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The "World of Heroes" DC RPG Season III

Dick's communicator went off.

He immediatley pressed the button.

"Dick! No time! Barbara! Joker! A-Amusement park! Help needed--Bye!"

Dick's eyes widened.


That bastard's WITH her?!?!?!

Without even another thought,Nightwing leaped onto his bike,and put on his helmet.

He didnt even stop to think about the fact that Superman could get him there faster,As He revved up the engine,and took off.

As He went through Gotham,A million thoughts went through his head.

Barbara.....Have to keep her away from him.

Cant let history repeat itself.....

What if hes ALREADY....

Nightwing revved up the engine,again,making the cycle go even faster.

Dodging traffic,Nightwing saw a streak of red pass him,as He got into Gotham Square.


Even at full speed on his cycle,Nightwing couldnt catch up with him.

Have to......Hurry.......Cant let him take Barbara away from me....

He was shocked that he felt so strongly about this,considering His relationship with Barbara wasnt exactly clear at the moment.

But,He'd be DAMNED If He's gonna let The Joker shoot her again........or WORSE....

Nightwing was becoming more and more frantic as the minutes went by.

The Amusement Park was still a block away.

He knew,even before he got there,that Wally would already be there.

HOPEFULLY that was a good sign....
As Harley sped thru Gotham traffic honking the horn and running red traffic lights she saw Nightwing on his motorcycle speed by.It was heading towards the old amusement park.

There was no way this piece of crap cab was going to make it there before him.But Harley could still warn Joker before he arrived.

She reached into her handbag and pulled out her cell phone and speed dialled Joker's number.

"Puddin it's me.I got away from the Cat.Mission successful.But I just spotted one of Bat's play mates headin your way.Like a bat out of hell.He'll be there soon so get ready.I'll be there soon myself" Harley said as she sped around a corner.

"Love you too puddin.See ya soon".
IC: Flash III

“Flash *laughs* need cure *laughs*,”

I hear that all on the way there in slow motion as I come just in time. It wasn't too hard to find where the trouble is with that cloud of green smoke.

I come in spinning around Catwoman as she's a still laughing image. As soon as I get the gas away from her, I start spinning my arms around in different motions. Almost like ravelling a cord or a firehose trying to get all the gas into one little ball. Ok Flash. What next?

I look around frantically for somewhere to get rid of this.

"...Wait a minute..."

I started spining around as fast as possible, clouds of dust flying in the air from the friction, drilling through the dirt, making a clean hole. Drilling through layers upon layers and dragging the gas with me. I take it so deep that I start sweating from the sheer heat from being so close to the earth's core. I must have been at the halfway point by now.

"...This oughta do."

I start spinning back up the way I came and come shooting back up, landing on my feet over the hole. That's one case of bad gas that won't be bugging us for a while. Now for Catwoman.

I'm moving so fast that she's still to me. So I stop. And she's frantically rolling around. Her eyes opened wide, mouth open so wide you can see her back teeth, drool running down her cheek and smeared on her face, some even on the dirt. This is too much to bare. God, I wish there was something I could do. I call up Nightwing on the comm-link in a panic.

"Wing, you better get over here man. I don't know how to handle stuff like this."
Keyser Soze said:
"Heh heh, you're a feisty one, aren't you?" he giggled, " I like that. And you're right, I AM a sick bastard. But don't forget that I'm also a dangerous bastard! HAHAHA!"

The Joker hopped back up to his feet. He spotted Catwoman meeting up with Gordon outside.

"And I know I said we were waiting for Catwoman and Gordon to leave," he continued, "But there's been a change in plan."

He threw a smoke grenade, and once they were covered in smoke, he operated a trap-door beneath them. They fell through into a tunnel system below. When they landed, The Joker kicked Barbara in the back of the head, dazing her.

Taking the brief advantage, The Joker picked up Barbara, slinging her over his shoulder. He threw her in the back of the waiting van, locking it from the outside. Then he jogged around and jumped into the driver's seat.

"Babs, it's time for a family get-together," The Joker cackled to himself.

Laughing wildly, The Joker drove off through the tunnels, and up onto the open road.

I open my eyes. Everything's moving past really fast...almost as if I'm going by way too fast...my head throbs and a groan escapes my lips... Everything slowly blurrs into focus and I realize I'm in a car. No...a van. I press the palm of my hand against the seat and sit up, my fingers massaging the dull ache at the back of my head.

