Who Would Really Win?


Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hulk vs Superman

We've seen the lame crossovers, but in a real battle, on earth, and no kryptonite involved, who takes the cake?

Green Genes against the current Supes.

I say it could go either way, but my money is on Hulk.

Cuz "The Madder Hulk gets, the Stronger Hulk gets."

Superman has his heat vision/energy, but I've seen the Hulk regenerate all of his flesh within a matter of minutes, just after he had it fried from his bones. Not sayin' Superman can penetrate Hulk's skin, but IF he can.

Gimme some feedback, peeps.
It's probably a tie. You don't necessarily need to be the strongest one to win, because brains helps too.

Ultimately, both are on the side of good, so after a good battle, they'd go their separate ways.
The Hulk.

Purple pants always beats red underwear.
In all seriousness, it could go either way. For pure brute physical power, The Hulk has Superman beaten. When faced with a powerful foe like Superman, The Hulk gets quite frustrated quickly and what not, so him having to fight Superman for a while even to meet Supermans base strength isn't going to be a problem. Superman has a much larger variety of powers though, and he's a lot faster, smarter. Hulk's probably more battle savy, and pound for pound, tougher. Both of the above statements were pretty much proven in the 98 Hulk vs. Superman GN, where the early Hulk fought Earth 2 Superman. Pretty much showed how a battle between both of their normal counterparts would go.
Hulk is much more stronger than Superman,and Superman's speed is no problem for The Hulk (we have just seen it in "Hulk vs Superman" and "Hulk vs Gladiator" , and Hulk had no problems with Surfer's speed.....no comment).

And Hulk is an engine of destruction , Superman is only a boy scout.Hulk has more experience in battles than Superman ;he has got regerative powers and if Superman is hurt he remains hurted and painful;Hulk not.

Hulk could destroy Superman most of times, i see a better versus Hulk vs Doomsday; both Hulk and DD are more powerful and resistance (and adapt to fight) than Superman.
Originally posted by DevilHulk
Hulk is much more stronger than Superman,and Superman's speed is no problem for The Hulk (we have just seen it in "Hulk vs Superman" and "Hulk vs Gladiator" , and Hulk had no problems with Surfer's speed.....no comment).

And Hulk is an engine of destruction , Superman is only a boy scout.Hulk has more experience in battles than Superman ;he has got regerative powers and if Superman is hurt he remains hurted and painful;Hulk not.

Hulk could destroy Superman most of times, i see a better versus Hulk vs Doomsday; both Hulk and DD are more powerful and resistance (and adapt to fight) than Superman.

Superman's a helluva lot stronger then The Hulk to begin with.

The Hulk has has problems with the SS's speed before, The SS rarely uses his super speed against The Hulk anyhow. Superman's much more adept at travelling/fighting insanly fast then the SS anyhow.

Superman can be damned bad ass when it call for it. And Superman is also a lot smarter then The Hulk, and probably a better fighter. The Hulk's a decent brawler if anything.

Glad's didn't employ his super speed against The Hulk either, I didn't see him trying to punch him a couple hundred times in a few seconds or anything.
I love both characters. As far as strenght goes Hulk has it hands down. (see my sig) But Supes is a lot faster. He's faster than Spidey and Spidey is usually fast enough to dodge the Hulk's fist. I think what it comes down to though is stenght because we all know that Doomsday killed Superman and all he had was strenght.
My votes on Hulk. Superman will only get his bones broken.
I usually don't get into these discussions...because there is nothing geekier..but hey, I'm already on a comic book internet message board....I'm at geek level:red already.
Anyone has the potential to beat anyone in my opinion. There are lots of factors involved beyond strength. It could simply be a case of luck or even the mental state someone is in which can come down to what they had for breakfast that morning.
As far as strength potential...I'd say Hulk has that over the post-crisis Supes. He even has a more ruthless attitude....but beyond that Supes really has the edge with all of his other powers. Given that, if forced to bet, I would have to go with the Man of Tomorrow. But Hulk does have a decent shot of winning. If Doom'sday can do it then Hulk can for sure.
But the real answer is "anyone the writer wants to".
See, I used to buy into that also. I think you could write a story where Robin beats Superman, or Jubilee beats the Hulk. You could write it, but it doesn't mean that it won't be completely and totally silly and everyone acting out of character.
I put it this way: Hulk is extremely strong and has a very high resistance to injury and autoregenerates any injuries inflicted by anyone to his body. Hulk can practically exceed Superman's strength through rage. Superman on the other hand also has a high degree of invulnerability but can be injured by someone as strong as Hulk. And Superman cannot heal himself. So both gets injured in the fight, but Hulk's injuries disappear in minutes while Superman's injuries remain and could increase during the fight. In an all out browl, it is more likely that Hulk will survive the fight.
You do realize that this is a thread that is bumped from 2 years ago? The only thing bumping this thread did is prove that the Hulk fanboys haven't changed much in 2 years...
and that some people can't stand the idea of other people making good points about how their favorite hero would get his @$$ handed to him. No one is making you read this thread brainiac.
torkibe said:
You do realize that this is a thread that is bumped from 2 years ago? The only thing bumping this thread did is prove that the Hulk fanboys haven't changed much in 2 years...

