The Wrestling Thread Is Full, But We Hear TNA Is Hiring! - - Part 251

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Well written. I have issues with some of what you said and I'll address each (as respectfully as possible). Mind you, every decision I discuss is in the service of WWE building/elevating/cultivating new/over talent:

If you want to look at it as only a way to get over new talent, then I agree with your premise and maybe that is what MIB was created to do. I honestly don't know, because I stopped watching WWE not long after The Rock & Austin left and only tuned in once and awhile when something interested me.

IMO, this is you speaking about your particular preference and that's perfectly cool. I'm speaking on a strictly storyline/heat level. While Elias might not do anything for you, he's incredibly over and now is the time to strike while his iron is hot. Seth losing the title doesn't hurt his status, but Elias winning the IC title continues his elevation. As a concept, you generally push the guy who's getting over.

Partially right. But, Seth is incredibly hot right now and one of the most over people on the roster, who just won the IC belt what, a month ago? You're going to have him drop it because he's already established? So you think it's best for the MOST over people to not have Championships because they "don't need it to be over". You realize if they did that with every title, the best wrestlers would never be Champion and people who aren't that great would be walking around with the straps. Seth needs to be a Champion because he's a Top 3 talent, and Top 3 or 4 in popularity. Now, with Elias, fine, I get that he's over, even if I don't understand why because for me his gimmick is more annoying than heat inducing, then make him the United States Champion, which is what his talent level in the ring is. To use your line of thinking, Jeff Hardy certainly doesn't need it to be over.

I don't know who started this, but Alexa isn't "the most interesting female on the roster".

I did. Because she is. By far. Most of the women on the roster are awful on the mic and can't make a feud work (Sasha/Bayley feud fizzling because of bad writing and the inability of either to drum up any heat comes to mind).

Again, I think Becky should have won, she's one the Top 5 female workers, is one of the most over with the crowd and she's not as bad on the mic as Vince & company think and she needs it because it's possible she could start losing the crowd by continuing to lose. And I even agree that Alexa didn't NEED it. But Alexa as the Champion with baby's giving chase, if done right, written properly, is the most interesting angle right now, since Ronda isn't really ready and Alexa is the best talker in the entire company, male or female and can make feuds work on her own. And you can't say she isn't over, considering, as a heel, she gets as big of reaction as any female. When she won both the MIB and the cash-in, she got a huge pop. If you want to argue anything with regards to her "over-ness", it's probably whether she should still be a heel, when she's starting to win the crowd over as a face.

Now, you want to talk about people who don't need the push, let's talk about Sasha Banks. Who is exactly what you just described Alexa as. She's already over, she's a top seller in merch, she's been Champion 4 times, she's always in these big matches and can be inserted in the title picture at any moment. She needed it least of all. Also, on a sidenote, she should turn heel because she's just infinitly better at that.

While I'm okay with Styles winning, I do see why he SHOULD have lost. Nakamura, since his heel turn, has been ascending and him winning the title last night could have given him that push to REAL main event status. It would have help him shatter that glass ceiling that Vince can't help but put on minorities.

Sigh... Do we have to bring race into every single aspect of life these days? Nia was just Champion, Sasha has been Champion 4 times, Naomi has been Champion twice, the New Day were tag Champions for like 4 years, Mark Henry who was a piss poor wrestler was Champion, Bobby Lashley will likely be Champion at some point in the next 2 years, etc. I still believe Nakamura will be Champion at some point, I wouldn't be surprised if Asuka wins the Championship on Tuesday in a rematch. It's not about race.
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If you want to look at it as only a way to get over new talent, then I agree with your premise and maybe that is what MIB was created to do. I honestly don't know, because I stopped watching WWE not long after The Rock & Austin left and only tuned in once and awhile when something interested me.

Partially right. But, Seth is incredibly hot right now and one of the most over people on the roster, who just won the IC belt what, a month ago? You're going to have him drop it because he's already established? So you think it's best for the MOST over people to not have Championships because they "don't need it to be over". You realize if they did that with every title, the best wrestlers would never be Champion and people who aren't that great would be walking around with the straps. Seth needs to be a Champion because he's a Top 3 talent, and Top 3 or 4 in popularity. Now, with Elias, fine, I get that he's over, even if I don't understand why because for me his gimmick is more annoying than heat inducing, then make him the United States Champion, which is what his talent level in the ring is.

