Well, it's Webb who pushed for the Lizard design and the moment Jamie Foxx walked on the set with his self made Max Dillon getup Marc was like, and I quote, "THAT'S Max Dillon!".
getting back to the Lizard design, Webb demanded that the jaw and mouth had to be in such a way, that if this creature existed in the real world he could talk, hence Lizard having puffy rounded looking lips and really small dull edged teeth. It's not like they had to make it realistically working, even if the face was a little longer (not quite a full snout but not flat either) with just a tad bigger & sharper teeth, they still could've very easily animated it to look convincing without having to neuter the design. and I get trying to be realistic and all that, but what's the point of giving Lizard a lab coat for an 0.5 min omage and not full time? if the coat fits in Lizard form it's not like it would be an unbelivable stretch for having the coat to stick along through out the events too
Webb said that he thinks the key to make the Lizard work is to bring out the humanity in him, but they should've added that extra humanity in Connors and outside of talking, make the Lizard more feral. and even then, the Lizard's dialogue should emphasize that while communicates similarly to a human, he should say stuff in the way an evil talking reptilian beast would think. He didn't want to help the human race in the comics, he just wanted to get rid of them. and that should've been his motivation into changing everyone to Lizards, not "a world without weakness", but more so taking down all human civilication as we know it