Turning around I notice a bright green headed man driving the vehicle. Joker. It all flashes back and I look out the window. We are speeding through Gotham's streets and Joker's taking severe cuts around the corners.

"Where are you taking me?!" I snarl at him, brushing the hair out of my eyes. He glnaces at me in the rear mirror and cackles madly in response.

I've had just about enough of him. Imeadiately I lean forward and wrap my arm around his ghastly bony neck, pressuring his throat just enough to make breathing VERY uncomfortable for him. "Stop the van."
Savage said:
“Flash *laughs* need cure *laughs*,”

I hear that all on the way there in slow motion as I come just in time. It wasn't too hard to find where the trouble is with that cloud of green smoke.

I come in spinning around Catwoman as she's a still laughing image. As soon as I get the gas away from her, I start spinning my arms around in different motions. Almost like ravelling a cord or a firehose trying to get all the gas into one little ball. Ok Flash. What next?

I look around frantically for somewhere to get rid of this.

"...Wait a minute..."

I started spining around as fast as possible, clouds of dust flying in the air from the friction, drilling through the dirt, making a clean hole. Drilling through layers upon layers and dragging the gas with me. I take it so deep that I start sweating from the sheer heat from being so close to the earth's core. I must have been at the halfway point by now.

"...This oughta do."

I start spinning back up the way I came and come shooting back up, landing on my feet over the hole. That's one case of bad gas that won't be bugging us for a while. Now for Catwoman.

I'm moving so fast that she's still to me. So I stop. And she's frantically rolling around. Her eyes opened wide, mouth open so wide you can see her back teeth, drool running down her cheek and smeared on her face, some even on the dirt. This is too much to bare. God, I wish there was something I could do. I call up Nightwing on the comm-link in a panic.

"Wing, you better get over here man. I don't know how to handle stuff like this."

Almost right on cue,Nightwing speeds into the Amusement Park.

"Already here.Wher...."

Nightwing stops the cycle.He hears something.....


And it isnt The Jokers,or Harleys.....Its coming from someone else.


Throwing his helmet off,Nightwing keeps listening as He runs through the Amusement Park.

It becomes louder,as Nightwing keeps running.

Eventually,He turns a corner,and sees Wally,standing over someone.


Nightwing runs over to him,and then notices the woman Hes standing over.

It isnt Barbara......Its.......Selina?

Catwoman is involved.

"Oh God..."

Shes under Joker's toxin.And from the looks of it,She doesnt have long.

Nightwing immediatley checks his gauntlets for the antidote.

No Luck.

The only remaining vials of the antidote would be with Batman,Or....

Dick turns to Wally.

"Do you know where the Batcave is?!"He asks,panicking.

Selina doesnt have long,from the looks of it......
IC: Flash III

"uh, yeah-yeah. I remember. You took me there a few times."
Nightwing looked back at Selina,who was still rolling on the ground,wildly.

"Go there.There should be some chemical vials on a table next to a large computer.Bring them all to me.And HURRY....She doesnt have much time."

HURRY?Your kidding,right?

You talking to THE FRIGGIN FLASH,Grayson........You dont need to tell him to "hurry"...

Nightwing kneeled down to Selina,and grabbed her shoulders,trying to calm her down.


"Selina" responds by sending a MEAN claw across Nightwings face,leaving a bloody mark,as She continues laughing.

Nightwing wipes the blood from his face,and starts searching his gauntlet for a seditive.....to calm her down.

...Again,No luck.

This isnt going well....

OOC:Sorry for the slight bunnying,HMD...:o
Indecision is a dangerous thing.

First, Bruce comes in yelling about Diana tearing up Arkham. Then, Wally calls about Barbara and the Joker.

Dick makes my decision for me by taking off to help Barbara. I was better suited to handle Diana anyway.

Next thing I know, I'm in Arkham. Hell doesn't even begin to describe it.

Diana had torn the place apart, but neither her nor Bruce were anywhere to be seen (via normal vision). It was slow going, as I was forced to repeatedly take injured nurses, doctors and inmates to the nearest hospital.

After nearly, five minutes I had cleared out as many injured people I could. Now to find my teammates.

"Batman!" I called as I moved towards them, "Wonder Woman!"
IC: Flash III


I could run there but we have no time...Haven't done this in a while but...Everything freezes...I stand back from Nightwing and the flailing Catwoman...and I think. I think hard. I haven't been to the batcave in so long...Come on Flash...Remember...Remember...All of a sudden it comes to gether piece by peice in my head. Sneaking around the giant penny, the even bigger dinosaur statue...and running into Bat's chest headfirst and landing flat on my ass. BAM!

