The Punisher: Official Thread


Sep 4, 2008
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This thread is to discuss all the Punisher movies: past, present, and future. I want to see opinions on the Dulph Lundgren and Thomas Jane versions, on Punisher: War Zone, and on where they take it from here.

The Punisher 1989 (starring Dulph Lundgren and Louis Gossett Jr.)

This movie sucked beyond all belief. Everything about it was terrible. About the only nice thing I can say about it is the action scenes were pretty damn cool. But everything else? Casting, writing, wardrobe, the whole thing stank to high heaven. I hardly know where to begin. I guess with casting.

Dulph Lundgren is one of the worst actors in all of Hollywood. He doesn't even look anything like The Punisher, at least from the neck up (I must admit, he does have the body for the role). Lou Gossett Jr. was fine as Frank Castle's best friend, but his character never existed in the comic books. Everyone else wasn't so badly cast, but since most of them wind up dead it really doesn't matter much.

Now the writing. I highly doubt whoever wrote that piece of crap had ever read a Punisher comic, except to maybe get the names of a few key players. To begin with, they made Frank Castle an ex-cop not an ex-marine. Secondly, they made the deaths of Frank's wife and kids the result of a car bomb where he was the target due to his job rather than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I guess they thought that this would make the vendetta more personal and make for a better story (completely unnecessary, having his wife and kids shot for witnessing a mob execution is personal enough). Third, in the comics Frank had a boy and a girl, but in the movie it was two girls. And finally, they wrote the Punisher as being an urban legend in the underworld. A myth that nobody really believes. That's just stupid.

As for wardrobe, they didn't have The Punisher wearing his skull symbol anywhere on his body, except for on the pommels of his knives. While I certainly agree with the decision not to put him in the black spandex tights The Punisher wears in the comics, they could have at least put the skull on the back of his leather jacket or something.

The Punisher 2004 (starring Thomas Jane and John Revolta)

I liked this movie way more than the first. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was much closer than Dulph Lundgren's was to keeping with the true spirit of the comics.

First, I liked that they used several characters and scenes from the comics. Things like Spacker Dave having his piercings pulled out by a wiseguy, Mr. Bumpo, The Punisher's fight with The Russian, etc. And unlike in the first movie, The Punisher was wearing the skull symbol on his chest. They also came up with a story of the meaning behind it. They even made reference to his military background. Unfortunately, they made many of the same mistakes that were made in the first movie.

They once again made Frank Castle connected to law enforcement, this time as a deap cover operative for the FBI. They made the killing of Frank's family a targetted assassination, this time his mom and dad as well as his aunts, uncles, cousins, and inlaws in addition to his wife and kids. And this time he only had one kid, his son, rather than a boy and a girl. Again, I think this was done to make his vendetta against the mob more personal, and again I think it was totally unnecessary. The execution of your wife and kids is personal enough. And while Thomas Jane is a far better actor than Dulph Lundgren, he's still not quite right for the role. And I just am not a John Revolta fan.

The Punisher: War Zone 2008

FINALLY! Finally someone in Hollywood got it right! They started with Frank Castle aleady in his role as The Punisher. They found an actor who looks just like the drawings in the comics (at least in the face, I think the movie would have been a little better if we could've seen how buff The Punisher is). He was wearing his skull symbol. They got the names and genders of Frank's wife and kids right. They made Frank an ex-marine (though they changed it to being a Special Forces instructor rather than a marine on medical leave after being shot up in Vietnam, but I can forgive that). They introduced the character of Jigsaw (again, they made a slight change to how he became Jigsaw, he was originally thrown through a plate glass window, but I can forgive that). They also had Micro as his helper, Detective Soap, and other characters from the comic. And he was using a S&W500, which was totally cool (Dirty Harry, eat your heart out!). The only thing I really didn't like was his body armour. It looked too cumbersome. He looked more like he was on his way to disarm a bomb than to go out and shoot some bad guys. I also didn't like that they killed off Micro and Jigsaw. Jigsaw was always The Punisher's nemesis, that one villain he can never seem to kill. They should have kept him around for a possible sequel, or at least "kill him off" in a way where it's possible he might survive.

As for future Punisher movies? I'd like to see an adaptation of The Punisher vs Baracuda. That would be awsome! But just continue the story from where it left off, not a whole new retelling of The Punisher's origins.
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I haven't seen the latest Punisher movie but I did enjoy the 2004 version.
I haven't seen the latest Punisher movie but I did enjoy the 2004 version.

