The New NEW Exiles??

New Exiles should have 6 members, definetly Blink and 616 Mimic. Only one 616'er though, so Mimic takes care of that spot. The other 4 spots should be totally up to the writer and artist, just give us some unique takes on characters.
It would be cool to see a more ruthless team like Weapon X become the Exiles. The book could still be called Exiles but the attitude of the team and how they handle situations could be more like Weapon X. A team that is willing to do anything to accomplish their mission.
A better Idea for an alternate Universe Gambit would have been if he had been born into the Assassins guild instead of the thief's guild. Evil killer Gambit. Simple.

Hmm. I like it. That idea might actually make me like Gambit. Well done Anubis, you've got ideas that can accomplish the impossible.
Just to check on a thing:

"Sharing" in the sense that Proteus is wearing Morph like a hand-puppet as he does his ghoulish, ghastly Morph impression, or has the actual Morph's personality been brought back in some measure?
His personality is back.

I'll be revising my ideas for Exiles soon. This is fun.
Looking over the ideas for new teams I really liked a few mainly:

Reprogrammed Human Torch Nazi, that's just an awesome concept.

Red Sonia/MJ chick. Now put Spider-Man 2099 on that team and check the dynamic.

Evil Black Knight. Maybe even throw in the executioner's axe for extra cutting fun.

Now put 616 Mimic on the team leading the exiles and the Spider (I love the psychotic bastard) in charge of Weapon X.
Then I don't really see the point of them being Exiles. I know Claremont and Bedard started the mess by adding in 616 characters, but I always think the team should do without.

Ok no 616 then. Someone had suggested showing some love to 616 mimic and the dynamic with blink and it sort of made sense.
I'd actually like to see a Black Knight who's totally succumbed to the Ebony Blade's blood curse on a Weapon X team. A bloodthirsty killer who literally lives for combat and has powers far beyond our own Dane because of how much the Blade has tainted his soul with its black magic. He could be from a reality where he kills Merlin and conquers Avalon, turning it into a hellish abattoir of horrors. Rather than chivalric Camelot imagery, his look would be inspired by twisted, pointy gothic stylings and he would be Weapon X's wild card. :)

This idea is very interesting and he could sort of look like this:

Nightmare from soulcaliber
A better Idea for an alternate Universe Gambit would have been if he had been born into the Assassins guild instead of the thief's guild. Evil killer Gambit. Simple.

They sort of did that already when he led the bad team. I mean he wasn't straight up killer but...
Yeah, he was good people. Actually, he seemed more noble than the 616 Gambit.
I know. Did you ever read Gambit's series. It was really good and he confronted this wicked villian name newson and later he found out it was an alternate version of him with super hyped up powers.
All New all Different Exiles:

Team Leader
Luke Cage AKA The Captain

art courtesy of JazzRY

In his world things were much the same except when he broke out of prison he first stopped to kill the guard who had been abusing him. Being Jaded he went home to find his father still alive and that his brother had lied to them both in a fit of rage he accidentally kills his brother which in turn causes his father to have a heart attack. Bitterly he looks for ways to kill himself but he can't so he starts hiring himself out as muscle but only to the most dangerous jobs.

One day while on a mission another Cain Marko (Juggernaut) decides to take his cut they get into it laying waste to blocks. An aging Captain America arrives to stop the chaos but sees a little girl about to be crushed by a building he sacrifices himself. In the aftermath Juggs decides he will be the one to Kill Cap Luke ready to walk away stops when the little girl begs him to help. Him and Juggy fight until both are bloody but he can't stop him he's the Juggernaut at the last moment Cap yells some instruction to him and incapacitate marko by using leverage and Cap's instructions to snap his neck but the long battle had taken it's toll he collapses.

He wakes up two months later in a hospital bed surrounded by flowers with wheelchair bound steve rogers (he's paralyzed) telling him he had a transfusion of caps blood to survive (so he's more powerful) and that everyone saw the fight on tv and thinks he's a hero. Cage tells him his whole story and says i'm no hero. Cap says listen son this America everyone deserves a second chance and you are a Hero and I can make you better with training. He becomes that worlds Cap a no nonsese version but a hero.


art courtesy of jebriodo

In her world Tigra doesn't know who she is or what her name is. All she remembers as a young girl is waking up one day in a circus in India they told her the name she would go by is Tigra. The beat her when she wouldn't perform and would withhold food for punishment as well. Sometimes she would only get Rats to eat. Eventually she got older and stronger and broke out. She stuck to the Jungles and became more feral. She hunts people doing bad in her jungle and the local villagers speak of a tiger goddess. She doesn't trust people at all.

