The Flash the flash season 3 episode 18 abra kadabra

Jesus, the Killer Frost stuff is so stupid.
abra kadabra said if barry knows the identity of savitar he can defeat him...yet the next episode suggests that barry will be shocked to find out who savitar really is.

some fans think wally, H.R, but wally is already a flash so for the writers to come out with wally being the one to betray them and actually being savitar seems like a crappy way to write the storyline.

IMO wally should only be kid flash, not this villain who's been hiding his realy identity....H.R on the other hand, they could pull that one off they did it with zoom.

Julian could be savitar if they wanted to, savitar said he created what object would grant speed, exactly the philosopher stone.

the stone has been around for ages, so if julian found it and turned himself into savitar, meaning the first time the stone was ever used to give speed then julian becomes savitar and with his power able to go to the past/future and alter or know the outcomes, or create time remnants of himself...remember zoom did it multiple times so imagine with the speed power of savitar he'd essentially be able to do more stuff than zoom could.

my guess the shocker could be julian because him being alchemy would really throw them a curve ball if he was also savitar at the same time. however when jessie stabbed savitar julian didn't end up having any injuries....unless julian thats part of team flash is infact a time remnant and the writers are using a similar approach like they did with zoom.

the last and most shocking reveal would be if savitar is a future version of barry that was a twisted version of himself....the next episode shows clips where it seems people are upset at barry, almost as if he was the flash and changed into savitar for some other reason.

however the way savitar speaks with his religious talk, ect...they did make it seem he is a totally different person, because savitars personality and they way he talks doesn't sound anything like how barry would talk, so it could be someone who's been seen on the show that they would never suspect being savitar.
Abra Cadabra was not very interesting but the big showdown was great.

The final scene with Caitlin going into shock was very well directed and performed even though (or perhaps in spite of the fact) it was obvious from the earlier surgery scene that something was going to happen that would cause Cisco or Julian to remove the necklace.

Can someone explain to me why "Hamilton" so popular? Does it have really good songs or something?

Jesus, the Killer Frost stuff is so stupid.

It is ridiculously, insanely stupid.

No other meta just magically turns evil because of their powers. The producers and writers haven't even bothered to explain this sudden change in personality.

Also, is there any chance that Caitlin Snow will go through one whole season of this series without having a new boyfriend? She mourned Ronnie throughout season one until his return, they got married and he died. He was barely cold in his grave before she was hooking up with the fake Jay, and then was onto Julian. This is yet another thing the writers are having her do that is completely out of character with the type of person she is.
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Also, is there any chance that Caitlin Snow will go through one whole season of this series without having a new boyfriend? She mourned Ronnie throughout season one until his return, they got married and he died. He was barely cold in his grave before she was hooking up with the fake Jay, and then was onto Julian. This is yet another thing the writers are having her do that is completely out of character with the type of person she is.
Only things that are certain every season is the death of Caitlyn's lover and that team Flash is infiltrated by the villain.
Only things that are certain every season is the death of Caitlyn's lover and that team Flash is infiltrated by the villain.

It is good to know there are some things n life you can rely on. :oldrazz:

Does anyone that the producers or writers ever listen to comment on Caitlin's list of evil/dead boyfriends or the i?anity of her sudden personality change when her powers switch on?

Surely Panabaker herself must want something more for her character than to be a girlfriend for recurring guests stars and must see that the Killer Frost personality makes no sense?
The only thing that fits, is that Caitlyn is in a minority of metas. I think there have been a couple post-Flashpoint who changed after getting their powers.
I hate that "You don't know who you're dealing with, but I do. I'm not spoiling the surprise for the audience this soon, yo. LOL" attitude that was first shown by Hartley, and now by this wombat from Ant-Man.
Hi All, this is my first post. Anyway, count me in the "I really hope HR isn't Savitar" camp. HR definitely avoided Cisco hugging him in this episode though. I hope it's something minor that HR doesn't want being vibed. I could even go for a lesser villain but please no Savitar.
Hi All, this is my first post. Anyway, count me in the "I really hope HR isn't Savitar" camp. HR definitely avoided Cisco hugging him in this episode though. I hope it's something minor that HR doesn't want being vibed. I could even go for a lesser villain but please no Savitar.
All HR cares for is making money, and he did tell Jessie to hunt for a weakness in Savitar's armor during her encounter with him.
I still want the revelation to be that time remnant of Zoom.
Jesus, the Killer Frost stuff is so stupid.