With that, in a bolt of lightning I'm gone. I open my eyes and everything is just as I remember it. No time for nostalgia now. Vials. Vials. Vials. THERE! I dash over to the table packed with chemistry equipment and vials...But there's so many!

"aaah crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. Uh, uh...uh. THAT ONE!"

I grab the vial marked "Smilex antidote". Thank god Bats marked these down with labels. I think hard again and I'm bolted in front of Nightwing.

"This one?"

I say handing it to him.
SuperFerret said:
Indecision is a dangerous thing.

First, Bruce comes in yelling about Diana tearing up Arkham. Then, Wally calls about Barbara and the Joker.

Dick makes my decision for me by taking off to help Barbara. I was better suited to handle Diana anyway.

Next thing I know, I'm in Arkham. Hell doesn't even begin to describe it.

OOC: Who's in Arkham?

OOC: Just me and Diana.


I watched as Clark hovered above me.

"Glad you could make it. I need you to keep her busy while I get the antidote. When I come back, I'll need you to hold her still so I can inject it into her. Understand?"
"GAAAHHHHH" Three guards slam into a wall and rubble falls, pinning them to the ground.

"Now lets see. Who's next? I should really speak to Batman about cleaning up down here. Ahhhh here's a door. Knock knock."

The door blows off it's hinges when Wonder Woman kicks it. She steps in and an elderly man is cowering in the corner.

"I'm gonna have to look at your chart. Let me see here. Says here that your the Ventriloquist. You got some sort of power? You can shove your hand up someone's arse and then make them talk? Is that it?"

Diana grabs the Ventriloquist by the throat and lifts him off the bed.

"How many people have you killed? Huh? HOW MANY??"

"<GASP> I didn't... I DIDN'T KI--- ScarFFF <ULP>"

"Lets see if you like being a puppet."

Diana grabs the Golden Lasso of Truth at her belt. When she does she staggers a bit and drops the Ventriloquist to the bunk.

"Whoah. Don't need to mess with that. Let's try somethin' a little easier. Oh I know. I'll rip out his tongue. He'll never throw his voice again."


:joker: :joker: :joker:
Savage said:

I could run there but we have no time...Haven't done this in a while but...Everything freezes...I stand back from Nightwing and the flailing Catwoman...and I think. I think hard. I haven't been to the batcave in so long...Come on Flash...Remember...Remember...All of a sudden it comes to gether piece by peice in my head. Sneaking around the giant penny, the even bigger dinosaur statue...and running into Bat's chest headfirst and landing flat on my ass. BAM!

With that, in a bolt of lightning I'm gone. I open my eyes and everything is just as I remember it. No time for nostalgia now. Vials. Vials. Vials. THERE! I dash over to the table packed with chemistry equipment and vials...But there's so many!

"aaah crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap. Uh, uh...uh. THAT ONE!"

I grab the vial marked "Smilex antidote". Thank god Bats marked these down with labels. I think hard again and I'm bolted in front of Nightwing.

"This one?"

I say handing it to him.

It took,probably....two seconds for The Flash to leave and get back.

Even though Hes known Wally for years,It still shocked Nightwing.

Shaking those thoughts away,He took the vial,and read it.


Nightwing dug into his gauntlet,and pulled out a syringe.

He loaded the chemical into the syringe.It was going in slowly.

Come on....Come On.....COME ON,damn you....

Finally,The antidote was in the syringe.

Not wasting any time,and not giving Selina a chance to claw him again,Nightwing jammed it into her arm,and watched as the antidote went into her bloodstream.

He took a step back,as The laughing started to fade away.....and Selina began to calm down.

She was still laughing,but....It wasnt as loud as before.

He turned around,and looked at Wally.

Thats when he remembered Barbara....and The Joker.

"Wheres Joker?!"Nightwing asked,with obvious panick.

He didnt expect Flash to know,but,There was always that chance...

Please.God....Dont let that grinning bastard kill her.....

He was getting frantic,again........As the possibilities ran through his mind.
IC: Flash III

A sigh of relief came over my body as Selina slowly stopped laughing. My body relaxed, my arms dropped and my back slopped.

"Whew...Good job man." I say patting him on the back. I could tell he was relieved too...Till his eyes widened and I could feel him tense up again.

"Wheres Joker?!"Nightwing asked,with obvious panick. Oh crap. Forgot about her.

