The General Comic Discussion Thread - Part 2

I was so disappointed since i love me some Female Furies. Taking them from Darkseids elite to looked as a joke just to be fondled and sexualized by Darkseid and co was the wrong choice. Plenty of characters where that would make more sense to tell that kind of story

I thought that entire story was awful. With Darkseid being some sort of Harvey Weinstein From...well H*ll (not that the original Weinstein isnt bad enough) and the women completely written out of character.

I honestly dont think Cecil Castelucci has any proper knowledge of the mythos and didn't do her homework either. The editors dont get a free pass here either.
New year! New Comics! Hope everyone's doing alright!

The first new comics week of 2022 was a small one, and rather...uneventful.

The only books I pulled were Batman #119 and Superman: Son of Kal-El #6. I debated even going to the shop today, and honestly just dropping these titles altogether. But my shop, bless them, had a copy of Human Target #3 waiting for me (long story short: they ran out of copies last week and while I told them not to worry about it, and found it at another shop in my area, they ordered me a copy anyway so now I have two!), and so I decided to go in and picked them all up.

Superman is pretty good, but not very engaging. I'm intrigued by the plot, though it's moving awfully slow but I think I'm only hanging on for the crossovers coming up soon. I think next issue he teams up with Jackson Hyde and the issue after starts a 2-part crossover with Nightwing, and while I'm excited for those, this book really showcases how CW-esque of a writer Tom Taylor is. Everything is just how clever and smart it tries to be. I felt the same way about the last two issues of Nightwing too, but I'm otherwise enjoying that book. Superman though....we'll see. I also can't stand Jonn Timms' art. I know DC keeps pushing him as one of the next big things, but his art on Young Justice was irritating and he ruined Ram V's first Catwoman issue (when Ram V was a fill-in, before he took over the book).

Batman is entertaining. It feels like a fresh start kinda book and Williamson is playing it relatively safe so far. There's nothing to write home about, and that's fine considering the book's history over the last few years. But for god's sake, could DC please put Mikel Janin on something regular? He's one of the best artists DC has. Having him act as a fill-in artist on an inconsequential pair of Batman issues just seems like a waste of his abilities. I'll probably close out this arc and then decide how to proceed with it once the April solicits come out.

Next week is also sparse for me: the final issue of Robin & Batman, and The Good Asian #8 (which I decided, after issue 3, to hold off on reading until the series concluded with issue 10. It's a VERY good book, but mystery comics generally read better all at once). I may just wait until the following week when the books that I'm truly excited about come out, and buy these then.
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I am really loving the start of Williamson’s Batman run. I love the characterizations. And his Lex is mesmerizing. Love the way he is written. One general criticism would be that I wish that writers would do more with classic villains and not feel the need to oversaturate by always leading off a run by interjecting a bunch of new characters, but that’s just me. And like @CrimsonMist i have to say that Mikel Jannin’s art was amazing. It was the star of the show and really elevated the book to make it feel special. I read it digitally but will be picking this one up hard copy just because of the art.

Also, has anyone else been reading Dark Knights of Steel? I’m still a bit on the fence about it, but it certainly is some great writing and is a page turner. So, while I don’t agree with some of the decisions and characterizations, it’s certainly compelling and I will keep coming back. It’s a good story. In many ways it’s kind of like Injustice, with a twist and different setting so that it amplifies the storyline exponentially.

In context, toxic fans are very unhappy that she broke up Ivy and Harley in the book she's currently writing.

*sigh* Fandoms can be terrible.

In context, toxic fans are very unhappy that she broke up Ivy and Harley in the book she's currently writing.

*sigh* Fandoms can be terrible.

Sad, but it goes with the territory these days.
Also, has anyone else been reading Dark Knights of Steel? I’m still a bit on the fence about it, but it certainly is some great writing and is a page turner. So, while I don’t agree with some of the decisions and characterizations, it’s certainly compelling and I will keep coming back. It’s a good story. In many ways it’s kind of like Injustice, with a twist and different setting so that it amplifies the storyline exponentially.

I dropped it after Issue 1...its just not my thing.
I look into the previews and i dont know, the setting is interesting but nothing looks good enough for me to consider buying it.

In context, toxic fans are very unhappy that she broke up Ivy and Harley in the book she's currently writing.

*sigh* Fandoms can be terrible.

I saw it and was super angry at people.
I mean i get why fans are upset, i voiced my "anger" about it too...because its just so unfair and mean.
Again they dangle the Harley/Ivy relationship in front of the peoples faces, just to slap them in the face yet again...its just really malicious.
But i never thought about sending the Writer, anybody who works on it any hate.
Im angry at the company who gave their okay or even demanded that, but its the faceless company im angry at.
Super sad that she gets attacked for this, especially considering that if she continued with it, the same or even worse hate also would have hit her from the incels.
If the LGBT is as vile as the Incels, we have reached a incredible sad timeline.
She doesnt deserve any hate.

Anyway, onto something happier, New Year, new Comics.