It is ridiculously, insanely stupid.

No other meta just magically turns evil because of their powers. The producers and writers haven't even bothered to explain this sudden change in personality.

Also, is there any chance that Caitlin Snow will go through one whole season of this series without having a new boyfriend? She mourned Ronnie throughout season one until his return, they got married and he died. He was barely cold in his grave before she was hooking up with the fake Jay, and then was onto Julian. This is yet another thing the writers are having her do that is completely out of character with the type of person she is.

I'm going to settle all of this confusion about Caitlin Snow's origin story on the TV show once and for all.

Some metahumans or mutants in comic books have powers that are dangerous for them to use or it'll cause them to go into emotional states. Think of Bruce Banner when he grows into the Incredible Hulk and can't control his anger or Jean Grey when the Dark Phoenix has complete control of her emotions. Caitlin's ice powers work in a very similar way.

Caitlin has an emotional instability/borderline personality disorder. Her ice powers cause her to manifest all the negative emotions throughout her life. We know Caitlin had a lot of issues whether it was her father dying at a young age making her single mother a selfish narcissist her whole life. She had a lot of issues with her bio-engineering career and Dr. Wells (season 1) promised to stay by her side only to find out that he was the Reverse Flash. She witnessed her fiance Ronnie die twice. She got in a twisted relationship with the fake Jay/Zoom and was eventually kidnapped by him and taken hostage. There could be more bad stuff we don't know about her. All of this traumatized Caitlin for a while.

"Killer Frost" unleashes Caitlin's wrath, fears, insecurities, hatred, bitterness, guilt, jealousy, anger, etc. out into the light. It makes her go crazy and evil without having any control over it. When Caitlin says she doesn't want "Killer Frost" to take over, she doesn't want her darkest emotions having complete control over her mind. Her powers make her cold hearted externally and internally.

Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost aren't two separate people. They are the same person. Caitlin has Killer Frost's memories and Killer Frost has Caitlin's memories. It's not a split personality like Magenta or Frankie Kane from two separate timelines. Some villains with powers are evil because they were already corrupted in the mind and that's the choice they made. Caitlin has no choice with her ice powers because of it altering her brain chemistry like a drug and making her cold hearted without having control over it.

One more thing I need to address, I hear a lot of people saying Caitlin's ice powers came from Savitar or Flashpoint. That's not true. Caitlin was a pediatric ophthalmologist in Flashpoint. Caitlin's powers came from the particle accelerator explosion in both the original timeline and the current timeline we're in now. The only difference is that in the original timeline her powers would have come much later, but in this current timeline after Flashpoint her powers came much earlier. Even if Barry never created Flashpoint Caitlin would have still became Killer Frost but not this season. When Barry was time traveling back to his mother's murder towards the end of season 1 Killer Frost was seen in the future.
That ending was pretty dope. Sucks we gotta wait another few weeks.
Why are so many people angry at this episode ? I thought it was all right, wasn't it ?

I mean the story was simple, right, but well done.
The actors were better than usual I thought and so was the music. I thought it was different from the already-heard 3 main themes. :whatever:
I don't know, I thought it was different and better. Less conventionnal or so.

But I think what I liked the most were the FX. For once I thought there was some damage. And not only CGI damages. WhenKadabra made things explode, I thought that was good and well done.

And for Kadabra, I thought the actor was pretty good. Threatening. I mean, I remember watching anepisode of Legends of Tomorrow about "threatening villains" and the villains are not frightening AT ALL.
I thought david dastmalchian was doing a pretty good job about that.

that being said, yeah I concur with most, the Killerfrost thing is boring me.
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Gypsy is all kinds of hot! :hrt:
Can someone explain to me why "Hamilton" so popular? Does it have really good songs or something?

It's the most popular musical on broadway since Book of Mormon. More than that, it's probably the biggest musical to hit broadway since Phantom of the Opera. (To give you an idea, Phantom is still running after 30 plus years.)

If you're not a theatre person, you probably aren't that familiar with it, but it shows you just how popular this show is that it's seeping into popular culture. To give you an idea how hard it is to get a ticket; if you want to buy one at a decent price, you'd have to buy tickets six months to a year in advance, and it's going to cost you around 200 bucks a seat. If you tried to walk up and buy some day off, you're spending a minimum of six hundred to one thousand dollars per ticket.