"Crap--Man, I'm sorry, I don't know. When I got here there was nothing in sight except a clowd of green smoke...Damn...They must have escaped. How are we gonna find them?"
Savage said:
A sigh of relief came over my body as Selina slowly stopped laughing. My body relaxed, my arms dropped and my back slopped.

"Whew...Good job man." I say patting him on the back. I could tell he was relieved too...Till his eyes widened and I could feel him tense up again.

"Wheres Joker?!"Nightwing asked,with obvious panick. Oh crap. Forgot about her.

"Crap--Man, I'm sorry, I don't know. When I got here there was nothing in sight except a clowd of green smoke...Damn...They must have escaped. How are we gonna find them?"

Nightwings fists clenched.

He was getting angrier....

Whoah,Whoah......Calm down,Grayson.

Barbara can handle herself,if The Joker got his hands on her.....

He calmed down,a little.He was still worried,though.

Dick looked around,trying to find any tire tracks,or anything useful to help them find The Joker.



Nightwing gritted his teeth.That BASTARD....

The Joker was a master of "covering his own trail",so to speak......So it really wasnt that simple.

He began thinking....

Come on,Grayson.......Think.If I were a completle nutjob with a vendetta against everyone in Gotham City,Where would I hide?

The Jokers pattern was usually easy to find.He usually hid in Abandoned Comedy Clubs,Playing Card Factories,and Toy Stores......

But,The Joker had grown smarter than that,over the years.He wasnt as obvious as He used to be......

Nightwings head was spinning.They were getting nowhere.

He leaned against a wall,completley and utterly stunned by the words He was about to say....

"I...I-I dont know."

He slammed his fist into the wall.

"I dont know!"He yelled,angry.

He wanted to find Barbara.He wanted to STRANGLE The Joker.

But....He couldnt.

He felt so HELPLESS.....

OOC:Last post for the night.I'll be back tommorow......Bunny me,if nessacary.:o
IC: Prometheus

After my run in with The Question, I decided to go back to street level "heros". I blew up three police stations and one fire station. I watch the news waiting for a chase and soon enough it came. I watched it for ten minutes to find out who was being chased. One female age 35, two males ages 37 and 17. This greatly distrubed me and after I saw that I left my apartment to help them.

I caught up to the chase after stealing an unmarked police car. Before I had got there four more cars had entered the chase bring the total to ten.I manuvered through the traffic and was almost up to the front when it happened. The cop car accelerated to the side of the families car and hit it. The father lost control.

The mother was half way out of the window when the car filpped. It split her in half on the second turn. The father had burst through the wind sheild while it was rolling. The skin from his face was peeled off as he rolled on the road. His life-less eyes looking at me while I brought my car to a stop.

I grabbed my night-stick and killed the cop who were closest to the car. I saw that the boy was still alive and I went over to the car. The door was jammed but I was too angry and desperate to get the kid out it didn't matter.
After I got him out, I took one of the cops guns and killed the rest of the people that caused this.

I went back to the boy. He had just seen his mother's body and then he turned to see his father's. His hair slowly turn white. All I could do was let him cry into my shoulder as I held him. I thought about my parents and tears started to flow down my face.
DarkKnightJRK said:
"Glad you could make it. I need you to keep her busy while I get the antidote. When I come back, I'll need you to hold her still so I can inject it into her. Understand?"

"Got it."

"Whoah. Don't need to mess with that. Let's try somethin' a little easier. Oh I know. I'll rip out his tongue. He'll never throw his voice again."

I'm on Diana in an instant, tackling her to the ground. I noticed her hesitation when she touched the Lasso, maybe I could use that to my advantage.

"Diana, get a hold of yourself."
IC: Flash III

Poor Dick...He's crushed...I have known that guy all my life and I have never seen him like this...Here we are, helpless to do anything about anything and...one of our own is elsewhere causing chaos...I'd leave to help them but...I can't leave Dick like this. He's helpless. Angry. Frustrated. Hell, I am too, but there is no way that I am taking this as hard as he is...I know how he feels though...Way too many times have I had Linda in harms way thanks to me and my stupidity...Even costing her her very life...

I'd ask Catwoman what happened. Where did he take her. But she's out of it right now...I sigh and cross my arms and begin slowly walking around looking for anything. Any kind of clue. We are not giving up. We are going to find Barbara Gordon and bring her home safe and sound.
I'm on Diana in an instant, tackling her to the ground. I noticed her hesitation when she touched the Lasso, maybe I could use that to my advantage.