The year started quite well for me, two very good Batman comic issues dominate this week.


Cover wise, the Variant cover of Francesco Mattina is sick as hell, but I prefer the “Normal” cover with Abyss in it.
I had to chuckle at the idea that Batman runs through the police station with the cart looking around the corners etc, the cape flowing while he hurries around. XD
Lex looking a bit like Mark Strong is weird, I cant get over this Damn Sexy luthor. XD
Loved the panels in the dark, gave it all a very neat feel to it.
In general I like the art, especially the design of Abyss.
But also I love that the Batsuit has depth and texture.
The Gloves are armored etc, I like that.
Im not the biggest fan of the Spandex look, so every armored piece of a Batman suit, is my favorite.
The art is really incredible good.
The Arc in general is far more interesting than I expected, im very interested in it.

Detective Comics

They really told Bermejo just to draw a few Batman pictures as Variant cover right?
Because they have nothing to do with the story and im not a fan of covers that have little to nothing to do with the Story they are available for.
But its Lee Bermejo, so I take every piece of art of him for sure.
Still, I like the Normal cover the most.

And the story, boy I already want a batman game taking place in the Arkham Tower.
The idea is so cool, I never knew I wanted it until this Arc.
It’s a super neat idea to have a Gigantic Tower in the middle of Gotham being Arkham.
One of my favorite parts in Origins is when you have to make your way up the hotel, so this is such a cool idea to me.
Didn’t expect the change of pace, but I welcome it.
Incredible excited for the Arc focusing on the Batfamily and the dynamic that you have two groups, with one already being in the locked down tower and the other part of the family trying to get inside.
Add to that the fact that we could see the storytelling switch around a bit with the timeline, which gives it a neat buildup.
Im really excited for this Arc and how this goes, there is a lot of cool stuff in the making here.

Justice league Infinity

The Arc ends…that’s about it.
Nothing more to say really, its our beloved Animated Justice League doing their thing…what more can one ask for?
Oh yeah, how about some Wonderbat stuff…wuhu, please more of that.
Really enjoy this series, its so simple but fun because its our Animated characters who have new adventures.

Suicide Squad

I still like this book because its such a chaotic fun ride with so many characters showing up.
You never know what to expect, who is trying to backstab who, who has some agenda etc.
I have a lot of fun with it due to that.

Superman Son of Kal El

Nothing too spectacular here, but also nothing that really is bad.
The Art is a bit weird i get the feeling, cant put my finger onto the why.
But there definitely was something wrong with Damian, he shouldn’t look this tall right?
I mean how old is he currently? 13? He easily looks like he is 16 here.
Other than that, yeah it was fine but nothing too exciting.

A good first week, fantastic even I would say if one is a pure batman reader.
You get two fantastic issues in the very first week of 2022.
So it was a good start.
I thought that entire story was awful. With Darkseid being some sort of Harvey Weinstein From...well H*ll (not that the original Weinstein isnt bad enough) and the women completely written out of character.

I honestly dont think Cecil Castelucci has any proper knowledge of the mythos and didn't do her homework either. The editors dont get a free pass here either.

The story would have been fine if it had either taken some female heroes and had them in a team on Earth dealing with sexism and misogyny and overcoming it or even just an original project with brand new characters

But making it be about the Female Furies on Apokolips just made the whole thing laughably stupid and made it impossible to take the story seriously


Trying to make a #MeToo story about it is as ridiculous as having a story about the importance of labor unions but setting it on Skaro and it being the Drone Daleks demanding more fair and equitable treatment from the Dalek Supreme

In context, toxic fans are very unhappy that she broke up Ivy and Harley in the book she's currently writing.

*sigh* Fandoms can be terrible.

Anyone who has sent her any kind of threats or other such hateful and evil messages is a waste of oxygen in no uncertain terms because no one should threaten or abuse another human being over a story they wrote. That's psychotic and vile

However I don't think it's fair to say all fans who are mad about this or who have made legitimate criticisms of the story, the writer and this plot element are "Toxic"

A lot of the people mad about this are not "Toxic fans" they are absolutely in the right for being mad that DC jerked us around for months teasing the possibility of actual Harley/Ivy content and what we got was a crappy Lesbian Lifetime Movie where Harley wants to waste her life being some boring boot licking sidekick to Batman and she and Ivy break up because of a crappy story where Harley is written like a neutered spineless version of herself

Honestly I've dropped the Harley Quinn ongoing from my pull list because of the story in question. I was only buying it because I thought we'd finally get to see Harley and Ivy actually together in canon and instead we got less than half an issue and a break up for the stupidest possible reasons
New comics week number 2 of 2022


Still liking this one, it just feels really nice reading it.
A lot has to do because I just love it when the Batgirls team up, their dynamic is so great.

