

....I need a horse!
Jan 18, 2012
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Will it happen?

Will we indeed get a small Ultron introduction to lead into Avengers 2? Or 3?

Or eventually?

Discuss :D
I certainly hope so! Ultron is the Avenger's best villian by far! Reinventing himself time and again to fullfil his quest of irradicating all organic life. Starting with Daddy Hank!
Agreed 100%. I love the character and how he becomes more human.

hopefully an antman movie means we will get him!
Definitely hope Ultron gets introduced in Ant-Man. Ultron's daddy issues with Hank Pym have been the driving motivation behind him/it from the beginning, and it makes Ultron far more than a generic killer robot.
Definitely hope Ultron gets introduced in Ant-Man. Ultron's daddy issues with Hank Pym have been the driving motivation behind him/it from the beginning, and it makes Ultron far more than a generic killer robot.

For real!

Then going on to create Jocasta, with Jan's brain patterns.

Jocasta would smoke in Live action! That 'molten metal' look an all.
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The Ultron saga can only be done correctly if Hank Pym is Ant-Man is Wright's film. If they go with one of the other characters who stole Pym's costume, that will effectively scuttle chances for the classic version of Ultron to appear in the MCU. They could alter Ultron's origin and make him a Stark creation, or give credit to nameless SHIELD scientists, but it wouldn't be the same.
The Ultron saga can only be done correctly if Hank Pym is Ant-Man is Wright's film. If they go with one of the other characters who stole Pym's costume, that will effectively scuttle chances for the classic version of Ultron to appear in the MCU. They could alter Ultron's origin and make him a Stark creation, or give credit to nameless SHIELD scientists, but it wouldn't be the same.
Yeah, that would be a bastardization of the source material, which MS has generally avoided more than other studios working with their properties. It would just be out of character.
Yeah, that would be a bastardization of the source material, which MS has generally avoided more than other studios working with their properties. It would just be out of character.

Yeah more or less.

If they are gunna do Ultron, have Pym be the creator.

I mean, as Sam said, there is so much going on between the two
There's no reason Pym couldn't make Ultron even if he is an old man. Being old doesn't prevent him from doing stupid mad science.
I figure that, if they do have Scott Lang as Ant-Man, they'll just have Pym be a middle-aged superhero or something, and have him design it then, or maybe make Ultron with the intention of getting the suit back before it goes nuts.
I want Ultron to be saved for the Avengers. To me he makes a perfect Avengers bad guy. Hank Pym is mentally ill. He resents his team, his wife, himself, and everyone. He doubts himself, and his ability to be an Avenger. He also doubts if he is good enough for Janet. Whenever he changes his costume identity it is a sign of trouble. He is like the movie "A Beautiful Mind" but with superheroes. During a break down he creates Ultron, and uses his own brain scans as a blueprint. Ultron becomes the living embodiement of all of Pym's resentment, fears, hatreds, sorrows, all of his dark side put into a robot form. Sort of like in Dargon Ball when Kami tried to destroy his evil side and in turn gave him a form.
Anyway, Ultron is Pym's dark side, his Mr. Hyde, his Hulk. Ultron is also like Pym's son, his son who turned bad. Ultron then attacks the Avengers, who thought that Pym was their friend and colleague. Ultron, to destroy the Avengers, creates the Vision. But the Vision choses to side with the Avengers and his grandfather, Pym. Ultron is stopped and Pym is semi redeemed in the end.
I think it works better with the Avengers as Ultron's targets than Pym and Janet alone, or Pym and Janet with random SHIELD agents. I think if Ultron is Pym (to an extent) then having him attack Pym's closest friends and colleagues in the avengers adds to the attack. Adds a level of mistrust. That this guy introduced in the Avengers as a hero and a sort of boring good guy actual had secret resentful feelings towards them the whole time. But in the end he can be forgiven because it was sort of his mental illness and he/and his creations creation (Vision) help save the day. He could still be voted off the team like they did when he hit Janet, perhaps.
It would also work better in the Avengers because Ultron versus Ant Man/Giant Man and Wasp isn't as much of a threat as Ultron versus Pym, Wasp, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, Blackwidow, all the avengers at one time. It also introduces the idea that these superheroes aren't just bland good guys, but could have serious problems of their own.
They need to have an Ultron reference in this film, no matter how subtle. I don't think he should be a villain, but he or his blueprints or even a mention of Pym working on artificial intelligence needs to be a part.

Well I guess they don't haaaave too. But they really should. And Marvel studios likes doing those sorts of things so I think they'll make it happen.
In a perfect world, Ultron is a concept that develops over multiple films and intersects franchises. Probably not the focus of the first film, but I'd definitely like to see the concept introduced in ANT MAN, and its definitely something that should come about in ANT MAN 2 or THE AVENGERS 2.
I agree. I prefer Ultron developing over two films. I'd rather his turn occur at the conclusion of his first film.
i LOVED the voice and how Ultron was portrayed in Avengers EMH.

the lack of emotion and flux in his voice was PERFECTION.
In a perfect world, Ultron is a concept that develops over multiple films and intersects franchises. Probably not the focus of the first film, but I'd definitely like to see the concept introduced in ANT MAN, and its definitely something that should come about in ANT MAN 2 or THE AVENGERS 2.

I agree, he should be Hank's "Jarvis" so to speak and then be the primary villain in Ant-Man 2. And yes, to some dissenters this would mean he would be toned down quite a bit from being an Avengers villain. But seriously, who else is Ant-Man gonna fight?

And dont say Porcupine! Don't you DARE say Porcupine. :cmad:
I agree, he should be Hank's "Jarvis" so to speak and then be the primary villain in Ant-Man 2. And yes, to some dissenters this would mean he would be toned down quite a bit from being an Avengers villain. But seriously, who else is Ant-Man gonna fight?

And dont say Porcupine! Don't you DARE say Porcupine. :cmad:


Ultron, if appears, NEEDS to be an avengers villain. We are talking about a classic avengers villain, arguable the avengers best villain, and his roll in the MCU will be to be an Ant-man villain and only that? No way man.
so do you think a logical trend goes from Loki to Thanos to Ultron? cuz I dont. I think Kang, Galactus or Korvac would be the logical final villain.

Not to mention, Ant-Man's role in the fight against any of these villains is going to be nominal at best. Lets face it, he's not as powerful. But you're saying that his major contribution to the universe should not be his heroism but his creation of a villain that he cries to the Avengers for help to defeat?

Wow that's charming. That would destroy his character and make Ant-Man waste of a Phase 2 slot if you ask me. He'll be nothing but a joke. A silly f**k-up.
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No the logical trend goes from Loki to Ultron to Thanos.
"Silly ****-up" is actually a pretty perfect summary of Hank Pym's entire life. Works for me :up:
Plus i love the idea of an A.I. robot turning against its creator. Quite an original concept in cinema.
Like I've posted in another thread none of the post credits teases have led to a sequel but to another movie which in this case I think is GotG. If it is a tease for A2 then it would be a first. You also get Joss stating he wants a smaller more personal story for A2. All these things doesn't necessarily point towards Thanos being the villain of A2.

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