I did. Because she is. By far. Most of the women on the roster are awful on the mic and can't make a feud work (Sasha/Bayley feud fizzling because of bad writing and the inability of either to drum up any heat comes to mind).

Again, I think Becky should have won, she's one the Top 5 female workers, is one of the most over with the crowd and she's not as bad on the mic as Vince & company think and she needs it because it's possible she could start losing the crowd by continuing to lose. And I even agree that Alexa didn't NEED it. But Alexa as the Champion with baby's giving chase, if done right, written properly, is the most interesting angle right now, since Ronda isn't really ready and Alexa is the best talker in the entire company, male or female and can make feuds work on her own. And you can't say she isn't over, considering, as a heel, she gets as big of reaction of any female. When she won both the MIB and the cash-in, she got a huge pop. If you want to argue anything with regards to her "over-ness", it's probably whether she should still be a heel, when she's starting to win the crowd over as a face.

Now, you want to talk about people who don't need the push, let's talk about Sasha Banks. Who is exactly what you just described Alexa as. She's already over, she's a top seller in merch, she's been Champion 4 times, she's always in these big matches and can be inserted in the title picture at any moment. She needed least of all. Also, she should turn heel because she's just better at that.

Sigh... Do we have to bring race into every single aspect of life these days? Nia was just Champion, Sasha has been Champion 4 times, Naomi has been Champion twice, the New Day were tag Champions for like 4 years, Mark Henry who was a piss poor wrestler was Champion, Bobby Lashley will likely be Champion at some point in the next 2 years, etc. I still believe Nakamura will be Champion at some point, I wouldn't be surprised if Asuka wins the Championship on Tuesday in a rematch. It's not about race.
Yes. Considering two top Japanese stars won the Royal Rumble this year and both lost at WrestleMania.

None of those people you mentioned were the main WWE world champion either. Even Mark Henry was only world heavyweight champion.
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Have to say...this was probably the best PPV of this year so far.

The women money in the bank match was so brutal. They really took hard bumps in this match.

I also like Aj vs naka match. Nakamura should have won, but they really put a display for the fans.

The men money in the bank was quite predictable. The kevin owens bump was insane.

The other matches were also good. The crowd was vocal during most of the matches.
Yes. Considering two top Japanese stars won the Royal Rumble this year and both lost at WrestleMania.

First, do you honestly believe that neither will ever be Champion? Because I don't. Second, how are they not getting a push? Nakamura was just in the best feud in the entire company with AJ (By default, since there isn't a single good feud anywhere else in the company), in Championship matches since Mania.

Asuka just got her 2nd Championship match. Are Championship matches not "big pushes" anymore? I think Asuka will be Champion before this Carmella feud is over.

They are both getting huge pushes right now, you're just upset because they're not Champions.... yet. One is up against the best wrestler in the world, and really doesn't deserve to be Champion based on that reason alone. And the other is in her first 6 Months on the main roster and just had 2 Championship matches, and will be Champion sooner rather than later. And both just won the Royal Rumble, which is something that doesn't happen to people "not getting a push". I don't see the problem.

EDIT: Oh great, now we're going to complain about WHICH WORLD Championships they won... Give me a break.
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Looks like the WWE UK Division will have their own Women's Division:

Toni Storm and Jinny are great. I don't know anything about Killer Kelly or Isla Dawn, except for the fact that the latter is the girlfriend of Aleister Black. Very interesting that Killer Kelly is Portuguese but I have heard that she also wrestles in the UK, so that is the most likely requirement to be a part of the UK division. I do hope that there's an actual WWE UK Division as I am tired of seeing British Strong Style, Mark Andrews and Wolfgang as the WWE UK Division, which it pretty much was those 5 guys for the better part of the last year and I like all of those guys. My issue with those 5 was "that's it for the WWE UK Division? Why not add them to NXT if it's just those 5." When they brought back the UK Tournament, I was hoping that Tyler Bate, Trent Seven, Mark Andrews and Wolfgang were not going to be involved and when the field was announced, I was glad that they were not involved.