Batman Urban Legends

More of the usual on that, a few different stories but you mostly read it for 1-2…its always a question if its worth the price.
The current selling point of this series is I think the Ace story, I already want everyone dead who hurt our Bathound.
He is such a good boy, don’t be mean to him…batman, kick their asses hard. XD

Detective Comics

Kind of a weird issue because it feels more like some Backup of the actual issue.
You get more insight into the characters and Arkham Tower.
Kind of sad that they seemingly dropped the Mr Freeze/Nora Freeze angle we had before, with Nora being awake while Victor is “asleep”.
Instead we get him as just some plot device to make us more suspicious on whats going on.
Seems we get quite a few of those types, since it’s a what? 12 issue arc.
Anyway, despite being more of a “filler” issue in my opinion, still a nice one.

Justice League vs the Legion of Superheroes

Hm, hard to say yet but I do kind of enjoyed that one.
Will need to give this at least 2-3 issues to see if I stay with it, what I like and what not.
A first issue is always a bit hard to judge…especially this for some reason.
I did like the first issue, but its not a sure buy.
So I will need to let this work for another issue at least.

Robin & Batman

Felt a bit rushed or is this just me?
Something about the writing and all, felt like they had to move way faster.
Its why im not feeling this issue as much as the other two.
Still a really enjoyable read.

The Joker

A new year and again I keep constantly wondering how this can work as much as it does.
A Joker Series shouldn’t work, even if you focus mostly on Gordon…but it just does.
And we enter a new scenario I really like here.
Joker having to face possibly even more deranged people than him, it’s a scenario im always curious about.
Because how do you make the Joker outcrazy crazy people?
How does he trick people who are completely gone?
That’s a interesting concept, so im curious how they work with that.
Also, it has to be said that the covers of this series are incredible.
Every new issue has a super cool cover, a reason to definitly get those issues in physical form.

Yeah, a good but forgettable week.
No issue here is a all time classic, but also not something you bite a pillow for because you felt like you wasted money.

Still liking this one, it just feels really nice reading it.
A lot has to do because I just love it when the Batgirls team up, their dynamic is so great.
Yeah. This is just such a fun comic. I don’t know if it has staying power, but it fills a Red Hood and the Outlaws-sized void that I have had since Rebirth ended. I love these characters and the tone is zany fun without being too silly.

And did anybody else notice the dialogue in the phone call between Barbara and Dick? Between this and Nightwing, it’s clear that DC seems to be headed full steam for potential nuptials.

Robin & Batman

Felt a bit rushed or is this just me?
Something about the writing and all, felt like they had to move way faster.
Its why im not feeling this issue as much as the other two.
Still a really enjoyable read.
Rushed is a good description. But I still really liked it. It resolved the drill sergeant-Bruce dilemma by giving a wonderful moment between him and Robin. Admittedly, it felt like a 4-issue story crammed into 3 issues, but ultimately it was an excellent read overall and the most beautiful art in years.
New comics week number 2 of 2022


Still liking this one, it just feels really nice reading it.
A lot has to do because I just love it when the Batgirls team up, their dynamic is so great.

Batman Urban Legends

More of the usual on that, a few different stories but you mostly read it for 1-2…its always a question if its worth the price.
The current selling point of this series is I think the Ace story, I already want everyone dead who hurt our Bathound.
He is such a good boy, don’t be mean to him…batman, kick their asses hard. XD

Detective Comics

Kind of a weird issue because it feels more like some Backup of the actual issue.
You get more insight into the characters and Arkham Tower.
Kind of sad that they seemingly dropped the Mr Freeze/Nora Freeze angle we had before, with Nora being awake while Victor is “asleep”.
Instead we get him as just some plot device to make us more suspicious on whats going on.
Seems we get quite a few of those types, since it’s a what? 12 issue arc.
Anyway, despite being more of a “filler” issue in my opinion, still a nice one.

Justice League vs the Legion of Superheroes

Hm, hard to say yet but I do kind of enjoyed that one.
Will need to give this at least 2-3 issues to see if I stay with it, what I like and what not.
A first issue is always a bit hard to judge…especially this for some reason.
I did like the first issue, but its not a sure buy.
So I will need to let this work for another issue at least.

Robin & Batman

Felt a bit rushed or is this just me?
Something about the writing and all, felt like they had to move way faster.
Its why im not feeling this issue as much as the other two.
Still a really enjoyable read.

The Joker

A new year and again I keep constantly wondering how this can work as much as it does.
A Joker Series shouldn’t work, even if you focus mostly on Gordon…but it just does.
And we enter a new scenario I really like here.
Joker having to face possibly even more deranged people than him, it’s a scenario im always curious about.
Because how do you make the Joker outcrazy crazy people?
How does he trick people who are completely gone?
That’s a interesting concept, so im curious how they work with that.
Also, it has to be said that the covers of this series are incredible.
Every new issue has a super cool cover, a reason to definitly get those issues in physical form.

Yeah, a good but forgettable week.
No issue here is a all time classic, but also not something you bite a pillow for because you felt like you wasted money.

