chaseter said:
Those two sentences contradict each other.
No they do not. Storm's true potential isn't shown in the movies. It's not that she does weaker things than in the comics, it's that she doesn't do much at all. Period. Lightning, wind, and flying. That's about it. On the other hand, Jean's true potential is shown in the movies. She's shown at her absolute power. And it totally pales in comparison to what she could do in the comics.
We don't know the full extent of Storm's powers in the movies
and can only interpret that from the comics...
No we cannot. Becasue there's nothing in the movies to firmly establish how strong Storm CAN be. She just doesn't do much. At all. She's background.
and then you go to say that this is the movies and not the comics...
No, that's what you and X-Maniec and the rest keep saying. I decided to finally exploit the same argument in my favor for a change. Now it's you who's stuck with the gray void of uncertainty. Not me.
so Jean still can kill Storm by what we have to work with.
And so can Storm. Baseball bats and knives work quite nicely too against Jean's obviously human body. The goddess was done in with claws of all things.
Since we are on the subject of interpretation...we also do not know Jean's full extent of her powers.
Actually we do. Alcatraz shows Jean being as powerful as she can possibly get. And all I can say to that is... "that's it? That's the BEST you can do? So much for being a goddess..." Scott's optic blasts can cause more damage.
Xavier and Magneto said she could do anything she wanted with her mind.
He was being vague with his commentary He was trying to break it down into simplistic terms that Wolverine and Storm could understand. They're not blessed with his advanced knowledge of telepathy and TK. So why didn't she think San Francisco out of existence? Because she couldn't.
Magneto even feared her but didn't fear Storm, hell...the whole Brotherhood feared Jean.
You would too. Storm, wasn't a crazy psychopath like Jean. Storm actually had a sense of sanity to keep her under control. The brotherhood on the other hand was essentially a collection of hoodlums and street gang members. They'd be freaking scared of Pyro if he ran around chasing them and threw fireballs at them. the weak-minded can be powerfully influenced with special effects and shiny objects.
But I guarranty if you pissed off Storm, you'd be very afraid too. And you would run away very very fast. Not that it would do you any good against the Weather Witch