Not surprised of the lack of complaints as to why certain NXT talents did not compete due to how great Takeover was. Adam Cole went through hell at the last three Takeover events, and not competing in Chicago but still being involved was fine with me. I mean he was in a War Games match in Houston, Extreme Rules match in Philly and pulled double duty in New Orleans, so him not having a Takeover match in Chicago is not a big deal. Also so happy to see Oney Lorcan have a Takeover match after two years in NXT.
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Yes. Considering two top Japanese stars won the Royal Rumble this year and both lost at WrestleMania.

None of those people you mentioned were the main WWE world champion either. Even Mark Henry was only world heavyweight champion.

There's NEVER been an Asian WWE champion (and no, Yokozuna doesn't count. He was a Samoan pretending to be Japanese).

It occurred to me:

-So Asuka and Nakamura both win the RR on the same night.

-They then both lose clean at Mania, making said RR wins feel far less meaningful on the same night.

-Then they lose here, on the same night.

WOW, Vince is going "2 for 1" on the "wasting Asian talent" scale. And sadly, I saw it coming a mile away.
If Buddy Murphy wins the CW Championship, does this make him the most successful NXT call up ever? Or does 205 Live not count?
There's NEVER been an Asian WWE champion (and no, Yokozuna doesn't count. He was a Samoan pretending to be Japanese).

It occurred to me:

-So Asuka and Nakamura both win the RR on the same night.

-They then both lose clean at Mania, making said RR wins feel far less meaningful on the same night.

-Then they lose here, on the same night.

WOW, Vince is going "2 for 1" on the "wasting Asian talent" scale. And sadly, I saw it coming a mile away.

Triple H seems to treat them better, which is why I think Kairi Sane will be the next NXT Women's Champion.
If you want to look at it as only a way to get over new talent, then I agree with your premise and maybe that is what MIB was created to do. I honestly don't know, because I stopped watching WWE not long after The Rock & Austin left and only tuned in once and awhile when something interested me.

Partially right. But, Seth is incredibly hot right now and one of the most over people on the roster, who just won the IC belt what, a month ago? You're going to have him drop it because he's already established? So you think it's best for the MOST over people to not have Championships because they "don't need it to be over". You realize if they did that with every title, the best wrestlers would never be Champion and people who aren't that great would be walking around with the straps. Seth needs to be a Champion because he's a Top 3 talent, and Top 3 or 4 in popularity. Now, with Elias, fine, I get that he's over, even if I don't understand why because for me his gimmick is more annoying than heat inducing, then make him the United States Champion, which is what his talent level in the ring is. To use your line of thinking, Jeff Hardy certainly doesn't need it to be over.

I did. Because she is. By far. Most of the women on the roster are awful on the mic and can't make a feud work (Sasha/Bayley feud fizzling because of bad writing and the inability of either to drum up any heat comes to mind).

Again, I think Becky should have won, she's one the Top 5 female workers, is one of the most over with the crowd and she's not as bad on the mic as Vince & company think and she needs it because it's possible she could start losing the crowd by continuing to lose. And I even agree that Alexa didn't NEED it. But Alexa as the Champion with baby's giving chase, if done right, written properly, is the most interesting angle right now, since Ronda isn't really ready and Alexa is the best talker in the entire company, male or female and can make feuds work on her own. And you can't say she isn't over, considering, as a heel, she gets as big of reaction as any female. When she won both the MIB and the cash-in, she got a huge pop. If you want to argue anything with regards to her "over-ness", it's probably whether she should still be a heel, when she's starting to win the crowd over as a face.

Now, you want to talk about people who don't need the push, let's talk about Sasha Banks. Who is exactly what you just described Alexa as. She's already over, she's a top seller in merch, she's been Champion 4 times, she's always in these big matches and can be inserted in the title picture at any moment. She needed it least of all. Also, on a sidenote, she should turn heel because she's just infinitly better at that.

Sigh... Do we have to bring race into every single aspect of life these days? Nia was just Champion, Sasha has been Champion 4 times, Naomi has been Champion twice, the New Day were tag Champions for like 4 years, Mark Henry who was a piss poor wrestler was Champion, Bobby Lashley will likely be Champion at some point in the next 2 years, etc. I still believe Nakamura will be Champion at some point, I wouldn't be surprised if Asuka wins the Championship on Tuesday in a rematch. It's not about race.

