What are the worst comic book movies of all time?

Son of Mask
The rest are probably $#%^ I did not watch
There are more bad ones than can be easily counted but only 2 that managed to offend me, piss me off and get me to actively hate them, AngHulk and TDK. Suprising considering they both are of the highest production value, acting and cinematography and all that jazz. And for me all that stuff counts for absolutely nothing when compared to the BS that they pull.
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The worst of the worst:

Howard the Duck for Marvel and Catwoman for DC.
One thing worse than Howard the Duck is Man-Thing
I still don't view Catwoman as a comic book movie, it's a very loose rehash of Batman Returns origin of Catwoman, with barely anything resembling the character
Punisher: Warzone. I'm admittedly not a huge fan of the character, but that movie was painful to sit through.

Green Lantern is the other one. No film in the history of the Superhero genre has squandered it's potential quite like this one did.
Of the ones I have seen, Elektra and Catwoman are top contenders.

Punisher: Warzone on the other handwas pure genius.
Ghost Rider 1&2
Howard the Duck
Punisher War Zone
For me,nothing can beat The Spirit.5 minutes in and I knew I was in for a rough time.
1. The Spirit
2. Catwoman
3. Elektra
4. Ghost Rider series
5. Green Lantern
Howard the Duck.

Even to this day, it is still difficult to believe that Tim Robbins starred in this film.
Punisher: Warzone. I'm admittedly not a huge fan of the character, but that movie was painful to sit through.

Green Lantern is the other one. No film in the history of the Superhero genre has squandered it's potential quite like this one did.

I actually like Punisher Warzone. Yes it's horrible, you'll get no argument from me. It might even be the worst comic book movie ever, I have no doubt. It's so bad though that I enjoyed watching it. It's kind of like how everyone loves to watch the really horrible auditions on American Idol. It's so bad it's entertaining. I'm not really a fan of the character either, so it doesn't bother me, but for those that bleed Punisher, I can understand why they would be upset.

Green Lantern was a colossal waste of money and talent.
Catwoman just plain awful film making
I haven't seen some of the films that are generally considered the worst, such as Catwoman and Ghost Rider, but of those that I've seen I'd have to say the following:

The Dark Knight Rises
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Man of Steel
Batman Forever
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Blade: Trinity

I never realize just how many stinkers this genre has had until I make a list like this.
There are more bad ones than can be easily counted but only 2 that managed to offend me, piss me off and get me to actively hate them, AngHulk and TDK. Suprising considering they both are of the highest production value, acting and cinematography and all that jazz. And for me all that stuff counts for absolutely nothing when compared to the BS that they pull.

Oh come on Kendrell, TDK?
The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Man of Steel and Iron Man 3.
Punisher War Zone is a bad movie but c'mon, wasn't it worth seeing the movie when the Parkour guy with dreads somersaults and is blown up with the bazooka. The was ****ing awesome :woot:
Oh come on Kendrell, TDK?

You seem surprised. I told you in another thread that I absolutely detest that POS. The only reason it's not my absolute all time worst is because at the end of the day I don't give a **** about Batman, the Joker or DC comics. Anghulk on the other hand, damn near destroyed the big screen chances of my all time favorite fictional character. So I hate it more.

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