You should read [blackout]Grodd's words about Thawne brain[/blackout] in the third Flash annual
Let put it this way zoom goes in time kill darkseid mother and father darkseid is never born..:o:o

Darkseid exists outside of time, all of time and space in every reality dies when he enters it. He is the hole in creation. Darkseid is the basis of Darkseid, he is self perpetuating. And evil is based upon Darkseid.

Darkseid trumps every other villain because of that.

Barry should be lighthearted fo sho. Crackin jokes and whatnot. But they should intro Wally West later on, so they shouldn't just straight up combine Barry and Wally. I know you weren't suggesting that, but JLU Flash was just a combination of Barry and Wally.

JLU was mostly Bart. Wally was sarcastic, but Bart is naive, childish, jokey and a motormouth.

I can't wait until they bring in Wally, but don't do his origin like the New 52. I have faith Geoff wouldn't let that happen though.
I wonder if they'll actually tackle or establish that Barry has a big appetite now due to how fast he burns off his metabolism.
I wonder if they'll actually tackle or establish that Barry has a big appetite now due to how fast he burns off his metabolism.
I hope it's not there, the connection to the Speed Force eliminated that hunger from Wally
Its possible that Barry won't have a complete connection to the speed force right away, though. He might actually need to eat a lot. Later on it might be a nice hint towards his development if others notice his appetite has been dying down.
They could always say that he needs to eat a lot because of the rate of his metabolism. But as the show progresses they should notice that the amount of food he partakes in is not nearly enough for him to do what he does and the "Speed Force" will come into view.

In my mind the Speed Force is a pocket universe that speedsters get their "fuel" from. And Barry is the metahuman that can "mainline" it. I hope the writers get to explore this mythology!

By the way, have these gifs been posted here?







Fourth one is how the cowl goes all the way to the shoulders, hence the jacket.
In my mind the Speed Force is a pocket universe that speedsters get their "fuel" from. And Barry is the metahuman that can "mainline" it. I hope the writers get to explore this mythology!

Ugh, ugh, ugh. No, Barry is not "the metahuman that can mainline it." Wally is the guy who can mainline.

I hate you, Geoff Johns.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. No, Barry is not "the metahuman that can mainline it." Wally is the guy who can mainline.

I hate you, Geoff Johns.
Before the Speed Force, Barry did a LOT more than Wally did after learning to mainline the Speed Force, it makes sense for Barry to be able to mainline it
Barry is the generator of the Speed Force.

Wally was more skilled in manipulating it though.

Geoff Johns doesn't **** on one character to promote another.
idk if this real
The explosion of S.T.A.R. Labs' experimental particle accelerator creates both the Flash and his enemies.

At one point, Barry sees a smashed cage in S.T.A.R. Labs, from where an animal escaped during the explosion. The nameplate reads "Grodd".

In the end, Dr. Harrison Wells ventures into a secret chamber at S.T.A.R. Labs containing a newspaper from the future, particularly 2024, with the headline "THE FLASH DISAPPEARS DURING CRISIS".
^ That would be ****ing AWESOME. This show has potential to be GOAT man.
What in the wide world of f*** is GOAT?
With you there bro ' , it looks awesome. Very excited about the Flash,
it looks like everything the Flash should be, lighter in tone than Arrow -without being silly, great special effects, and Barry is a likeable, decent guy.
All in all, it's going to be great.

yes, that actually comes through best in the "Don't Blink" trailer
idk if this real
The explosion of S.T.A.R. Labs' experimental particle accelerator creates both the Flash and his enemies.

At one point, Barry sees a smashed cage in S.T.A.R. Labs, from where an animal escaped during the explosion. The nameplate reads "Grodd".

In the end, Dr. Harrison Wells ventures into a secret chamber at S.T.A.R. Labs containing a newspaper from the future, particularly 2024, with the headline "THE FLASH DISAPPEARS DURING CRISIS".
this sounds too good to be true.....:hubba
idk if this real
The explosion of S.T.A.R. Labs' experimental particle accelerator creates both the Flash and his enemies.

At one point, Barry sees a smashed cage in S.T.A.R. Labs, from where an animal escaped during the explosion. The nameplate reads "Grodd".

In the end, Dr. Harrison Wells ventures into a secret chamber at S.T.A.R. Labs containing a newspaper from the future, particularly 2024, with the headline "THE FLASH DISAPPEARS DURING CRISIS".
I'll need to check the trailer again
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