I want to address all your comments so bear with me:

-I agree that Seth should be a champion...WWE/Universal heavyweight champion. The IC title doesn't really do anything for him. Now Elias, on the other hand, could have really gotten even further over and continued the elevation of that title. This really is a by-product of not having the main title on RAW though.
-I can't dispute your personal likes/dislikes. I think Alexa Bliss is a great character, but you point out the "Sasha/Bayley" feud, but don't acknowledge the overall bad writing/booking of it (that and they are apparently doing a super slow burn with it). Alexa gets a pop because she's over. Nia Jax got a pop when she beat Alexa. I mean, pops come and go. Now, you brought up Sasha as someone who doesn't need a push, but I defy you to find her last great feud in which she came out "on top". I'll wait. She won the title 4 times and held it each time for about a month before dropping it in HER FIRST TITLE DEFENSE.
-You say "why do I bring up race", but refuse to acknowledge that there is a glass ceiling in the WWE. Yes, all the people you brought up won championships, but let's look at those accomplishments closely: Naomi won her title after YEARS of being a dancer and literally getting nothing to work with. Hell, if it wasn't for the brand split, she probably wouldn't have gotten anything. Mark Henry held the "secondary title" after almost a decade of working his @$$ off and being "over". Bobby Lashley is now forced into being the "smiling, good natured black dude" troupe that Vince always wheels out (i.e. Titus, Apollo Creed, etc). Face it, there has been only ONE BLACK WWE CHAMPION in the companies history and the Rock is literally as light as they come. Oh and the New Day, they were saddled with a crappy "church & choir" gimmick that would have killed their careers if THEY didn't change the narrative. Now tell me how many solo championships opportunities they've had while being one of the most over acts in the company. Vince has always had a "race problem".
There's NEVER been an Asian WWE champion (and no, Yokozuna doesn't count. He was a Samoan pretending to be Japanese).

It occurred to me:

-So Asuka and Nakamura both win the RR on the same night.

-They then both lose clean at Mania, making said RR wins feel far less meaningful on the same night.

-Then they lose here, on the same night.

WOW, Vince is going "2 for 1" on the "wasting Asian talent" scale. And sadly, I saw it coming a mile away.

Technically, Asian, yes there was. Jinder Mahal is of Indian Asian descent. Japanese like Shinsuke Nakamura? No.
I think Black people consider the Rock as one of their own, not sure about that though. The ones I know consider the Rock as black, much like they do with the new Duchess of Sussex, Meagan Markle. As an Asian American, I accept anyone who is half Asian American in the entertainment industry. Just because the biggest movie star in the world is "light" doesn't mean he's not black.
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Now, you want to talk about people who don't need the push, let's talk about Sasha Banks. Who is exactly what you just described Alexa as. She's already over, she's a top seller in merch, she's been Champion 4 times, she's always in these big matches and can be inserted in the title picture at any moment. She needed it least of all. Also, on a sidenote, she should turn heel because she's just infinitly better at that.

Sasha hasn't had a 1-on-1 championship match since a week after Summer Slam 2017, and that was only because Bayley injured her shoulder.

Except for that 1 week blip, Alexa has held the championship nearly since she was drafted to Raw. before that she was a mainstay in the title picture on Smackdown. She's nearly caught up with Mickie James six championships in the less than two years she's been on the main roster.

There's NEVER been an Asian WWE champion (and no, Yokozuna doesn't count. He was a Samoan pretending to be Japanese).

It occurred to me:

-So Asuka and Nakamura both win the RR on the same night.

-They then both lose clean at Mania, making said RR wins feel far less meaningful on the same night.

-Then they lose here, on the same night.

WOW, Vince is going "2 for 1" on the "wasting Asian talent" scale. And sadly, I saw it coming a mile away.

Lets not forget Steamboat had to go to another promotion to escape the midcard.
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First, do you honestly believe that neither will ever be Champion? Because I don't. Second, how are they not getting a push? Nakamura was just in the best feud in the entire company with AJ (By default, since there isn't a single good feud anywhere else in the company), in Championship matches since Mania.

Right now? My answer is yes. The feud wasn't that great either. They had a lackluster match at WrestleMania. They had two back-to-back non-finishes on pay-per-view. Like they actually did a double count out at Backlash in a ****ing No DQ match.

Calling it the best feud in the company is a stretch.

WWE squandered Asuka, and they clearly don't think Nakamura has it to be the top guy.

