C-$ said:
I was talking to some of my coworkers at work and one of them who happens to be a female (Katy)was telling how guys should act towards women.She was saying that girls like guys who are confident ect and this guy kind of interrupts and says "act like a a$$hole", that'll work. Even Katy admiited that girls like jerks which sucks becuase nice guys like me never get anywhere. It's been like that all of my life. I can never get the girl that I want but I get the left overs(you know what I mean) instead.
Ladies, why do like guys that act like *******s?
I think that saying we like jerks is an incorrect statement, but you do have a point.
The thing is, women like men who portray themselves in a confident way, and the problem is, these "jerks" are always sweet, charming and fabulous to begin with. It's only after the woman becomes attached that the "jerk" persona becomes visible, by which time the woman is too attached to walk away that easily.
Trust me, I'm talking from personal experience. The truth is, we don't like jerks, it's just that they are the best at what they do, deceiving us into believing that they are something special. We tend to then blame ourselves for them being jerks, believing that it must have been something we did to make them that way. I now understand from bitter experience, that NOTHING gives a human being the right to be in any way, shape or form hateful to another. I've been through hell, and should be the most bitter and twisted person alive, but I refuse to start being crappy to people, just because I've had it happen to me.
A message for the nice guys out there, most women (well, the nice and decent ones anyway) prefer for men to approach them, as they worry about being perceived as a **** if they make the first move. I know you nice guys tend to be a little shy, but please come forward! I'm so sick of only apparently attracting the jerks, and I'd really like to find one of the nicer ones out there.
A message for the ladies who have blamed themselves (or still are) for their Prince Charming becoming a jerk. I don't care what he says, you are not to blame. Trust me when I say he was a jerk to begin with, but kept it covered up because he knew damned well you wouldn't look at him twice if you knew what an arrogant arse he really was.