The Dark Knight Rises The Score IV

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And those are basically different sections than all the other clips, so it seems like they released the entire album.

theyre just extensions of the same clips we have heard and had available to us.
And those are basically different sections than all the other clips, so it seems like they released the entire album.

You do realize there's still several minutes of a lot of these songs that we've yet to hear. That's quite a lot we've yet to touch on.
Have we ever decided if the Nokia Trailer/Trailer 3 music is gonna be on the score? Do we have any inklings about it?
Few nice new bits, know from featurette (ending of The Fire Rises). Nice to hear. : )
Will somebody be able to upload the tracks that Deezer streams for the people that can't access the site?
Have we ever decided if the Nokia Trailer/Trailer 3 music is gonna be on the score? Do we have any inklings about it?

If you talking about beginigs of those trailers then - yes. Something similiar was hearable in one of samples of Gotham Reckoning.
I mean the last bit of music before the credits in the featurette... Epic sounding one with the chant over it...
I mean the last bit of music before the credits in the featurette... Epic sounding one with the chant over it...

So - no, it wasn't in samples as far as I know. But it's like 26-27 minutes in those samples, half of score. : )
If Jett has it then I know more folks got advance copies of the score. I say it's only a matter of days...maybe hours before it leaks.
I still find it funny that in "Batman Begins" Harvey Dent's theme is used quite a bit in the movie.
In case anyone was still wondering, the epic music that plays from 6:19 - 7:04 in the 13 min preview comes from the track "Underground Army" The extended samples from water tower music have the beginning of the music in the preview playing at the end of the "Underground Army" sample.
In case anyone was still wondering, the epic music that plays from 6:19 - 7:04 in the 13 min preview comes from the track "Underground Army" The extended samples from water tower music have the beginning of the music in the preview playing at the end of the "Underground Army" sample.

Sounded more like "The Shadows Betray You" to me.
Have we ever decided if the Nokia Trailer/Trailer 3 music is gonna be on the score? Do we have any inklings about it?

The twinkling motif at the beginning is different than what is presented on the soundtrack, so I'm guessing we might have another version available down the line.
The OST is going to be leaked very soon :cool:
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