Theoretically Speaking: God of War live action movie.


Dollar Store Diva
Jan 9, 2011
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After watching a video on Youtube where a Youtuber was evaluating the most annoying bosses in games and he listed Kratos' battle with Hermes I've been cozying up to the thought of a live action God of War movie. Of course there would be a PG-13 edit for theatrical release to maximize profit and an R rated DVD/Blu Ray release when the Theatrical cut is released to please the game fans. Kratos as the antihero of the piece would be pretty bad ass and I've been delving into the mythos of the God of War gaming franchise. Many of the plot elements would work very well in terms of adapting them in a movie script, especially the idea of Kratos exacting his revenge against Zeus. Of course the way I would block the plot arc would be to have Zeus as the final battle of the movie but having the other Greek Titans and Gods acting as impediments for Kratos's progress towards that battle with Zeus as well as providing Kratos with the necessary equipment he'd need to beat Zeus, kind of like in the game. Of course casting the movie is what I'm interested in and who would you pick for the characters? Monsters like Medusa would obviously be CGI, but I'll start it out with the two that have started this interest in a God of War movie.

My choice for Kratos would be Tom Hardy. As Bane in The Dark Knight Rises just cements to me that he could handle the brutal nature of the character very well. He'd look pretty badass in full costume and makeup too. I guess I wouldn't change the look of Kratos that much because if it ain't broke why fix it huh? Also Kratos is not just a big, dumb jock either. In the Hermes battle I watched it was apparent he put two and two together to figure out that Hermes shoes made him fast and that to acquire them would be to his advantage, unfortunately for Hermes. I think Tom Hardy has the ability to play both facets of Kratos's personality, the brutal God of War and the Thinker.

And just because a Youtube User put this grain of thought in my head with their comment I would have to choose Tom Hiddleston for Hermes. But really...would the Fangirls be able to handle Tom getting his CGI legs ripped/sliced off him by Kratos for his boots?
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I never thought Kratos was a big dumb guy. The problem with him is that he's just angry and shouts the entire time. There's no depth or dimension to him at all. If the movie can remedy that than it could definitely be a great one. Tom Hardy is also a great choice
I never thought Kratos was a big dumb guy. The problem with him is that he's just angry and shouts the entire time. There's no depth or dimension to him at all. If the movie can remedy that than it could definitely be a great one. Tom Hardy is also a great choice

This. I mean Kratos I though was a really sh**ty character.

Hardy is a good choice too Godzilla. Never thought of it. He's going to be Sam Fischer in Splinter Cell too right?
I never thought Kratos was a big dumb guy. The problem with him is that he's just angry and shouts the entire time. There's no depth or dimension to him at all. If the movie can remedy that than it could definitely be a great one. Tom Hardy is also a great choice

I think the prequel games will flesh out Kratos's character, give him more of a backstory, so that he has more depth. I'm sure any script writer worth their creative salt could give Kratos a little bit of sympathetic pathos to make the audience root for him.

As far as his intelligence, I personally don't consider Kratos dumb, just that he's known for his brute force more than his brains.
His backstory is pretty much Alexander the Great's. He was conquering territories until he was defeated. He also murdered his family thanks to a trick by Ares. He's already got a decent backstory. IMO
If i'm not mistaken, Brett Ratner was at one point, slated to direct a god of war Movie...

And he wanted Djimon Hounsou as Kratos...or so was the rumours...
That is interesting, but I'd think that project is in development hell now and would never see the light of day. You know, I'm thinking maybe the villian of the first movie should be Ares instead of Zeus, with Gaia being the villain fir the second and Zeus the villain for the third movie.

Oh, and did anyone think God Of War when watching the two Clash of the Titans movies? I was thinking that they borrowed heavily from God of War with several of their plot elements.
Well I think GoW borrowed most of its story from the original Clash of the Titans.

But I see what your saying.
That might be partially true, there are similarities but also divergences between the plot lines of that movie and the games. As I seem to recall in the Harry Hamlin Clash of the Titans Persueus just stumbles upon his quest as opposed to purposefully challenging all the Gods. Perseus's intention was not to destroy all of the Olympian Gods but rather to destroy the Krakken to save Andromeda. And Calibos deserved what happened to him in the movie for the crimes he committed against Olympus by slaying all of the winged horses save for Pegasus. On the other hand Kratos wants revenge against every single Olympian God, even Zeus, for the death of his entire family. His motives are a bit more violent and blood thirsty. This is why I say he's kind of an anti-hero, the Olympian Gods all being possessed by the evil inside Pandora's box and all.

Anyways...I was thinking of who should play Pandora/Calliope and the best young actress I can think of is Chloe Moretz. My first choice for director would be Zack Snyder.
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