"Diana, get a hold of yourself."

Wonder Woman uses a wrestling technique and shifts Superman to the ground. She then pounds him into the ground. Superman crashes through three levels before he breaks through the ceiling of the long abandoned sewer / river tunnels. He hits the water sending a tidal wave rolling over the forgotten pier.

"How bout I get a hold of a weapon. I'll be right back."

Wonder Woman streaks into the sky for a bit. She reaches a certain height and presses a button on her belt. The Invisible Jet materializes out of the ether. She zooms into the cockpit and retrieves an item from it. She then streaks back to the Arkham Prison level standing over the hole that Superman just made.

"I've been wanting to use my mom's magic sword on you for the longest time."


:joker: :joker: :joker:
IC: Prometheus

Over the next few days the boy wouldn't talk. It was understandable. I didn't talk for weeks after my parents murders. He didn't seem to mind being taken care of by someone he had never seen or heard of before. I took good care of him over the week until he finally spoke.

"I wanted to thank you for doing this. You're a hero"

The word stung me. It was odd to be called the thing I hated most.

"I'm no hero, I'm just someone who was in the same situation that you are."

"What is your name" The boy asked not questioning why I didn't want to be called a hero.

"I don't go by my birth given name, not after my parents murder. You can call me Prometheus"

"And what do you do?" The boy asked.

"Exactly what I did when I met you. I help families like mine and yours. I protect the from the " Heros" that protect the civilans. I'm a murderer and it doesn't bother me. But if it bothers you you're welcome to leave at anytime"

The boy didn't flinch when I told him what I do he only said. " No I don't want to leave. I want to help you help families like ours. I don't want anyone to go through what I've went through"

I thought about what he said for a moment suprised by the offer "You must understand that if you do what I do you will have to devote you life completely to it. You will have to train for countless hours and be ready to kill anyone who opposes you."

"I understand" The boy said I knew he was thinking about his parents and I knew he meant what he said." I need a new name"

"You will be named Phobos, meaning fear in greek and you will strike fear into the self-proclaimed heros hearts"

" I accept the name and accept the responsibility of being your apprentice"

I was happy to hear those words. My mythological counterpart was punished for teaching the humans how to use fire. I will, without a doubt, be punished for passing on my knowledge to this boy. It is a price I will galdly pay.
Franklin Richards said:
Wonder Woman uses a wrestling technique and shifts Superman to the ground. She then pounds him into the ground. Superman crashes through three levels before he breaks through the ceiling of the long abandoned sewer / river tunnels. He hits the water sending a tidal wave rolling over the forgotten pier.

"How bout I get a hold of a weapon. I'll be right back."

Wonder Woman streaks into the sky for a bit. She reaches a certain height and presses a button on her belt. The Invisible Jet materializes out of the ether. She zooms into the cockpit and retrieves an item from it. She then streaks back to the Arkham Prison level standing over the hole that Superman just made.

"I've been wanting to use my mom's magic sword on you for the longest time."


I'm stronger, faster, and more durable than Diana can ever be, but her free access to magical weaponry has given her the edge (quite literally in this case) on me for many of our more violent encounters. And I knew reasoning with her was out of the question.

But you can't blame me for trying.

"Diana, I know you're in there. Fight this." I saw softly, using my Clark voice, hoping it would get through to her. It doesn't work, and she advances, slashing at me with the sword. I dodge it narrowly, the blade nicking my ear.

"You're better than this, Diana. Fight it."

She rushes me again, but I act faster, and shove her away.

"Diana," I shout, trying a different approach, "I can't believe you're letting a MALE like the Joker control you like this. That's not the Wonder Woman I know. You've disgraced your people by doing this."

I hope this works, or else it might backfire against me in the worst way.

OOC: FR, hope you don't mind the slight bunnying there.
I used Clark's distraction to take off on my motorcycle. The Batcave isn't very accible right now, so the only place I could get it is from Leslie.

Ten minutes later, I'm in the clinic looking for her. I found her in her office, she saw me next to the door and gasped in fright.

"Jesus, Bruce! Do you LIKE giving old ladies heart attacks?" She yelled out.

"Sorry, Leslie. I need some of the antidote of Joker's venom. Diana--Wonder Woman, apparently inhaled some of it and has now taken the personality traits of him."

"Alright, follow me," she replied, walking to one of the medical drawers, I followed her. "It's strange, why didn't see just start laughing like anyone else?"

