Villians For Punisher 2


Feb 28, 2006
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Who will the villians be in Punisher 2? I heard it might be Jigsaw
I had read somewhere that Thomas Jane had originally signed on for three movies. If they make the third one, I'd love to see the Bullseye crossover with Stone Cold as well.
Chris_Carter said:
I had read somewhere that Thomas Jane had originally signed on for three movies. If they make the third one, I'd love to see the Bullseye crossover with Stone Cold as well.
That's correct, Jane said it when asked about sequel plans not very long after the movie got released almost 2 years ago.

Damn, has it really been that long? I should not be clinging so hard to this movie after all this time...
That's who the villain is going to be.
i think they should have the punisher hunting blade, or with like daredevil, because that is all the punisher is really, a cool comic character who works with other comic characters
Yes Jigsaw has been confirmed.
I'd like The Punisher to face some minor villains from the comics then face Jigsaw as his main objective.
L0ngsh0t said:
i think they should have the punisher hunting blade, or with like daredevil, because that is all the punisher is really, a cool comic character who works with other comic characters

:eek: Haven't you ever read Ennis' Punisher series? He is far from that.
Kable24 said:
Yes Jigsaw has been confirmed.
wait a sec, when the hell did Jigsaw get confirmed as the villain?!
Well Jigsaw was in the script review that was up for the longest time on the Punisher Army site. But with TJ saying that they are looking for a better script, that might have changed.
Kable24 said:
Well Jigsaw was in the script review that was up for the longest time on the Punisher Army site. But with TJ saying that they are looking for a better script, that might have changed.

There's hope for Bullseye and Stone Cold then!
Bullseye is unlikely since he is a FOX property, and Punisher is Lions Gate. This could only happen once all the rights revert back to Marvel.
Nasty-B said:
Bullseye is unlikely since he is a FOX property, and Punisher is Lions Gate. This could only happen once all the rights revert back to Marvel.

Damn, I forgot. Well, maybe Stone Cold then.
They just remind me of the typical 90's villains.
Its Jigsaw (whose character is is actually a combo of Billy Russo and Nicky Cavella), along with Cavella's minions Pittsy and Ink.
Kable24 said:
Well Jigsaw was in the script review that was up for the longest time on the Punisher Army site. But with TJ saying that they are looking for a better script, that might have changed.

Yeah but Tom said even before it was written that it was Jigsaw. So I doubt that's changed. And I don't really think he meant better script. Considering the huge fan reaction from the early draft. Probobly still being ironed out. IMO anyway.
Yeah, I guess I should have said tweaked instead of not good enough yet. That's why they call it the first draft. I am sure Jigsaw is still going to be the villain, but I don't want to get anyone's hope up and then it not be him.
If we get the script we want it'll be the Rev and the reavers!

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