I politely disagree.
The current MAX arc seems so-so to me. No, it's not Ennis, but it could be far worse. Anyone remember the trainwreck that Faction wrote and that vomit-stain that Chaykin drew? Remeder's work is passable, but MAX is still, by far the best representation of Frank.
As for this arc, I'm enjoying the actual story concept. The art and the dialogue is a little iffy, but at least they're trying to stay true to the character and write a good story. I really liked the feel of the last arc, but I felt that it was hindered by the art. While the art of "Girls" wasn't bad, the layout was confusing and difficult to follow visually.
I can't believe the number of "loyal" Punisher fans who bailed on the title after Ennis's departure. Ennis was great, but he was far from perfect. The title is still solid every month and shows no real indication of taking a quality nosedive. Give the new authors/artists a chance! That said, I'd love for Larosa to come back. Yes, the title's price increase sucks, but of all the titles I've considered dropping because of it, the Punisher was never one of them. However, you do have to draw a financial line somewhere and I sympathize with those who have had to drop the title for this reason.
So, Marvel's 616 Punisher remains a decent read, while the MAX series is definitely one of Marvel's best monthly titles.