"I'm thinking her Amazonian genes misfired the venom, redirected it to something slightly different."

"And you said that she's taken ALL the traits of The Joker?"

"She gave me a purple nurple."



She closed up the drawer and handed me a vile of it, "I'm not sure if the standard needle insersion will work, with her invulnerability and all, so having her take it orally would probably work best."

"Thank you, Leslie."

"Just help her, Bruce." I nod my reply and seconds later the vial's in my belt and I'm back on the motorcycle.

I rocket towards Arkham Asylum, hoping that they're still there. I'll keep my promise. I'll help Diana out of this smiling hell she's in.

One way...or another...
SuperFerret said:
"Diana, I know you're in there. Fight this."

Fight. Clark? I ---

"You're better than this, Diana. Fight it."

I can't find my way home. Bruce? Clark? Mother?

She rushes me again, but I act faster, and shove her away.

"Diana," I shout, trying a different approach, "I can't believe you're letting a MALE like the Joker control you like this. That's not the Wonder Woman I know. You've disgraced your people by doing this."

Male? Men. Man's World. No one controls me.
I hope this works, or else it might backfire against me in the worst way.

"No one controls me."

Wonder Woman stomps the ground and a shockwave knocks Superman off his feet. Taking the advantage, Wonder Woman uses the hilt of her sword to swat Superman. He reacts like he was struck with the force of a locomotive. Superman hurtles towards the west wing of Arkham. He dissapears in a cloud of dust.

"No one."

Wonder Woman moves at the speed of Hermes and disappears into the cloud. A moment later we see her figure fly out of the top of the cloud with the Last Son of Krypton in tow. She throws the stunned form of Superman to the ground with the force of a meteor strike. She then hurls her mother's sword with deadly accuracy. The sword miraculously pierces the shoulder blade of the Man of Steel and pins him to the floor of the crater. Wonder Woman rockets to the bloodied, battered form of Superman. She begins pummeling his face with double fisted blows.

"Not you."


"Not any man."


"You understand me?"



:joker: :joker: :joker:
"Sir, were losing the War."

"I want this ****ing war over and that bastard Jacobs dead."

Matt Campbell looked out the window towards the sky.

"Hello Campbell"

"Who the he-?"


"Have a nice fall to Hell!"

“That does sound like the best idea”, said Garth as he nodded his head and stared blankly at the machine trying to make sense of all he had been told in his mind.
Garth turned to Imra and said, “Well, Brainy’s probably in his lab. You want to send him a good old telepathic summons telling him to get his butt on down here?”

Imra nodded ***Brainy, I know you’re busy, but you need to know this…..***
She explained everything to him quickly before looking at Garth “Okay, sent. Though I didn’t use your exact words.” She said teasing

She walked over to Bart, who was still holding his nose. ” You might want to have some medbot’s look at that.” She commented.

***The Legion has already voted against this, but Bart has his mind set, I don’t think there is anything we can do to stop him. Should we tell Lyle? Or wait to see how this goes?*** She asked Garth
twylight said:
“That does sound like the best idea”, said Garth as he nodded his head and stared blankly at the machine trying to make sense of all he had been told in his mind.
Garth turned to Imra and said, “Well, Brainy’s probably in his lab. You want to send him a good old telepathic summons telling him to get his butt on down here?”

Imra nodded ***Brainy, I know you’re busy, but you need to know this…..***
She explained everything to him quickly before looking at Garth “Okay, sent. Though I didn’t use your exact words.” She said teasing

She walked over to Bart, who was still holding his nose. ” You might want to have some medbot’s look at that.” She commented.

***The Legion has already voted against this, but Bart has his mind set, I don’t think there is anything we can do to stop him. Should we tell Lyle? Or wait to see how this goes?*** She asked Garth
Garth thought about it for a second before answering Imra in his mind, No, we shouldn’t tell Lyle. That would bring tons of trouble down on Bart for going against his orders not to try and get home. We can’t leave him high and dry like that just because he wants to be around his loved ones again.

Garth paused a bit as he acted like he was intently inspecting Bart’s machine; he didn’t want to Bart to get any ideas that he and Imra were having a telepathic conversation.
Garth continued talking to Imra mentally, Besides, Imra…do we really have a right to stop him? Granted, Bart going back could mess some things up, but who are we to say he can never see the people he cares about ever again?
Garth turned to look into the beautiful blue eyes of Imra Ardeen.
If anything, I say we should take the risk and help the kid get back to his friends and family, he mentally said with a look of sympathy on his face.

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