Asuka just got her 2nd Championship match. Are Championship matches not "big pushes" anymore? I think Asuka will be Champion before this Carmella feud is over.

Not everyone can be champion. I get that. But WWE has continually made Asuka look like a dope on the main roster. She wasn't used this poorly on NXT.

They are both getting huge pushes right now, you're just upset because they're not Champions.... yet. One is up against the best wrestler in the world, and really doesn't deserve to be Champion based on that reason alone. And the other is in her first 6 Months on the main roster and just had 2 Championship matches, and will be Champion sooner rather than later. And both just won the Royal Rumble, which is something that doesn't happen to people "not getting a push". I don't see the problem.

EDIT: Oh great, now we're going to complain about WHICH WORLD Championships they won... Give me a break.

The best wrestler in the world is Kenny Omega ;) .

So what if they won the Rumble? They both won the Rumble. They both lost at WrestleMania and they both lost at Money in the Bank.

Nakamura had four PPV matches with AJ Styles and never won the world title. He's not going to be the guy.
I want to address all your comments so bear with me:

-I agree that Seth should be a champion...WWE/Universal heavyweight champion. The IC title doesn't really do anything for him. Now Elias, on the other hand, could have really gotten even further over and continued the elevation of that title. This really is a by-product of not having the main title on RAW though.

OK, now if you're going to have Seth drop it to put the Universal or WWE Championship on him, then I agree. But that doesn't seem to be where they are going with those belts right now. For now, it's best for Seth to have the IC belt. And I agree with the Brock part-timer thing, it's getting extremely ridiculous, especially with the latest rumor that he won't be at Summerslam either.

As for Elias, again, let him climb the Championship ladder, give him the United States belt, see if he runs with it or not. Then we can talk about the IC belt.

-I can't dispute your personal likes/dislikes. I think Alexa Bliss is a great character, but you point out the "Sasha/Bayley" feud, but don't acknowledge the overall bad writing/booking of it (that and they are apparently doing a super slow burn with it). Alexa gets a pop because she's over. Nia Jax got a pop when she beat Alexa. I mean, pops come and go. Now, you brought up Sasha as someone who doesn't need a push, but I defy you to find her last great feud in which she came out "on top". I'll wait. She won the title 4 times and held it each time for about a month before dropping it in HER FIRST TITLE DEFENSE.

Actually, read what I wrote, the first reason I listed for why the Sasha/Bayley feud didn't work was writing. And IMO, the main reason why it didn't work is because there was no heel heat, they should have turned Sasha heel, it makes the rivalry better and Sasha is just lightyears better as a heel.

Again, Sasha didn't need the briefcase either. Now, if you want to argue that the next time she wins a Championship she should hold it longer, I won't argue that, you're right. I've never been a fan of flipping the belts around, it creates these 5 Time, 10 Time, 15 Time Champions that aren't worthy of having that many reigns.

As I said, I thought Becky deserved to win MIB, I was actually rooting for her to win. But I'm just not going to be upset about the most entertaining female on the roster winning, when I know she can create good feuds and draw interest.

-You say "why do I bring up race", but refuse to acknowledge that there is a glass ceiling in the WWE. Yes, all the people you brought up won championships, but let's look at those accomplishments closely: Naomi won her title after YEARS of being a dancer and literally getting nothing to work with. Hell, if it wasn't for the brand split, she probably wouldn't have gotten anything. Mark Henry held the "secondary title" after almost a decade of working his @$$ off and being "over". Bobby Lashley is now forced into being the "smiling, good natured black dude" troupe that Vince always wheels out (i.e. Titus, Apollo Creed, etc). Face it, there has been only ONE BLACK WWE CHAMPION in the companies history and the Rock is literally as light as they come. Oh and the New Day, they were saddled with a crappy "church & choir" gimmick that would have killed their careers if THEY didn't change the narrative. Now tell me how many solo championships opportunities they've had while being one of the most over acts in the company. Vince has always had a "race problem".

Lots of Champions have been given the run around, waited years to become Champion, that's not a race exclusive thing by any means. As for Lashley, by all accounts, Vince LOVES Lashley and wants him to be that whitemeat babyface because that's the type of character he loves for babyfaces. It was said that he refused to turn Lashley heel in his last go round with WWE for that very reason. That's why John Cena got so many title runs, that's just the type of character Vince likes. Like it or not, that's Lashley's best chance at getting a title run.