If it's still in theatres in your area, go see it. I didn't think I'd enjoy it when I first heard about it, but I was bored, I had the Scene Points, and there weren't any other movies I reall wanted to watch playing that night, so I went. Totally worth it. Like I said, this time around they finally got it right.

As for the 2004 version, it was fair, just not up to my standards.
i really liked ray stevenson in the role but i have a bad feeling the franchise is dead and over.
If it's still in theatres in your area, go see it. I didn't think I'd enjoy it when I first heard about it, but I was bored, I had the Scene Points, and there weren't any other movies I reall wanted to watch playing that night, so I went. Totally worth it. Like I said, this time around they finally got it right.

As for the 2004 version, it was fair, just not up to my standards.

I think I'll wait for the dvd. Should be coming out soon anyway since I don't think it did that well in theaters.
i really liked ray stevenson in the role but i have a bad feeling the franchise is dead and over.

Could be. At least for theatre releases anyway. They could come out with a series of straight to DVD Punisher sequels. As long as they keep Ray Stevenson in the role and keep in the spirit of the comics, I think it would do okay.
I think I'll wait for the dvd. Should be coming out soon anyway since I don't think it did that well in theaters.

Probably by late spring. Might be some interesting special features on it as well.
I think the only future would be like a Lionsgate/Marvel animated DVD at this point.
The Punisher (1989)

The 1989 is my favourate Punisher movie. Dolph Ludgren kicks ass and the acting and charatcers aren't too bad. The movies plot is pretty good for a chesy, low budget 80's action movie, despite some scenes being a bit silly and over the top. The movie has a lot to offer to action fans: motorcycle chases, nijas, samurais, Mafia, explosions, crazy stunts, nudity, mob wars, torture scens, blod, gore, fight scenes, car chases. Throw in lesbians an robots and you've got he best action movie ever!

:unishr::unishr::unishr: /5

The Punisher (2004)

First of all, this was a flat out revenge movie. Thats the only problem I had with it. Despite the fact he say's it's not revenge, it clearly is since he only kills those who killed his family. Unlike the other two which start thre years after he became the Punisher, this one dwels and lingers on his origin which comes acros like a drawn out version of Year One, with a bit of Welcome Back Frank, thrown in. Two other problems. The death of his family as WAY over the top (though it was nice to se Roy Scheider (RIP) as his Dad and the framing of Howard Saints wife. Pure crap when you consider he slaughhtered his whole family and he's spending time placing fake fire hydrants everywhere.

:unishr::unishr: /5

The Punisher: War Zone (2008)

It didn't exactly loook like Citizen Kane, but The Punisher: War Zone looked liked it could redeem itself, but it apppers Lionsgate have done a Fox Studios and screwed up. First they alegedly fired the director then edited out out al scenes with character development and emotional scenes. This is eveident due to Lexi Alexender giving an interview after they wraped filming about numerous scenes with Ray Stevensn giving an emotional performance in the rain. These scenes are clearly absent from the movie. It was also trimed down to 90 minutes and ha clear signs of being mudled with. I'm not a big fan of comic book movies, but I have a soft spot for The Punisher. To me this didn't seem like a whole movie. I can only hope for a decent Directors Cut down the line (similar to Daredevil and it's Dirctors Cut),but my hopes aren't high.

:unishr::unishr: /5
Punisher 89 - I wouldn't say its a bad film, it was ok IMO despite the fact that Punisher didnt have the skull. Action was pretty good, storyline was ok, overall the film was fun.

Punisher 04 - Did exactly what it was supposed to, out do the last Punisher film. I thought Tom Jane did a great job as the Punisher, maybe a little bit better than Dolph. I liked how they changed the location of the Punisher and put him in Florida instead of NY like the rest of the Marvel heroes. Action was good, not the best, but definetly not the worst.