DACMAN said:
and that some people can't stand the idea of other people making good points about how their favorite hero would get his @$$ handed to him.

My point exactly. Hulk fanboys can't stand the idea that he would get his ass handed to him by Superman. Contrary to your sig, Superman is not only stronger than the Hulk, but faster and smarter (unless we're talking about the professor). I'm glad you agree :up:
torkibe said:
My point exactly. Hulk fanboys can't stand the idea that he would get his ass handed to him by Superman.
Same thing can be said to Superman fanboys. So what is stated above is pointless.

torkibe said:
Contrary to your sig, Superman is not only stronger than the Hulk, but faster and smarter (unless we're talking about the professor). I'm glad you agree :up:

Hulk's initial strength, yes. But if Hulk gets pissed, he can easily surpass Superman's strength. Marvel comics show that making Hulk angry will make him nigh-unstoppable. And DC comics show that super strong beings whose strength doesn't increase like Hulk can hurt Superman. With Hulk's increasing strength, he can deal more damage to Superman than Doomsday.

It is true that Superman is superfast and thinks like an average human, but Hulk have defeated Gladiator, one of Marvel's version of Superman. So it is very possible for Hulk to face someone like Supes and defeat him.
Toby_Temple said:
Same thing can be said to Superman fanboys. So what is stated above is pointless.

Hulk's initial strength, yes. But if Hulk gets pissed, he can easily surpass Superman's strength. Marvel comics show that making Hulk angry will make him nigh-unstoppable. And DC comics show that super strong beings whose strength doesn't increase like Hulk can hurt Superman. With Hulk's increasing strength, he can deal more damage to Superman than Doomsday.

It is true that Superman is superfast and thinks like an average human, but Hulk have defeated Gladiator, one of Marvel's version of Superman. So it is very possible for Hulk to face someone like Supes and defeat him.

I can't believe I'm letting myself get baited into this debate again, but here goes....

No, Hulk cannot easily surpass Superman's strength. True, Superman's strength has fluctuated over the years, but he is still near planet moving levels in MOST cases. Like any other character, he's had some stupid showings but for the most part yeah. Could the Hulk get that strong? Maybe... But he never has. Yes, he busted Onslaught's armor. Onslaught wanted him to. Doomsday would pimp slap the Hulk. People cling to "the madder he gets, the stronger he gets" and think that makes him undefeatable. But he has been beaten, many times... You can only get so mad.

Superman does not think like the average human. He has genius level intellect. He may even be as smart as Banner. But I'll give that edge to Banner anyway.

and for the record... I don't even collect Superman anymore. I don't really collect any DC. I do however collect the Hulk.
torkibe said:
I can't believe I'm letting myself get baited into this debate again, but here goes....

No, Hulk cannot easily surpass Superman's strength. True, Superman's strength has fluctuated over the years, but he is still near planet moving levels in MOST cases. Like any other character, he's had some stupid showings but for the most part yeah. Could the Hulk get that strong? Maybe... But he never has. Yes, he busted Onslaught's armor. Onslaught wanted him to. Doomsday would pimp slap the Hulk. People cling to "the madder he gets, the stronger he gets" and think that makes him undefeatable. But he has been beaten, many times... You can only get so mad.

Superman does not think like the average human. He has genius level intellect. He may even be as smart as Banner. But I'll give that edge to Banner anyway.

and for the record... I don't even collect Superman anymore. I don't really collect any DC. I do however collect the Hulk.
And for the record

Secret WARs 2, #8: Beyonder searches for the HULK and finds him in the desert. HULK attacks the Beyonder. Beyonder puts the HULK in stasis and begins to probe him. The Beyonder says of the HULKs inner potential:
"You are nothing but power incarnate! An infinity of power with no finite element inside!! Worse yet, you remind me of someone (himself)."

Some of the HULK's greater feats include:
: The aforementioned overcoming of the energy field that could move planets from thier orbits in TTA 79

King size annual 3: HULK strikes the ground so hard that he sends shockwaves all the way from Colorado to Denmark (other side of the planet)

The fact is according to the Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel (which I have, I'm a huge Superman fan) Superman's strenght is NOT unlimited. The Hulk's obviously is.

