Fair enough. The attack on the mansion in X2 was pretty cool and very tense, suspenseful, and realistic at the same time as it was done in a unique almost Splinter Cellish fashion. However, I feel the mythos of the X-Men in all of the films wasn't explored to its fullest potential and that they really didn't take it to the next level.
this is the advantage that i feel x-men the last stand has over the other 2. playing x-men legends, the first one, made me realize that you can have a grounded, political story, but still have exciting x-men action. okay, so you take out asteroid m and stuff, and you got yourself a good storyline that could work in the realistic universe of the movies.
this was to me, one of the things that x-men the last stand did absolutely right. it upped the scale of the action, and made it much more exciting, while keeping the universe grounded and realistic. x3 is definately flawed, don't get me wrong, but i think it did do things right too, and this is one of them. to me, this movie really exposed singer's flaw, and that was him holding the movies back a bit too much.
Don't get me wrong now I LOVED X1 and X2. Hell, I still love them very much and watch them when I can, but I just feel that all three films really didn't take it to its fullest potential and the material suffered because of it. That's why I was saying a restart would be better as it could put placed into a directors hands who knows and understands the characters, the powers, and the emotional epic nature of the stories that it brings.
i still disagree with a restart. for me, i think it's okay for CERTAIN things, like batman or superman, which is just so huge they will be done over and over again until the end of time, but beyond a few exceptions, i don't like reboots, remakes, etc... i just think you make a movie, and let it stand on it's own, and if it didn't satisfy, then it's just not a movie you enjoy.
i guess it's different for something like comic films, because everyone wants to see it done right in their own way. but i still am of the belief that you either accept it for what it is, or you don't, but don't keep remaking it. it is what it is. every fan is going to have a different idea of what is correct, and a remake you may love, but other fans may despise it. you can't make a film to please everyone. i'd rather see originality, and new, creative movies coming out instead of the same thing over and over again.
I'm curious, what did you think of Juggernaut's look in X3? If he was to attack the mansion in X3 he should've had a much more vicious intimidating look that was more faithful to his comic book counterpart. With the way he looked there's no way I could've bought him doing any kind of damage to the mutants should he have invaded the mansion. I also feel they really missed the opportunity to explore the Sentinel program. I think we all can agree that ignoring the what happened with Dark Cerebro ruined a great opportunity to introduce the Sentinels.
i don't mind juggernaut's look in the film at all actually. i think someone posted on here a long time ago, when his look was first revealed, a comic panel where juggernaut looked exactly like he does in the movie, so i guess in that sense, it's not like it's unaccurate.
i don't have a problem with his look at all. actually, i liked juggernaut in the film altogether. my only complaint about juggernaut was how they decided to take him out. i do understand that leech obviously negated his power, i don't have a problem with that, but running into a wall (when wearing a thick helmet meant for protection) and getting knocked unconcious is just a poor way to take out a big bad villian. call me greedy, but i wanted to see a team battle that showcased the x-men trying to take him out, and not being able to, until finally they figure out some kind of way that they can defeat him. just like the cartoons and comics. his fight with wolverine was a good start to show his strength, but they needed to do more.
i do agree with you on sentinels. i felt like it was a given that sentinels weren't touched upon. it was set up so perfectly from the end of x2 that no sentinels almost borders on incompetance.
there is obviously some time that has passed between x2 and x3 (new president, etc...) so the dark cerebro thing probably would have been dealt with (we don't need to see direct consequences), but a sentinel project that's been in effect due to the events at alkali lake - that would have been brilliant. it could have added more drama, with a moral dillema for the president: protect the citizens and unleash sentinels upon alcatraz, endangering the delicate relationship between humans and mutants, or protect the relationship between humans and mutants, but risk the destruction at alcatraz (and beyond) being caused by mutants.
sentinels were a perfect way to go with this movie (along with a couple other things *cough*gambit*cough*), and a "missed oppourtunity" is an understatement. ignoring sentinels and gambit, which were set up to be introduced PERFECTLY by the previous movie, and the story of x3, is damn near incompetance in my book.
and that's my biggest complain with x3 - not so much what it WAS (i do love the movie. i find faults with it, but i do love it), but what it COULD HAVE and SHOULD HAVE been.