Batman Begins Will there be a Blu-Ray release eventually?


Sep 4, 2007
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I'm so sorry if this has been asked before.

Does anyone has any idea whether there will be a Blu-Ray release in the future?

I've never seen a confirmation that there will be, however I've also not seen anything said about there never being a release.

Not too long ago, when I was buying my new TV from Currys, they had a demo station for Blu-Ray and HDDVD set up, both on a loop. Every so often I'd catch them showing Batman Begins, saying it was going to be released but I've yet to see any dates set.

It'd be nice if they did release it eventually.
Well "Begins" has already been released in HD-DVD I believe, so that would explain Currys demo station showing it.

As for Blu-Ray, I'm honestly not sure.

Oh, I know that. What I meant was they were showing it looping on Blu-Ray, not HDDVD. That's why I decided to ask because it's not the first time I've been in a store, seen a Blu-Ray demo, and they show Batman Begins saying it'll be an eventual release.
for the 583498439th time.

yes. Batman Begins WILL be released on Blu Ray sooner or later. Probably sometime next year
Now, you see this is something that annoys me. There are no other topics about this subject on this page, and you can clearly see I have a very low post count probably suggesting I haven't been here long. I haven't even lurked here.

So I wasn't going to know this is, as you put it, the 583498439th time. That is why I apologise quite clearly in my very first post.

I hope you're right, anyway. It'll be nice to add it to my Blu-Ray collection.
Dude don't worry, anyone with a post count below nine million gets flamed for asking questions, or even daring to post a topic.

BB will be out on blu-ray soon, it'll be the same as when DVD came out, they'll work backwards through their archives releasing popular and spectacular films first. So BB within a year.
Yes. When Blu-Ray wins the war. :D:up:

I don't want to start an argument over this, but Blu-Ray will likely not win the war. This is based on the fact that it does not advocate/release pornography. When waged its war with VHS back in the day, the swaying factor was pornography--a huge market. Sony lost then. It will probably do so again.
I don't want to start an argument over this, but Blu-Ray will likely not win the war. This is based on the fact that it does not advocate/release pornography. When waged its war with VHS back in the day, the swaying factor was pornography--a huge market. Sony lost then. It will probably do so again.

mute point, porn is now an internet based industry, and you can buy it on Blu-Ray as well
I'm with the above, if Blu-Ray doesn't start with porn, then it's screwed, HD will take the win easily...
there is porn on blu-ray now. blu-ray outsells HD discs reguardless. the only movies that dont come out on blu-ray are universal i think (grrrr cuz i want backdraft and adam sandler movies on blu)

im sure begins will be released either when tdk comes out in the movies or latest when it comes out on disc...
Will TDK be on Blu-Ray when it comes out
Dude don't worry, anyone with a post count below nine million gets flamed for asking questions, or even daring to post a topic.

BB will be out on blu-ray soon, it'll be the same as when DVD came out, they'll work backwards through their archives releasing popular and spectacular films first. So BB within a year.

It seems to be like that at a lot of forums these days. It's as though people don't expect others to start joining. It takes time to get a high post count, especially if you don't intend to post as often as some.

I hope you're right! I can live with watching it on DVD for now, although incompressed sound is sometimes nice as well as a sharper picture. The problem is when you upgrade from an SD TV to a HD TV, then watch a HD movie, it's hard to change back.

I don't want to start an argument over this, but Blu-Ray will likely not win the war. This is based on the fact that it does not advocate/release pornography. When waged its war with VHS back in the day, the swaying factor was pornography--a huge market. Sony lost then. It will probably do so again.

I can't really agree with thks. From what I have heard firstly, they have started putting porn on it but even when they announced they wouldn't I never noticed Blu-Ray sales going down.

People can get porn for free on the internet. Personally, I don't care much for porn so I wouldn't be someone going out of their way to find any of it.

Can't imagine why someone would want to watch HD porn, though.

mute point, porn is now an internet based industry, and you can buy it on Blu-Ray as well


there is porn on blu-ray now. blu-ray outsells HD discs reguardless. the only movies that dont come out on blu-ray are universal i think (grrrr cuz i want backdraft and adam sandler movies on blu)

im sure begins will be released either when tdk comes out in the movies or latest when it comes out on disc...

That sounds likely. A good time would be when The Dark Knight is out, because at that point people might want to grab the first film if they haven't already, or if they have they might want a HD version and a Blu-Ray copy would be new.