I'm very scared for Ace the Bathound :(

I worry something awful will happen to him

Bad things should not happen to dogs

I am loving Detective Comics it's great to see Batwoman get more panel time and I'm curious just how things are going to go wrong here with Arkham Tower

I'm meh on the backup because honestly it has that very Matthew Rosenberg thing of "Everyone acts like a space alien or an idiot"

All of his stories that I've seen feel like the comics version of The Happening where the plot only makes sense if you just assume everyone either doesn't know how human beings interact with other humans or else they've suffered some kind of head trauma before the story began
Bummed to hear that the ending to Robin and Batman felt rushed, I will still pick up the trade eventually though.

This week I only picked up two books;

Woman Without Fear issue 1, this is part of the Devils Reign event that is going on at the moment. The story was good, but the art was great.

Mazebook, the fifth and final issue. I have really enjoyed this one and the art style feels very simplistic yet really beautiful. I was hoping/expecting a different ending to this but overall it's a nice read.
I'm very scared for Ace the Bathound :(

I worry something awful will happen to him

Bad things should not happen to dogs

I am loving Detective Comics it's great to see Batwoman get more panel time and I'm curious just how things are going to go wrong here with Arkham Tower

I'm meh on the backup because honestly it has that very Matthew Rosenberg thing of "Everyone acts like a space alien or an idiot"

All of his stories that I've seen feel like the comics version of The Happening where the plot only makes sense if you just assume everyone either doesn't know how human beings interact with other humans or else they've suffered some kind of head trauma before the story began
How do ya feel about cats?
Yeah. This is just such a fun comic. I don’t know if it has staying power, but it fills a Red Hood and the Outlaws-sized void that I have had since Rebirth ended. I love these characters and the tone is zany fun without being too silly.

And did anybody else notice the dialogue in the phone call between Barbara and Dick? Between this and Nightwing, it’s clear that DC seems to be headed full steam for potential nuptials.

Yeah, dont know how long it can last, but for now i have quite a lot of fun.
And yup, they push pretty hard for Barbara/Dick for a while now...wouldnt surprise me one bit if they do something big with it soon.

Rushed is a good description. But I still really liked it. It resolved the drill sergeant-Bruce dilemma by giving a wonderful moment between him and Robin. Admittedly, it felt like a 4-issue story crammed into 3 issues, but ultimately it was an excellent read overall and the most beautiful art in years.

Absolutely, still a fantastic read...the first two issues are incredible good.

I'm very scared for Ace the Bathound :(
I worry something awful will happen to him
Bad things should not happen to dogs

Or Animals in general, thats an easy way to make me hate a character.
Dont hurt the Dog anymore than they already have, or there will be bloody vengeance.

Of course he does, of course he does.
You dont expect much these days from him, but even for Rob Liefeld anno 2020s, thats awful.
Here we go again, another comics week in 2022

Batman: The Knight

Damn, I miss how Greg Capullo draws Bruce, but the normal cover is super cool too.
It’s a story about how Bruce began his journey to becoming Batman.
I like such stories because of their nature, because they tell how this rage filled, broken boy uses this to make himself into more than he Is, how his dedication pushes him forward.
Being Bruce wayne is as important as being Batman, a good bruce wayne story is a good batman story.
And the first issue has me hooked.
So far that is a good start, especially the Alfred parts.
Because I always see Alfred as an Anchor point that makes sure that Bruce especially in his early years, doesn’t lose sight of things.
Who reminds him that his Parents were more than the fuel to his Rage.

Detective Comics

Bermejos Cover is fire, but I cant help it…the current main cover style works so well for the arc.
Another “world building” issue, which I have no problem with in this arc.
I love how we get to see inside of the Tower and see how it was before the chaos.
It gives you a good feeling of dread and worry because of how calm everything looks while at the same time you can tell suspicious stuff goes on.
Really like the storytelling of this arc so far.


Boo to Bruno for having a Nightwing butt shot but not doing Nightwings butt justice.
Jamal Campbells Variant cover on the other hand is just lovely.
I really love how much DC pushes Dick/Barbara…if only those bastards would have done the same with Ivy/Harley.
Wow, I loved the issue so much.
I don’t even Know where the begin with that.
It was such a joy seeing all those characters, their interaction and then the sudden change of tone at the end of the chapter which brings us back to the Heartless arc.
This Series continues to take the top spot with its writing and the fantastic art.
It is a must read for everyone.
If you know someone who isn’t a fan of Nightwing, get them this series and they will turn into a fan.

Nubia and the Amazons

A underrated series I have a lot of fun with.
Nicely written and drawn with characters i feel are easily to like and be invested in.

Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow

I will really miss this series when its over, because its such a good one.
Will definitely become a must read for anybody who wants to get into the character in the future.
I find myself with every issue in this “lean forward” kind of mood where I push my face closer to the screen because I get so into the issue.

On that I have to praise Infinite frontier in general, I find myself often do stuff I did back in the day as kid when i got my hands on paperbacks or so.
Sitting cross legged on the floor, giggling loud, screaming at the screen for a character to do something etc.
Not just since infinite frontier to be honest, rebirth too got that reaction out of me.
DC comics does a lot right in my opinion for a while now, you can feel in the comics that the people working on the comics have fun too…and isn’t that what its all about?