As to why it's so huge...I'm not exactly sure why it blew up to the magnitude it did. It's a hip hop musical based on the life of Alexander Hamilton...which sounds strange, but it actually works very well. The music is great, if you're into hip hop and rap, and it's a color blind cast, which means most of the founding fathers are played by actors of color, which was a great concept. Lin Manuel Miranda wrote the show as well as composing it and writing the lyrics, and directing, and he played Hamilton as part of the original cast. He had previously had a very popular hip hop musical on Broadway by name of In the Heights, so people were very excited for his next project. All of this combined into making it the biggest musical to ever hit broadway.

Any who, on to the episode....It was okay. I still get annoyed by the lazy writing moments that happen in the CW shows. For example, the idea that Barry won't even entertain the notion that Abra might be lying to him. He gives no reasoning, not rationale just "he wasn't." That kind of stupid bothers me. I'm also finding the Caitlin's powers making her evil thing a bit lazy. If they do decide to make her Killer Frost, it would have been much more interesting to see more and more things happen to her that make her turn, to develop her into a true tragic character, instead of this weird Jekyll and Hyde thing going on. And they really should have offered some reason as to why her powers effect her personality.

Overall, it wasn't a bad episode, but it definitely had some moments that bugged me.
Let me see if I can sum up why this episode got under my skin.

So first off, the special effects were good. They got Kadabra's tricks and gadgetry about right, and the chase scene through the city was cool. Feels like it's been a while since we've had a good throwdown in the city; more and more time in the lab this season, it feels like Central City has ceased to exist a lot of the time. David Dastmalchian did quite well with his guest role.

Onto the bad. I won't get into Killer Frost, that's well-covered by now. What's bothering me is the main story. You see, when you have a hero like the Flash, the writers are faced with the continuing problem of coming up with things to challenge a guy who can fix everything easily with his awesome super-powers. So the central conflict that Kadabra brings with him is a really good one for this: he knows who Savitar really is, and that information can help the team stop the guy and save Iris. This is a very plausible problem for them, something that Flash can't solve with super-speed.

The problem comes in watching the team run around for a whole episode like chickens with their heads cut off, and ultimately fail to solve the problem. And this indicates the issues with the writing all season (and the last, to a lesser degree), which is the thudding incompetence of Barry and Co. and their inability to accomplish anything.

So Kadabra has information that he doesn't want to tell, and he would obviously rather wave this little bit of leverage around like a shiny object in front of a cat while the gang fumbles around trying to get him to give it up, but having no idea how. All the while there's the business of Gypsy wanting to take him away for execution, so Kadabra gets to play her and Barry off each other as well.

Now I've seen 24 and Burn Notice and shows like that, so I know that there are myriad ways of getting info out of someone who doesn't want to give it. Obviously they can't torture him, they're the good guys and that would be wrong. But it's a simple matter of creating a situation where it's to Kadabra's advantage to tell them the truth. So I'm sitting on my couch seething, frustrated that the guys can't think of any other way to solve this tricky-but-far-from-unsolvable problem. Not even Joe, veteran police captain with years of experience interrogating hardened criminals, doesn't have any other ideas except to let him out of his cell and get him to pinky swear to tell the truth, which we know he won't because he's a criminal and a killer. It doesn't even occur to Barry and Cisco to try to appeal to Gypsy to help them come up with a solution that will benefit both parties. I also wanted one person on the team, anyone, to be like, "Hey, what if he's lying? What if he doesn't know who Savitar is at all and he's just messing with us?"

Take this scene from 24 as an example of how to get someone to say something he doesn't want to say. (Spoilers if you haven't seen Season 9.)
Ya see that? They worked together and came up with a solution. That's what I wanted to see; the gang turning the tables on Kadabra, professional trickster, and tricking him into giving it up, then Gypsy can haul him off to Earth-19 and everyone wins. They could even get the audience in on this fake-out so that we think that the gang are squabbling and failing when really they're just leading him into a trap. Maybe they could have someone pretend to be Savitar (with holograms, I don't know) and make Kadabra think his boss has stormed the base to kill him for some reason. Something like that. Because that's what heroes do; they deal with the problem and they win.

But that's this show for ya; no one can be too smart, or the show would be over. At the end of the day, if Flash can't solve a problem with super-speed, he can't solve it at all. And that's not very heroic. So I'm getting tired of it all. If they didn't want Barry to know Savitar's identity this soon, they shouldn't have introduced Kadabra at all, or they should start making the seasons shorter. I probably won't be tuning in next season because I don't see the writers learning any lessons from this.

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