Punisher War Zone - I dont know what the hell they were thinking when they reviewed this film. I think this is how the Punisher should be done, it delivered on action, the violence level was over the top. I like the way they portrayed Castle as having no remorse for any criminal. Sadly, with the negativity that the movie got from reviewers, it's hard to say if we'll be seeing another film.
Punisher 89 - I wouldn't say its a bad film, it was ok IMO despite the fact that Punisher didnt have the skull. Action was pretty good, storyline was ok, overall the film was fun.
It was fun if you'd never read a Punisher comic. To a fan of the comics like me, it was a huge disappointment.
Punisher 04 - Did exactly what it was supposed to, out do the last Punisher film. I thought Tom Jane did a great job as the Punisher, maybe a little bit better than Dolph. I liked how they changed the location of the Punisher and put him in Florida instead of NY like the rest of the Marvel heroes. Action was good, not the best, but definetly not the worst.
I agree with everything except having Tom Jane as The Punisher. He looks too young and he's not buff enough. But deffinately better than '89.
Punisher War Zone - I dont know what the hell they were thinking when they reviewed this film. I think this is how the Punisher should be done, it delivered on action, the violence level was over the top. I like the way they portrayed Castle as having no remorse for any criminal. Sadly, with the negativity that the movie got from reviewers, it's hard to say if we'll be seeing another film.
My thoughts exactly! Although there have been really crappy movies which have had sequels made regardless of bad reviews. Dungeons & Dragons, the Police Academy sequels, the Batman sequels (before Batman Begins), etc. So who knows? We might actually get Punisher vs Baraccuda on film sometime soon.
Like you Thundarr, I'm a big Punisher fan myself, I didnt think Tom Jane was too young as the Punisher, his facial features kinda reminded me of Punisher's first appearance in Spider-Man, I dunno why. He seemed to have the additude down
I love War Zone and liked the Jane film, don't really remember the Dolph Lundgren film but I know I liked it alot when I was younger.
Isn't there a Punisher section or did they take that off? If they took off it should go in the Marvel section... Just saying.
I wish they would make an HBO or Showtime animated series.
Are they quitting on Punisher for good? Is it going back to Marvel?
OK why is this thread here? There is a a whole section for the Punisher if that is close then this should be in Marvel section not in Misc. Films section.:whatever:
wow, you call dolph lundgren the worst actor in hollywood??
please, he is far more intelligent and talented than you could ever be in your entire life, and is he a better actor than many so called "stars" in hollywood.

Not only does he act, he directs, and will soon be opposite Sly Stallone again.

Tom Jane was one of the worst casting choices ever made in the history of cinema. His weak, pompous, feminine style Punisher was a ridiculous joke. Add to that, a fat git Travolta, and you had an awful boring movie.

At least Lundgren's Punisher was far more entertaining, given that it had such a low budget. And also, Louis Gossett Jr is a superior actor to Tom Jane.

Louis Gossett jr OWNS everyone, even now.
wow, you call dolph lundgren the worst actor in hollywood??
please, he is far more intelligent and talented than you could ever be in your entire life, and is he a better actor than many so called "stars" in hollywood.

Not only does he act, he directs, and will soon be opposite Sly Stallone again.
You forgot he also produces his own films. All of which go straight to DVD and are probably available in the half off bin at your local Everything For A Dollar store. He hasn't done anything even remotely decent since he first appeared in Rocky IV. Have you forgotten The Masters Of The Universe? Red Scorpion? Showdown In Little Tokyo? I could eat a box of Alphabits and crap a better movie script.
Tom Jane was one of the worst casting choices ever made in the history of cinema. His weak, pompous, feminine style Punisher was a ridiculous joke. Add to that, a fat git Travolta, and you had an awful boring movie.
I said from the beginning that I didn't like Tom Jane as The Punisher. and there's a reason I call that UFO worshipping fat git "John Revolta". I only said that adding elements from the comics, like the skull and The Russian, made the 2004 version slightly better written
At least Lundgren's Punisher was far more entertaining, given that it had such a low budget. And also, Louis Gossett Jr is a superior actor to Tom Jane.

Louis Gossett jr OWNS everyone, even now.
You really should read my posts more completely before commenting on them. I said that Lou Gossett Jr was one of the few bright points in that whole crappy movie. Doesn't change the fact that the writing sucked and Dulph is a worse actor than Stallone, who only knows how to play variations on one character.
Punisher 2004 is my favourite at the moment, haven't seen the new one yet, it has been a critical and commercial failure but i am a Punisher fan so i am guessing i will enjoy it alot more than the critics.
I finally watched The Punisher (2004) and I was rather disappointed. There was some really good stuff in this movie, but what was good was almost completely canceled out by what was bad: the stupid blink-of-an-eye romantic subplot between Castle and Joan, Harry Heck, the Russian, etc. I wanted to like it and I was close to liking it before it went so drastically downhill.

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