Superman Son of Kal-El

The Cover got a lot hate from the usual people, but I didn’t found it that bad.
But that’s the general thing, Ive been watching a lot of older tv shows, read older comics and its crazy how “on your nose” those are when it comes to “woke” stuff.
So im really at the point where im mostly deaf on the whole “Buhu woke” nonsense.
You had comics back in the day be glorified PSAs and nobody cared, hell many characters exist only because they were a political statement or so.
Anway, that’s a topic for another time.
Onto the issue…it was fine.
Nothing really heavy or newsworthy, it was a good issue that pushes plot forward.
Wonder Woman

Oh I like that arc so far…its neat.
Its why I don’t see why we need Mister one dimensional Steve Trevor in this.
The man adds nothing to anything…ever.
What a utterly pointless, generic dude.
Every WW story is better when he isn’t in there.
At least do something interesting with the character, give him some depth…anything.

Wonder Woman Evolution

I really would like to see the sales numbers on this, because I feel like im the only one reading it.
But the series deserves more readers, its really neat.
I like the idea of the arc.
The writing is a bit weird at times and the pacing throws me off, but I do like it.

Good week.
Oh and I don’t know how you keep track of your comics, your weekly haul and all that…but I found a website called leagueofcomicgeeks and that site really helps me keep track of my collection and my pull list.
Its also why I talk more about the covers of the books, they have a very good built site that shows you all the variant covers and stuff.
I really can recommend it.

Boo to Bruno for having a Nightwing butt shot but not doing Nightwings butt justice.
Jamal Campbells Variant cover on the other hand is just lovely.
I really love how much DC pushes Dick/Barbara…if only those bastards would have done the same with Ivy/Harley.
Wow, I loved the issue so much.
I don’t even Know where the begin with that.
It was such a joy seeing all those characters, their interaction and then the sudden change of tone at the end of the chapter which brings us back to the Heartless arc.
This Series continues to take the top spot with its writing and the fantastic art.
It is a must read for everyone.
If you know someone who isn’t a fan of Nightwing, get them this series and they will turn into a fan.
Agreed. Tom Taylor is absolutely killing it with this run. I was on the verge of jumping up and cheering at different parts of this issue. Neither Dick nor Barbara have ever been written this good. And they’ve had some great stories.

Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow

I will really miss this series when its over, because its such a good one.
Will definitely become a must read for anybody who wants to get into the character in the future.
I find myself with every issue in this “lean forward” kind of mood where I push my face closer to the screen because I get so into the issue.
I thought this one was a little bit weaker than some of the other issues, but King definitely knows how to celebrate a character when he wants to. When it comes to writing Kryptonians, he can really excel.
On that I have to praise Infinite frontier in general, I find myself often do stuff I did back in the day as kid when i got my hands on paperbacks or so.
Sitting cross legged on the floor, giggling loud, screaming at the screen for a character to do something etc.
Not just since infinite frontier to be honest, rebirth too got that reaction out of me.
DC comics does a lot right in my opinion for a while now, you can feel in the comics that the people working on the comics have fun too…and isn’t that what its all about?

I’m right there with you! I hear DC getting a lot of hate in the past few years, and I’m surprised because, overall, I loved Rebirth and have loved Infinite Frontier even more. To me, other than Bendis destroying the incredible work of Tomasi on Superman, everything else has been solid.
I’ve always been a Bronze Age guy, but if I’m being honest, the past five years have been just as consistently great as that era.
Here we go again, another comics week in 2022

Batman: The Knight

Damn, I miss how Greg Capullo draws Bruce, but the normal cover is super cool too.
It’s a story about how Bruce began his journey to becoming Batman.
I like such stories because of their nature, because they tell how this rage filled, broken boy uses this to make himself into more than he Is, how his dedication pushes him forward.
Being Bruce wayne is as important as being Batman, a good bruce wayne story is a good batman story.
And the first issue has me hooked.
So far that is a good start, especially the Alfred parts.
Because I always see Alfred as an Anchor point that makes sure that Bruce especially in his early years, doesn’t lose sight of things.
Who reminds him that his Parents were more than the fuel to his Rage.

Detective Comics

Bermejos Cover is fire, but I cant help it…the current main cover style works so well for the arc.
Another “world building” issue, which I have no problem with in this arc.
I love how we get to see inside of the Tower and see how it was before the chaos.
It gives you a good feeling of dread and worry because of how calm everything looks while at the same time you can tell suspicious stuff goes on.
Really like the storytelling of this arc so far.


Boo to Bruno for having a Nightwing butt shot but not doing Nightwings butt justice.
Jamal Campbells Variant cover on the other hand is just lovely.
I really love how much DC pushes Dick/Barbara…if only those bastards would have done the same with Ivy/Harley.
Wow, I loved the issue so much.
I don’t even Know where the begin with that.
It was such a joy seeing all those characters, their interaction and then the sudden change of tone at the end of the chapter which brings us back to the Heartless arc.
This Series continues to take the top spot with its writing and the fantastic art.
It is a must read for everyone.
If you know someone who isn’t a fan of Nightwing, get them this series and they will turn into a fan.