Vision AKA Socerer Supreme

art courtesy of radiationboyy

In world 78450 a nearly mad Hank Pym is delivered to his government lab the remains of an unknown alien with high bio electric oupt after some tinkereing he graphs on much of the robot weapon he was building for shield. however he needed something to give it a kickstart and he desperately wanted to be a success so he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for bringing his creation to life. In true devil fashion there was a catch the resulting explosion killed pym and the weapon got away branding the dead pym a failure. This new creature was having demonic visions of him ruling the world so he seeks out Dr. Strange and together they win his freedom and pym soul can rest. He then studies under Strange who remarks "its' rather ironic the most humane person I can think to leave this god forsaken job to is a half alien half machine Vision". So he take the name vision and becomes the Socere supreme on Steven's death bed.

Phoenix AKA Nate Grey

Coming from an alternate world mush like the age of apocolypse one Nate Grey is probably the most powerful Mutant in any reality. Upon being slipped to an altenate dimension he meets his parents (scott and Jean) who are madly in Love and love him as well. Trajedy strike when the Phoenix Force takes Jean. All seems lost and looks as though Scott will have to kill Jean while she can hold it back until Nate decides he can take the Phoenix Force and contain it. While drawing it down he sees it's killing Jean so he leave a small bit with her, the strain is too much and he blinks into another dimension. He usus nearly all of his focus and energy to contain it. He only uses the smallest fraction afraid that to draw on it to much would give it the opportunity to take over and the combination of their powers would mean death to the omniverse.


art courtesy of ssava

In her world this is her story- a gynoid (female android) named "Candy", created as an elaborate sex toy by billionaire villain J.D. Hunt. She develops sentience after the accident and becomes a superhero with the Strangers. She has the ability to project bolts of electricity, as well as a highly durable body. She leaves the strangers and is trying to find her place in the world.


art courtesy of Rytango

Clint Barton's world is a post apocalyptic version where everyone with a talent mutant or otherwise is recruited. He was taken and his family killed by a black ops goverment program as a small child after scoring high on some achery tests, off the charts actually no one had ever seen anything so accurate even a robot or machine could not be so acurate. They honed this ability with every weapon they could think of including guns. While on mission his team came across a downed alien spaceship while traversing the wreckage Clint now codenamed Hawkeye encountered an alien and after a lengthy fight he killed the alien but only after his whole squad had been killed. He took the aliens suit and weapons and let the government think he was dead he is now a mercenary but he only kills bad guys. After he joins the team someon will mention he fights with bows in their reality why not in his world and he'll say that's kid stuff.

Well what do you guys think?
Yeah the more teams I do I really like one or two the most maybe I just need to do like 5 teams and then combine my faves:D
The Vision looks like the lovechild of a Dalek and a ninja.

I like it. :hehe:
Yeah it's pretty awesome the artist had this whole wild idea that went with it but I just kept thinking it's a funky vision doing magic :D
New team:

Talk about an outcast. Hailing from a world in which the entire Earth is a Savage Land, Ka-Zar is going to have the most trouble acclimating to his new life as an Exile. Ripped from his wife, child and tribe, thrown into worlds of technological wonder, this man would end up exemplifying badassery. While he's sociable enough to get along with his teammates, he's still coming from a different moral environment. The fit will survive.


Similar to our world's Hoskins, this man once played the Bucky to John Walker's Captain America. Unwilling to retake his title, Rogers remained Nomad and Walker eventually died during a mission. Feeling it was his right to take up the mantle, Hoskins became the Captain, a decision that quickly brought him into conflict with the government, who had already lined up their own successor. Compared to any other Captain America the team may know and will meet, Hoskins is brash and unexperienced, but that is sure to change with time.


Valeria Richards, smartest woman on the planet. Smarter than her father Reed, smarther than her godfather Victor, she does justice to the title of 'supergenius'. And that's it. That's her superpower. Just one big honkin' brain. While well-trained, this generally means she needs to steer clear from the up close and personal action: Ka-Zar and the Captain do most of the hand-to-hand combat. But don't tell her she can't do something because, well, she'll do it.


