Agreed. The CGI was alot better in Ang's IMO, but the design for '08 was pretty much what most people wanted. I still prefer the bulky, neanderthal look as opposed to the super ripped bodybuilder, but once again, I think it all depends on what Hulk you grew up reading.
I also think both Hulks looked very human in the face, I think '08 even more than '03. The difference was that '08 had alot more rage in his facial expressions for 99% of the film. He was alot more pissed off than the '03 version, but if you look at the scenes where he's with Betty, the new Hulk's face looks a whole lot more human than Ang's ever did.
Personally, and I've already had these arguments so I'm not trying to spark another one up, but to me, the Hulk should resemble Banner slightly. Some artists used to do that to great results, like Buscema, who's my all time favorite. It's not like his Hulk was pretty, his Hulk was a gorilla, but you could still see bits of Banner, as it should be, It's not like they have separate skulls. I think the concept art they showed at Comic Con was perfect, why they scaled that look back in the finished product, I don't know.