The Dark Knight Villain Spawning

I think it's entirely possible with the current circumstances that the origin of Joker is such:

Jack Napier is a common thief and is being tracked by the cops. He gets in a razor blade accident and is then captured. Scarecrow does his typical thing (he's done this around the time, or before the time, of Batman Begins). He tries to give Jack the insanity plea so that he can move him to Arkham. But when he does this he also takes the time to test his new formula! He tests it on Jack and it turns him mentally insane. It does the opposite of making him insane by fear! It makes him insane by happiness! Jack is locked away in the Asylum and Dr. Crane decides to go back to the old formula for obvious reasons ( :oldrazz: ), but he (Joker) makes his grand escape in Batman Begins when the SWAT team unlock all the doors and all the goons are set free. Jack, instead of rampaging the streets, uses his brains and hides. Taking his insanity and his scarred face like a weapon, he then dies his hair green, puts on white makeup, mascara, and red lipstick and then begins his torture upon Gotham!

NOTE: Scarecrow locks his new formula away, but then Joker comes and makes him an offer he can't refuse (his life). Scarecrow finally gives him a full truckload of this "laughing gas". Joker then uses it on his victims (some of them).

Now in relation to Two-Face, I thoroughly believe Joker should have SOME part in scaring Harvey. I believe Joker and Maroni should work together. Maybe Joker supplies the acid to Maroni who then takes it upon Harvey...

Now if these two situations happened, then I think it'll be interesting how all villains have a role in "creating" the next villain.

Ra's Al Ghul: He helped supply Dr. Jonathon Crane with the formula, thus ultimately creating Scarecrow.

Scarecrow: He tests his new formula on Jack Napier ultimately creating Joker.

Joker: He helps supply Maroni with acid so he could then hurt Harvey Dent, thus creating Two-Face...

Two-Face: Given the same order in which the previous villains have had a part in creating the next villain, who's life do you think Two-Face will alter so severely that the next villain in Gotham is born?

i wasted 2 mins of my life reading that.... i want those 2 minutes back
its kinda cool idea to have them connected

but i just want to see them interact!
As long as someone gets scarred and someone kills Maroni, that should be good enough...Nolan and co. will know how to get it done right.

I wouldn't mind if Scarecrow makes Joker's laughing gas but I think Scarecrow should expect a cut of money from Joker after all he is using Scarecrow's fear toxin into a new carbonized weapon. Joker would refuse and Scarecrow would spray his fear toxin into Joker's face but like the comics it'd do nothing and Joker would then beat Scarecrow to death with a chair or just shoot him.
what was the point of this thread???

I think like after the villains get killed if they get to start over in the place they died after have to start the whole level over again.
I still think that my point here rules!

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