Nubia and the Amazons

A underrated series I have a lot of fun with.
Nicely written and drawn with characters i feel are easily to like and be invested in.

Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow

I will really miss this series when its over, because its such a good one.
Will definitely become a must read for anybody who wants to get into the character in the future.
I find myself with every issue in this “lean forward” kind of mood where I push my face closer to the screen because I get so into the issue.

On that I have to praise Infinite frontier in general, I find myself often do stuff I did back in the day as kid when i got my hands on paperbacks or so.
Sitting cross legged on the floor, giggling loud, screaming at the screen for a character to do something etc.
Not just since infinite frontier to be honest, rebirth too got that reaction out of me.
DC comics does a lot right in my opinion for a while now, you can feel in the comics that the people working on the comics have fun too…and isn’t that what its all about?

Superman Son of Kal-El

The Cover got a lot hate from the usual people, but I didn’t found it that bad.
But that’s the general thing, Ive been watching a lot of older tv shows, read older comics and its crazy how “on your nose” those are when it comes to “woke” stuff.
So im really at the point where im mostly deaf on the whole “Buhu woke” nonsense.
You had comics back in the day be glorified PSAs and nobody cared, hell many characters exist only because they were a political statement or so.
Anway, that’s a topic for another time.
Onto the issue…it was fine.
Nothing really heavy or newsworthy, it was a good issue that pushes plot forward.
Wonder Woman

Oh I like that arc so far…its neat.
Its why I don’t see why we need Mister one dimensional Steve Trevor in this.
The man adds nothing to anything…ever.
What a utterly pointless, generic dude.
Every WW story is better when he isn’t in there.
At least do something interesting with the character, give him some depth…anything.

Wonder Woman Evolution

I really would like to see the sales numbers on this, because I feel like im the only one reading it.
But the series deserves more readers, its really neat.
I like the idea of the arc.
The writing is a bit weird at times and the pacing throws me off, but I do like it.

Good week.
Oh and I don’t know how you keep track of your comics, your weekly haul and all that…but I found a website called leagueofcomicgeeks and that site really helps me keep track of my collection and my pull list.
Its also why I talk more about the covers of the books, they have a very good built site that shows you all the variant covers and stuff.
I really can recommend it.
Also, by the way, I find myself looking forward to Wednesday/Thursdays for your comic reviews of the week. They’re much appreciated and very fun to read as well.
Nubia and the Amazons continues to impress. I was planning on trade waiting on it simply because I am buying a LOT and money is tight but I am glad I was told to reconsider on this one because it's great. I like it even more than I like the current Wonder Woman ongoing

On the flipside, this weeks Deathstroke Inc really let me down. I had been liking that book more than I thought I would with the reveal of a new Libra and a new Secret Society but all that got thrown away just for more nonsense about how Deathstroke is TOTALLY way more dangerous than any other villain

Flipped through the new Harley Quinn issue this week just to see if I'd be proven wrong. Nope. Not only does Poison Ivy not appear she's not even MENTIONED. So DC genuinely did bait us for nearly a ****ing year with the idea of Harley and Ivy getting back together just to give us that utterly pathetic nonsense last issue. I'll be sticking wth the Harley Quinn animated series and the comic book based on it. That's the Harley and Ivy content I want to see
Really loved Human Target #4. This has been an incredible book. I can honestly see myself reading it over and over. King is outdoing himself on this one.
Really loved Human Target #4. This has been an incredible book. I can honestly see myself reading it over and over. King is outdoing himself on this one.

Argh, i keep hearing so much good stuff about this and yet i find myself always forgetting about giving it a shot.
There is in general a lot of interesting stuff i see outside of my usual pulls, outside of DC...but there is just too little time with all my hobbies to go through it.
But i have to at least try Human Target...because im in the same situation as with Flash, and now look at me...feeling like a child again reading the flash issues.

Anway, comics Week it is.

Action Comics

Really glad I gave it another shot, because the arc really starts to caught my interest in its approach.
Not just on how Clark will handle his situation, no im really interested in many of the characters and what they will do.
It’s a really nice concept and makes a storyline I thought would be simpler and smaller, far bigger.
And that is really neat.
Also the covers of this are really nice, especially the Riccardo Ferderici one, that fits well into the storys vibe.

Aquaman/Green Arrow

Still such a dumb fun old school feeling series, and this issue specificly.
It makes you want to go back to the 80s or 90s and read this kind of goofy storylines.
Really entertaining read.

Detective Comics

Nothing too special I thought despite it being its landmark 1050 issue.
This focused more on Helena, which is fine but Im still not fully invested into her whole thing.
But still, the story interest me…especially now with who showed up at the end.
Also that its at the moment more a Batfamily story than anything else, is a huge plus to me.
Cover wise, since it’s a landmark issue…there are tons available and I couldn’t choose which I like the most.