By the way, Paramount is now exclusive to HD-DVD, although I've heard it's timed. Either way though, films like Indiana Jones are not exclusive to a format. Any film by Steven Spielberg will go to what he wants them to.

I want a two movie set on Blu-ray when TDK comes out.

Same here. Although I'm not sure I'm interested in these cardboard boxsets anymore. I got a trilogy on Blu-Ray and it was nice to see all three in proper Blu-Ray cases as well as a cardboard case, but now I don't want to set them up outside that box. :huh:
Can I ask a relly dumb question? Is there much, if any, quality difference between HD and Blu-Ray?

I just want to watch my porn in the highest quality possible...

Can I ask a relly dumb question? Is there much, if any, quality difference between HD and Blu-Ray?

I just want to watch my porn in the highest quality possible...


I'm not entirely sure, really. I have heard there are a few films better on Blu-Ray than on HD-DVD and you also have to consider the fact that Blu-Ray has a few more companies exclusive to it.

There are a few films I'd like on HD-DVD, but not enough to make me ever buy one. However, on Blu-Ray there are tons of movies I enjoy. I personally feel it's a waste of money to buy something you may use once or twce. I use my PS3 as a Blu-Ray player (and video games console too) every day.

:woot: To each his/her own, as they say! Like I mentioned and has also been mentioned by others, I'm sure there was an announcment that said there would be porn. I think there has been some in Japan already.

Either way for me it's the movies. Especially when Batman Begins is released because that's one of the very few films I'd buy on HD-DVD, but like I said there aren't enough to make me want to purchase one.

:whatever: Oh, I also prefer the cases to Blu-Ray, as sad as that sounds.
lol, I understand the case thing... I dunno, I maybe get a PS3 in a few months, and I guess that'll be the end of the debate for me then...
Regarding Spielberg's films, he CANNOT tell a studio what to do with its property. He can PREVENT them from releasing it on one format or the other. But he can't tell Universal to release Jaws on Blu-ray. He'll lose that lawsuit in a hurry. The studio owns the film, he only has "veto" power on their decision to release things on HD DVD or Blu-ray. So basically he has defensive power rather than offensive power. He can't tell them to release only on a specific format, or he'll get sued and he'll lose in a heartbeat.

As for the format war, Blu-ray is currently kicking ass in software sales due to the 2.5 million PS3's out there. Warner does not trust a game console to lead to mass adoption, so they are cautiously staying neutral and watching HD DVD stand alone sales to see if lower stand alone prices can start to attract more of the general population. If Batman Begins is not on Blu-ray by July 15, 2008, I would think it's possible that Warner is going HD DVD exclusive.
Find the announcement where Paramount said they were going to HD-DVD and you'll find it saying this does not apply to Steven Spielberg films. They announced it themselves. His films are not on a specific format. This is the best link I've found so far. Like I said, this deal does not include Spielberg films. Doesn't apply with Universal I don't think, only Paramount. So it's likely Indiana Jones will be on Blu-Ray and probably HD-DVD too if released.

I think Batman Begins will probably get released to be honest. Like I mentioned, I saw it Coming Soon Blu-Ray demo thing at Currys. So hopefully it does get released.
Can't believe they're gonna have another war, because one will lose, ala betamax, and history tells us that the loser, whoever they are, will lose BIG... Why not just agree on a format and all companies go with it?

Or is that just the communist in me coming out again?
Can't believe they're gonna have another war, because one will lose, ala betamax, and history tells us that the loser, whoever they are, will lose BIG... Why not just agree on a format and all companies go with it?

Or is that just the communist in me coming out again?

I have to agree with you, to be honest. It'd be better for companies to decide on one thing amongst each other and go with it, rather than devide themselves and more or less force people to decide between one or the other. Hell, some even buy two.

I'm happy enough my decision was made easy by the fact one has more films I want like I mentioned.
Find the announcement where Paramount said they were going to HD-DVD and you'll find it saying this does not apply to Steven Spielberg films. They announced it themselves. His films are not on a specific format. This is the best link I've found so far. Like I said, this deal does not include Spielberg films. Doesn't apply with Universal I don't think, only Paramount. So it's likely Indiana Jones will be on Blu-Ray and probably HD-DVD too if released.

I think Batman Begins will probably get released to be honest. Like I mentioned, I saw it Coming Soon Blu-Ray demo thing at Currys. So hopefully it does get released.