I was sad to see Ko-Rel bite the dust, so she'd get another chance on the Exiles team. She doesn't really need much of a change from her 616 person besides being dead, so just to note: gets along well with Ka-Zar, although not always fond of his macho awys. Doesn't get along so well with Valeria, since she can be quite snooty. Ko-Rel is also a rather disciplined woman, coming from a tough past, whereas Valeria has had it pretty easy since, well, she was born - except the birth itself, of course.


Every Exiles team has to have a villain-that-is-a-hero-in-a-different-reality, so here's the Ghost. His motivations are not that different: he hates corporations and thus likes tearing them down. In the 616 his methods are villainous, but when you come from a world where Obediah Stane is President of the United States? That just might skew the perspective somewhat. His teammates will school him in how to behave when The Man isn't the target.


Finally to round out the team is Spider-Girl. As an apprentice to her world's Sorceress Supreme, she provides the mystical element. But she's still also quite young and inexperienced. But she'd definitely grow out to be the heart and soul of the team over time, with a youthful exuberance the others lack.
:up: On the Ms. Fantastic. I've had the idea of her taking over her daddies mantle as smartest *****e bag in the world since the Waid/Ringo era.
I give you awesome props for Ko-Rel. The team is made awesome due to that.

Maybe the change in reality is that Nova never beat the Phalanx infection, and Ko-Rel led the squad that ultimately beat the Phalanx and became the new Nova Prime.
That would be pretty cool since it would bring the Worldmind into the Exiles-verse. It could be cool to see the Worldmind flounder when he finds his all-encompassing knowledge of everything is largely inaccurate in other dimensions.
Your right he'd be handing out info and there would be mistakes made until finally everyone would be like shut up:D
New team:

Talk about an outcast. Hailing from a world in which the entire Earth is a Savage Land, Ka-Zar is going to have the most trouble acclimating to his new life as an Exile. Ripped from his wife, child and tribe, thrown into worlds of technological wonder, this man would end up exemplifying badassery. While he's sociable enough to get along with his teammates, he's still coming from a different moral environment. The fit will survive.


Similar to our world's Hoskins, this man once played the Bucky to John Walker's Captain America. Unwilling to retake his title, Rogers remained Nomad and Walker eventually died during a mission. Feeling it was his right to take up the mantle, Hoskins became the Captain, a decision that quickly brought him into conflict with the government, who had already lined up their own successor. Compared to any other Captain America the team may know and will meet, Hoskins is brash and unexperienced, but that is sure to change with time.


Valeria Richards, smartest woman on the planet. Smarter than her father Reed, smarther than her godfather Victor, she does justice to the title of 'supergenius'. And that's it. That's her superpower. Just one big honkin' brain. While well-trained, this generally means she needs to steer clear from the up close and personal action: Ka-Zar and the Captain do most of the hand-to-hand combat. But don't tell her she can't do something because, well, she'll do it.


I was sad to see Ko-Rel bite the dust, so she'd get another chance on the Exiles team. She doesn't really need much of a change from her 616 person besides being dead, so just to note: gets along well with Ka-Zar, although not always fond of his macho awys. Doesn't get along so well with Valeria, since she can be quite snooty. Ko-Rel is also a rather disciplined woman, coming from a tough past, whereas Valeria has had it pretty easy since, well, she was born - except the birth itself, of course.


Every Exiles team has to have a villain-that-is-a-hero-in-a-different-reality, so here's the Ghost. His motivations are not that different: he hates corporations and thus likes tearing them down. In the 616 his methods are villainous, but when you come from a world where Obediah Stane is President of the United States? That just might skew the perspective somewhat. His teammates will school him in how to behave when The Man isn't the target.


Finally to round out the team is Spider-Girl. As an apprentice to her world's Sorceress Supreme, she provides the mystical element. But she's still also quite young and inexperienced. But she'd definitely grow out to be the heart and soul of the team over time, with a youthful exuberance the others lack.

Dude you and I are getting close in wavelength because I almost Put Kazar and a version of spider girl on my last team:up: I also considered Nova but thought it wouldn't work with that group but I totally didn't think of KOR-EL Props for the idea to you sir.:word:
Yea, it would make for an interesting situation. Ultimately the Worldmind would be perfect to download into the Crystal Palace and effectively take over the role that the bugs/timebroker/Heather Hudson...home base support.

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