Harley Quinn

I was really close of cancelling it because the sheer idea of picking it up after the Ivy/Harley disaster annoyed me.
But I gave it a chance and what can I say…I just love the art style and writing.
And more and more do I think that this was just another vile DC decision for the sake of it and not anything the writer or artist wanted to do.
Its shameful and disgusting, but that’s on DC.
Why even baiting fans for this long when only an issue later you decided to break it up again?
Why put all the work into building towards it in the first place?

Anyway, lets focus on the here and now…and Harley Quinn keeps interesting me, its such a lovely series, its over the top style in everything really works well.

Justice League

Lets make it short…I don’t care.
Bendis has killed my interest by now in this so much that I don’t care what happens.
Its why im not at all bothered by the alleged “Death of the Justice League” thing that will come.
First because death means very little in general in DC(which im fine with, i dont want certain characters to be killed off forever, look at how much i miss Alfred), but also because im at the point where the justice league feels so boring to me thanks to Bendis.
So let it die, let some young new characters I don’t care about run it…I have no interest.
You gave Bendis another book to ruin, pat yourself on the back DC.
I love the team and the dynamics, but Bendis is Bendis and manages to spread his snot all over the good.


I gave it a shot because of Gunns Peacemaker…and that might be a mistake.
This is so different and serious from Gunns who I at this point have come to accept as the only way to do the character.
This is so different in tone and characterization that it really shocked me at first.
But it also has me interested in where this goes.
I think the general interest for me in Peacemaker comes from the Peacemaker show, so that’s a good thing.
So I will keep reading this for at least 2-3 issues to see if it can hold my interest.
But its interesting how fast perception and interest in a character can be generated, shows you how effective comic book characters are.
Peacemaker can go from a D list character, easily to A or B list with the show.
Its a neat idea to watch the show and read the comic, having two versions of the same character doing different things etc.


Why was I worried again? This was a fantastic issue and I love that this keeps the family theme it seems.
Its always nice to see more of the Al Ghul family…but it brings up a problem I currently have, and Superman/Robin did too on that.
The fact that Bruce seemingly neglects Damian…I hate this idea of Bruce ignoring one of his Children, leaving them to themself etc.
Don’t care for the reason, so he is lost because he doesn’t know if he is the right person for Gotham…big deal, don’t ignore your god damn kids.
But I digress for now.
After the last issue, this one is again stronger and hooks me onto the whole Al Ghul family arc.

Superman & Robin Special

Gave this one a chance because I hoped the magic is back, but it isn’t.
This is so far away from the quality Supersons had.
The dynamic is gone, the writing made both sound so very dumb…I didn’t like it at all.
But what I hated the most, maybe that is my main problem that transfers over to the whole issue…it was when both talked about how they missed talking to their dads.
And it made me furious because Jons father is on a super important mission…while Damians is ****ing brooding somewhere outside of Gotham because of a rather childish idea.
Damian hurts since Kings run ended, but barely anybody cares to have his father around to help deal with that or so.
My most hated trope is that Bruce keeps the family at arms length, having them deal with each other more than with Bruce.
My favorite Bruce as I always say, is the Bruce that really cares…the man that would move heaven and earth for his family…for strangers.
But yet we keep the one who is distant and used as a tool for how not to be, not to do things.
Its why I loved the issue so much where Tim came out to Bruce, where Bruce told him that Tim doesn’t need to gift him anything because he has Tim as Son.
Rare instances where we get a Bruce wayne I love so damn much.

But again I digress, it was just a little line here in this comic…but affected me so much.
Anyway, didn’t like it at all…I miss supersons, I miss child jon…I miss jon and Damian…this grown up jon and damian just doesn’t work.

The Flash

You can pretty much use my opinion on the last issue for this I think.
Its such a comicy series that keeps hitting the right buttons to get the kid in me out.
Really fun read.

All in all a good week, despite it hitting one of my absolute “no go” batman tropes, despite Harley Quinn still making me angry.
I thought about picking up Wonder Girl, but they end the run soon and therefore I don’t know if I should bother.
I dont want to get invested further and rather do a clean cut now before i miss yara too much.
Such a god damn shame about it.
From being considered a possible new superstar character with plans for her own live action show and all, to losing steam so very fast...god damn it now im getting emotional.
She looked so cool and her whole character was a interesting idea.
I'm veeery behind for the entire month. After the first week of January, I started work on a bunch of projects that prohibited venturing to the comics shop until last Wednesday and even then, i started yet more work that Friday and only do I now have a few days to myself to really start reading a chunk of them.

To start, my list:

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #7
The Human Target #4
Batman/Catwoman Special
Action Comics #1039
Flash #778
Superman & Robin Special
Nightwing #88
Superman: Son of Kal-El #7
The Good Asian #8
Batman: The Knight #1
Robin #10
King Conan #2
Peacemaker: Disturbing The Peace one-shot
Detective Comics #1050

And I've only been able to read the first 6 books. So...