That coming to Blu-ray demo has been running since January/February 2007. I've seen it at Best Buy. It says "Batman Begins, coming soon to Blu-ray" after like 5 minutes of footage. Coming soon eh? Apparently not.

As for Spielberg, he leans towards Blu-ray, but he does NOT have the power to tell Universal to release it only on his films will not be released on Blu-ray only from Universal. They are firmly in the HD DVD camp because they hate Sony. Paramount is being paid for HD DVD exclusivity supposedly for 18 months, although the same scenario applies. No matter what Spielberg wants, all he can do is prevent Paramount from exclusively releasing Indy on HD DVD. He cannot tell them to release it on Blu-ray only. It would breach their contract with HD DVD, and they would win a lawsuit against Spielberg if he tried to force them to release his films exclusively on Blu-ray in the next year or so. So basically, his movies are in limbo. He wants them on Blu-ray, but the studios are the ones with the absolute right. If he can veto them putting it on HD DVD, they can veto his request to put it on Blu-ray exclusively. Either he needs to give in and allow a neutral release, or the films won't be released at all in high def until the format war is over.
That coming to Blu-ray demo has been running since January/February 2007. I've seen it at Best Buy. It says "Batman Begins, coming soon to Blu-ray" after like 5 minutes of footage. Coming soon eh? Apparently not.

As for Spielberg, he leans towards Blu-ray, but he does NOT have the power to tell Universal to release it only on his films will not be released on Blu-ray only from Universal. They are firmly in the HD DVD camp because they hate Sony. Paramount is being paid for HD DVD exclusivity supposedly for 18 months, although the same scenario applies. No matter what Spielberg wants, all he can do is prevent Paramount from exclusively releasing Indy on HD DVD. He cannot tell them to release it on Blu-ray only. It would breach their contract with HD DVD, and they would win a lawsuit against Spielberg if he tried to force them to release his films exclusively on Blu-ray in the next year or so. So basically, his movies are in limbo. He wants them on Blu-ray, but the studios are the ones with the absolute right. If he can veto them putting it on HD DVD, they can veto his request to put it on Blu-ray exclusively. Either he needs to give in and allow a neutral release, or the films won't be released at all in high def until the format war is over.

We aren't talking about Universal. I already said it doesn't apply with Universal.

Funny that Paramount should announce themselves though that the deal excludes Steven Spielberg films. There's another site that says his films will be release on both formats.

This should tell you everything you need to know about his films not being exclusive to either format. These parts in particular -

In essence, and despite his own studio's commitment to HD-DVD, Spielberg has reserved the right to release his films on both formats, or perhaps whichever one he chooses as the format war wages on.

For further clarification, we talked with DreamWorks spokesman Marvin Levy via e-mail this morning, and he told SpielbergFilms the following revealing information.

"Steven is a supporter of Blu-Ray but is not exclusive to either format."

Of course he could decide to release only HD-DVD. However he could even decide Blu-Ray only, or both. This deal, however, does not include his films as has been stated by several sources.

Also this -

One of his films is exclusive to Blu-Ray and another being released on both.

Anyway, this has kind of drifted away from the original purpose of the topic. Whether we agree or disagree on whether they're exclusive in the deal, not exclusive or in the middle where they won't go anywhere, it's best to just drop it. :woot: I find arguments about this to be boring anyway. We're grown ups, and should know better than to argue about things as petty as this.
Close Encounters is owned by Sony. That's why it's on Blu-ray only. And as I said before, Spielberg leans towards Blu-ray. The deal with Paramount and HD DVD only means that Paramount won't even bother trying to release his films on HD DVD, not that he can turn around and put them on Blu-ray. He does not OWN them, end of story. It would not hold up in a court of law, no matter what some "insider" has to say on the matter. Paramount owns the films and has just as much right to veto him as he does to veto them. That's all I'm trying to say here.

Back on topic, as I said before, I would think July 15, 2008 is a good time for a Blu-ray release. Disney released the first two Pirates movies to Blu-ray on May 22, 2008, which was 3 days before At World's End's theatrical debut. If it's not out by July 15, then either WB is going HD DVD exclusive or they are waiting until The Dark Knight's home video release. This would mean BB on Blu-ray would come over 2 years after BB on HD DVD (October 2006 vs. December 2008). You would hope they wouldn't wait that long.

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