(A post-crisis) Superman had trouble with an airplane that weighed around 190 tons while the calm Hulk lifted a 150 billion ton mountain. The only way you can make any arguement that the HULK is not stronger than Superman is talking about the pre-crisis Superman which really didn't seem to have a limit to his strenght much like the HULK. So you certainly could make the case that their as strong as one another.
DACMAN said:
And for the record

Secret WARs 2, #8: Beyonder searches for the HULK and finds him in the desert. HULK attacks the Beyonder. Beyonder puts the HULK in stasis and begins to probe him. The Beyonder says of the HULKs inner potential:
"You are nothing but power incarnate! An infinity of power with no finite element inside!! Worse yet, you remind me of someone (himself)."

Some of the HULK's greater feats include:
: The aforementioned overcoming of the energy field that could move planets from thier orbits in TTA 79

King size annual 3: HULK strikes the ground so hard that he sends shockwaves all the way from Colorado to Denmark (other side of the planet)

The fact is according to the Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel (which I have, I'm a huge Superman fan) Superman's strenght is NOT unlimited. The Hulk's obviously is.

(A post-crisis) Superman had trouble with an airplane that weighed around 190 tons while the calm Hulk lifted a 150 billion ton mountain. The only way you can make any arguement that the HULK is not stronger than Superman is talking about the pre-crisis Superman which really didn't seem to have a limit to his strenght much like the HULK. So you certainly could make the case that their as strong as one another.

I'm not saying that the Hulk isn't ridiculously strong. Superman having trouble with the plane is one of the worst jobs of writing ever. Hulk's strength THEORHETICALLY has no limit, though even he himself stated he could get madder for days and never be able to hurt Klaatu, so that would seem to indicate he does have a limit. And he didn't lift a 150 billion ton mountain. He braced it, with help from the Thing.
Well then isn't it just as easy to say that him saying he could never hurt Klaatu is "one of the worst jobs of writing ever"? And no where in the comic does it say the Thing helped. Look, it seems pretty cut and dry to me. The Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel states as clear as day that Superman has limits, the offical guide to the HULK (amoung a million other sources) states that the HULK has no limits to his strenght. There is no debate on who is stronger, everyone knows that the HULK is. It's like asking who's faster Flash or Quicksilver. Everyone just knows. The real question is who would win in a fight.
the strongest thing iv seen or heard of hulk doing is holding up a 150 billion ton mountain, iv seen superman push planets, its no contest. superman vs. juggernaut would be more interesting
DACMAN said:
Well then isn't it just as easy to say that him saying he could never hurt Klaatu is "one of the worst jobs of writing ever"? And no where in the comic does it say the Thing helped. Look, it seems pretty cut and dry to me. The Ultimate Guide to the Man of Steel states as clear as day that Superman has limits, the offical guide to the HULK (amoung a million other sources) states that the HULK has no limits to his strenght. There is no debate on who is stronger, everyone knows that the HULK is. It's like asking who's faster Flash or Quicksilver. Everyone just knows. The real question is who would win in a fight.

Look, I'm not hating on you or the hulk... but only Hulk fans say there is no debate about who's stronger. To compare the Flash and Quicksilver to the Hulk and Superman is crazy.
torkibe said:
No, Hulk cannot easily surpass Superman's strength. True, Superman's strength has fluctuated over the years, but he is still near planet moving levels in MOST cases. Like any other character, he's had some stupid showings but for the most part yeah. Could the Hulk get that strong? Maybe... But he never has. Yes, he busted Onslaught's armor. Onslaught wanted him to. Doomsday would pimp slap the Hulk. People cling to "the madder he gets, the stronger he gets" and think that makes him undefeatable. But he has been beaten, many times... You can only get so mad.
Wrong. He can pass the strength of anyone like Superman. You need to know more about a character to know what he can and cannot do. Doomsday would pimp slap the Hulk? Its the other way around. Hulk can regenerate so fast and get so pissed that Doomsday would wish he was fighting Superman instead.

And as for bad showings, even Hulk had his share, so your arguement is, again, pointless.

torkibe said:
Superman does not think like the average human. He has genius level intellect. He may even be as smart as Banner. But I'll give that edge to Banner anyway.

and for the record... I don't even collect Superman anymore. I don't really collect any DC. I do however collect the Hulk.

Clark Kent a genius?LOL! You're fanboyism is pushing you to the edge. Banner is alot smarter than Clark. You're the only guy who doesn't know it.
Personally, because Superman would checnk his stregnth because of his conscience and the Hulk wouldn't the fight would go nowhere. Banner would find a way in the lab, using his brain, to defeat Superman and Clark Kent using his reporter skills would find this out, stop him prior and the two would become friends. Point being, I think Superman and the Hulk are pretty evenly matched. The real fight could be between Banner and Kent, especially if Banner had the hots for Lois Lane.
As stated it depends on which Supes you are talking about. Pre-Crisis would beat pathetic Hulk's ass into the ground. The current Superman who is nearing his Pre-Crisis level would still defeat Hulk but it wouldn't be easy.

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