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow: A book that illustrates the potential of any character when someone actually puts in the work. That's not to say that Supergirl is a bad character and she has no good stories. But I feel like Kara has kind of languished in hack-work purgatory for a number of years, coasting along by a subpar TV show and the good graces of her more popular cousin. In this book, King really dives into who Kara is, and what makes her tick, while giving her a perhaps more uncouth personality than we're used to seeing, all to make her a much stronger character. I feel like King has finally done the work many writers have failed at trying. He's dissected Kara into parts to explore the whole and has revealed a much stronger, richer character than we've seen, and he's done so while successfully removing Clark from the equation. It'd be erroneous to call this a deconstruction. It's a very profound celebration of Kara that only King could deliver. I look forward to the final issue next month. It should be something special, making this if not THE best, then certainly one of the best, Supergirl stories of all time.

Human Target #4: Just give King and Smallwood all the awards now. My heart aches at who the killer might be when all is revealed, and that emotion stems not just from the nostalgia these JLI characters instill in me, but because King does such a great job distilling these JLI characters to their very best, pure essence that you can't but invest in them as characters. The mystery continues. As does the fun.

The Batman/Catwoman Special: There's a lot of unpack with this book. To start, this is the best issue of the series, and is more of what I wanted from the main series: a romance comic exploring the relationship (past, present, and future) of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. There's so many scenes that could be expounded upon and explore in such a satisfying way. We get the beginning. We get the ending. We get everything in between within 48 pages. On that note, it's probably one of the best things Tom King has ever written. There's so many layers to the story, and to Bruce & Selina's relationship, along with their relationship with their daughter, and her's with them. And it ends so tragically. I need to re-read it, but I loved it so much.

Secondly, the book is a tribute to John Paul Leon, who tragically passed away a few months ago before finishing the book. His pages are incredible, as always, highlighting how huge a loss his death truly was. He was a brilliant artist. A master of the medium. He captured people in their long johns as just that: people. With all the nuances we humans have that make us so interesting.

Bernard Chang and Shawn Crystal finish JPL's layouts, which is an interesting experiment just to see how a different artist with their own style interprets another artists's thought process on the page. But Mitch Gerads makes his stand as one of the true greats. His work here echos JPL with thick, inky blacks and all the nuances of the human face that I would swear to you he mastered on Strange Adventures, but somehow outdoes himself here. It both pays tribute to, and carries forward the legacy and influence of, JPL. Mitch is a new master.

The issue also includes essays by Michael Davis, who hired him for the Static comic, and by Kurt Busiek with whom JPL worked on Batman: Creature of the Night. It also includes a series of pin-ups by friends and colleagues of JPL in his memory. But what's also cool is that the book reprints his Batman: Black & White story with Walt Simonson and a Question story with Ram V. Half the book is Batman/Catwoman and the other half is a celebration of JPL. If you like Batman, buy this book. If you love comics, buy this book. It seldom gets better than this.

Action Comics #1039: The best Superman book on the stands BY FAR, and the best Superman story IN YEARS. Until there's some sort of huge dip in quality, I will forever be a broken record about this book and Philip Kennedy Johnson and co. The Warworld Saga has never once not felt like a grand scale epic. Johnson knows how to get to the true humanity of Clark and challenge him without it ever feeling cheap or at the expense of the character. In fact, this is one of the very few times I've read a Superman story wherein the "Superman Inspires Hope" trope felt explored in a truthful, sincere way that never feels nostalgic or schmaltzy. I've often said that the best Superman story is one where his morals and philosophies are challenged, rather than his physical abilities. The Warworld Saga delivers. Getting Riccardo Federici to bring his painted artwork to the book for the foreseeable future is a masterstroke. This issue was gorgeous looking, and told beautifully as well. If you are not reading this book, you are making a terrible mistake and must fix it. If Johnson can deliver the climax, whenever that is, it's gonna be HUGE!

Flash #778. Despite my meanderings above, I'm gonna keep this short. The Flash is one of the best books DC has. It is everything a superhero book should be. And like Action Comics, if you aren't reading this book, may shame be upon you until you change your mind.

Lastly, the Superman & Robin Special: This book was a total wash. I was over this book by page 10 and had to force myself to continue. I did not like it at all. There are so many ways to tell a story about Older Jon and Still 10 - Damian Wayne and this story was not it. It was so pedestrian and not fun. It wasn't even interesting or insightful. I liked the callback to the Dinosaur Island issues from the beginning of Tomasi's original Superman run (which was one of my favorite stories of that run) but whatever magic Tomasi had there didn't make it into this book. What a shame. This had the potential to be so good.

I got part-way through Nightwing before life got in the way so I'm eager to hop back into it, and I'm very eager to read The Knight #1. Not the biggest Zdarsky fan, but his Image book called Newburn is SO GOOD that I decided to give this book, with an absurd $5 cover price, a shot. Hopefully it delivers.

Hope everyone is safe and doing well!

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