As for the New Day guys, this is just my opinion, but none of them talent wise individually are worthy of being World Champions. They just aren't. Kofi is an IC Belt level performer, Big E is United States level and Xavier... well, IMO, he just flat out sucks period. To me, that's just pushing them into the title picture because they are over (as a group) and because they're minorities. They don't belong in the World Title picture at all, there are too many better wrestlers than them. None of them are Top 15 or 20 individually.

If you want a minority Champion, Lashley, Nakamura and Asuka are the chosen ones because their talent level is World Championship worthy. And I think all 3 will win a World Championship before they retire.
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I think Black people consider the Rock as one of their own, not sure about that though. The ones I know consider the Rock as black, much like they do with the new Duchess of Sussex, Meagan Markle. As an Asian American, I accept anyone who is half Asian American in the entertainment industry. Just because the biggest movie star in the world is "light" doesn't mean he's not black.

I'm black and of course I consider the Rock as "one of my own". My point is in the entire history of the WWE, only black man has been a "proper" WWE champion. The issue of him being "lighter" is, IMO, Vince is way more accepting of him being the "face" of the WWE because he COULD pass as a tanned white guy. I wasn't deeming him or anything, just talking about what what we are seeing.
Right now? My answer is yes. The feud wasn't that great either. They had a lackluster match at WrestleMania. They had two back-to-back non-finishes on pay-per-view. Like they actually did a double count out at Backlash in a ****ing No DQ match.

Calling it the best feud in the company is a stretch.

WWE squandered Asuka, and they clearly don't think Nakamura has it to be the top guy.

Unless you count NXT (which I don't), yes, it's the best feud on the main roster. Again, I said by default because there isn't currently any good feuds. Don't tell me you think Lashley/Zayn, Roman/Jinder, Roman/Brock are better...

WAY too early to be calling Asuka "squandered", especially since I think there is a good chance she beats Carmella Tuesday on Smackdown.

Not everyone can be champion. I get that. But WWE has continually made Asuka look like a dope on the main roster. She wasn't used this poorly on NXT.

I don't agree they've made her look like a dope the whole time, at all. She's been fine until last night, which I agree, was not a good look. She should have won last night and that ending was stupid.

The best wrestler in the world is Kenny Omega ;) .

Just... No.

So what if they won the Rumble? They both won the Rumble. They both lost at WrestleMania and they both lost at Money in the Bank.

Nakamura had four PPV matches with AJ Styles and never won the world title. He's not going to be the guy.

Well, no, he's not going to be "The Guy", AJ is not even really "The Guy" if we're being honest. But I do think Nakamura will get a title run at some point. It's just AJ's time right now and rightfully so IMO. I do know there are alot of wrestlers that would love to be in Nakamura's position right now, guys that have been around longer and a couple that are better wrestler's. If you think he's getting buried, I just don't agree.
OK, now if you're going to have Seth drop it to put the Universal or WWE Championship on him, then I agree. But that doesn't seem to be where they are going with those belts right now. For now, it's best for Seth to have the IC belt. And I agree with the Brock part-timer thing, it's getting extremely ridiculous, especially with the latest rumor that he won't be at Summerslam either.

As for Elias, again, let him climb the Championship ladder, give him the United States belt, see if he runs with it or not. Then we can talk about the IC belt.

Actually, read what I wrote, the first reason I listed for why the Sasha/Bayley feud didn't work was writing. And IMO, the main reason why it didn't work is because there was no heel heat, they should have turned Sasha heel, it makes the rivalry better and Sasha is just lightyears better as a heel.

Again, Sasha didn't need the briefcase either. Now, if you want to argue that the next time she wins a Championship she should hold it longer, I won't argue that, you're right. I've never been a fan of flipping the belts around, it creates these 5 Time, 10 Time, 15 Time Champions that aren't worthy of having that many reigns.

As I said, I thought Becky deserved to win MIB, I was actually rooting for her to win. But I'm just not going to be upset about the most entertaining female on the roster winning, when I know she can create good feuds and draw interest.

