Dude don't worry, anyone with a post count below nine million gets flamed for asking questions, or even daring to post a topic.
BB will be out on blu-ray soon, it'll be the same as when DVD came out, they'll work backwards through their archives releasing popular and spectacular films first. So BB within a year.
It seems to be like that at a lot of forums these days. It's as though people don't expect others to start joining. It takes time to get a high post count, especially if you don't intend to post as often as some.
I hope you're right! I can live with watching it on DVD for now, although incompressed sound is sometimes nice as well as a sharper picture. The problem is when you upgrade from an SD TV to a HD TV, then watch a HD movie, it's hard to change back.
I don't want to start an argument over this, but Blu-Ray will likely not win the war. This is based on the fact that it does not advocate/release pornography. When waged its war with VHS back in the day, the swaying factor was pornography--a huge market. Sony lost then. It will probably do so again.
I can't really agree with thks. From what I have heard firstly, they have started putting porn on it but even when they announced they wouldn't I never noticed Blu-Ray sales going down.
People can get porn for free on the internet. Personally, I don't care much for porn so I wouldn't be someone going out of their way to find any of it.
Can't imagine why someone would want to watch HD porn, though.
mute point, porn is now an internet based industry, and you can buy it on Blu-Ray as well
there is porn on blu-ray now. blu-ray outsells HD discs reguardless. the only movies that dont come out on blu-ray are universal i think (grrrr cuz i want backdraft and adam sandler movies on blu)
im sure begins will be released either when tdk comes out in the movies or latest when it comes out on disc...
That sounds likely. A good time would be when The Dark Knight is out, because at that point people might want to grab the first film if they haven't already, or if they have they might want a HD version and a Blu-Ray copy would be new.
By the way, Paramount is now exclusive to HD-DVD, although I've heard it's timed. Either way though, films like Indiana Jones are not exclusive to a format. Any film by Steven Spielberg will go to what he wants them to.
I want a two movie set on Blu-ray when TDK comes out.
Same here. Although I'm not sure I'm interested in these cardboard boxsets anymore. I got a trilogy on Blu-Ray and it was nice to see all three in proper Blu-Ray cases as well as a cardboard case, but now I don't want to set them up outside that box.