Lots of Champions have been given the run around, waited years to become Champion, that's not a race exclusive thing by any means. As for Lashley, by all accounts, Vince LOVES Lashley and wants him to be that whitemeat babyface because that's the type of character he loves for babyfaces. It was said that he refused to turn Lashley heel in his last go round with WWE for that very reason. That's why John Cena got so many title runs, that's just the type of character Vince likes. Like it or not, that's Lashley's best chance at getting a title run.

As for the New Day guys, this is just my opinion, but none of them talent wise individually are worthy of being World Champions. They just aren't. Kofi is an IC Belt level performer, Big E is United States level and Xavier... well, IMO, he just flat out sucks period. To me, that's just pushing them into the title picture because they are over (as a group) and because they're minorities. They don't belong in the World Title picture at all, there are too many better wrestlers than them. None of them are Top 15 or 20 individually.

If you want a minority Champion, Lashley, Nakamura and Asuka are the chosen ones because their talent level is World Championship worthy. And I think all 3 will win a World Championship before they retire.

-Um...the IC and US title are pretty interchangeable and represent the same mid-card level status.

-I mean, if you think Sasha didn't deserve the case, how can you argue that Alexa should have gotten it. I agree that Becky is someone that deserved a shot too, but Alexa REALLY didn't deserve it.

-With all due respect, you're not gonna win this minority argument. History doesn't agree with you. The history of WWE is littered with minority wrestlers that were SUPER over and never given a shot at the WWE title. The fact that the Rock ALONE is still the only on should tell you Vince has an issue. Now, when he comes to the New Day, I'm gonna disagree with you there. The New Day is not only one of the most over acts on the roster, ALL the members can give good promos and all 3 can go in the ring. What more do you need? Hell, they are better than some of the guys WWE is pushing for the main event right now.
See, we compare the WWE to a sports team....we whine and complain when they do something wrong and we praise them when they do something right like we do with Sports teams. It's not mindless fun like a YouTuber who is a big WWE fan says it is. If it was mindless fun like he says it is, why do we complain about the WWE all of the time? That YouTuber is wrong: WWE is not mindless fun because we treat it like a sports team. Mindless fun is popcorn flicks.
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-Um...the IC and US title are pretty interchangeable and represent the same mid-card level status.

I grew up watching wrestling in the 90's. The IC belt means alot more to me than the United States belt. To me the US belt is the "test run" belt, the belt you give a guy on the way up to see if he has staying power. The IC Belt is the "World Champ test run belt", the belt you give the guy that you're thinking will be "The Guy" one day.

-I mean, if you think Sasha didn't deserve the case, how can you argue that Alexa should have gotten it. I agree that Becky is someone that deserved a shot too, but Alexa REALLY didn't deserve it.

I'm not arguing that Alexa needed it, I'm saying I'm not upset that she got it. Charlotte, Sasha and Alexa didn't need it, neither did Natalya. Lana shouldn't even be wrestling at all. Becky or Ember would have been the options when it comes to who "needed it" the most. I say Becky because she needs something and she's a Top 5 female worker. Ember has plenty of time ahead of her. What I'm saying is, if you're going to give it to one of the first 4, Alexa draws the most interest and can generate the best feuds, so I'm not upset she won.

-With all due respect, you're not gonna win this minority argument. History doesn't agree with you. The history of WWE is littered with minority wrestlers that were SUPER over and never given a shot at the WWE title. The fact that the Rock ALONE is still the only on should tell you Vince has an issue. Now, when he comes to the New Day, I'm gonna disagree with you there. The New Day is not only one of the most over acts on the roster, ALL the members can give good promos and all 3 can go in the ring. What more do you need? Hell, they are better than some of the guys WWE is pushing for the main event right now.

I don't really care enough about the argument to care if I win. When one of the best wrestlers/total package players was black, The Rock, he won the Championship. The other guys you mention weren't on that level, thus they didn't win. The argument comes down to you are willing to give the World Championship to a wider range of talent levels than I am, if you're not one of the 10 best wrestlers in the company, you shouldn't be World Champion IMO. Actually, I'd probably drop it lower than Top 10 to be honest.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on the New Day guys. None of them are World Champion level talents. They're over AS A GROUP, as individuals they're just not on that level. I can name a minimum of 15 guys that are better than the best New Day member, which is clearly Kofi. And that's my objective opinion of the New Day, putting aside the fact I despise their gimmick and find them to be the most annoying wrestlers of All-Time.
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