Chapter 12
Kmack tied the piece of sheet around Cmill's eyes and helped him to his feet
Cmill:"Give me my gun"
Kmack handed it to him
Cmill:"Ok on the keys,look for one that says armoury"
Kmack searched through the keys
Kmack:"None of them say that"
Cmill:"Ok tell me what each one says"
Kmack read each one off to him until she came to one with WR engraved on it
Cmill:"That's it,WR stands for weapons room,i'm pretty sure the door i passed on the way upstairs is gonna fit with that key,you're gonna have to go down and get what we need"
Kmack:"Ok shall i just pick up as many guns as i can carry ?"
Cmill:"No,just get some fibre optic cable,a silencer and a grenade,there's no point in having lots of guns when i can't see"
Kmack nodded and left the room,the few minutes she was away for what seemed like an eternity to CMill who was trying to get his bearings
When Kmack returned she was carrying the things he sent her for along with a bag she had put over her shoulder
Kmack:"the only grenade i could find was a concussion one will that do ?"
Cmill:"It'll have to"
Kmack:"I also brought a bag to carry some of the guns in...i look like a female Indiana Jones wearing it"
Cmill laughed through the pain
Cmill:"Ok Kmack,lead the way back towards Mister J's office"
They went up another flight of stairs and approached a big double doored room
Cmill:"What is it ?"
Kmack:"There are some of Mister J's men in this room..when they split us up and took you to the basement they drug me through here,it's a games room where they were playing pool and relaxing"
Cmill:"Ok Kmack put the fibre optic cable in the keyhole and take a look around the room,take note of where they are all positioned"
Kmack did as she was told,two men were playing pool,another was playin gwith a hand held videogame,another was reading and the fifth was listening to is i Pod
Cmill:"Right,now i want you to just crack the door open,take the pin off the grenade and throw it into the room,it should stun them all,i'm gonna slide into the room and i want you to call out where they are using the numbers on a that ?"
Kmack cracekd the door open and took the pin out of the grenade
She threw it in the room and before the men could react.......BOOM!!!!!
Cmill pushed the door open and slid in on his knees,he stopped in the middle of the floor,eyes still covered like a blindfold
Kmack:"7 O'clock"
Kmack:"11 O'clock"
Kmack:"1 O'clock"
Kmack:"3 O'clock"
Kmack:"4 O'clock"
All 5 were dead as Cmill on his knees gun smoking spoke
Cmill:"Are they dead ?"
Cmill:"Ok lets get moving"
they made their way to Mister J's study
Cmill:"Same again Kmack with the fibre optic cable,tell me where they are sitting"
Kmack poked the fibre optic cable through the keyhole
Kmack:"Emily is sitting on Mister J's lap,SML is sitting opposite her"
Just then one of the guns fell out of Kmacks bag and thudded to the floor........there was movement in the room
Cmill charged through the door and yelled at Kmack "clock" as he crashed into the Room
Kmack:"!0 O'Clock"
BANG!!!..before SMl could fire Cmill shot her through the head but Mister J had grabbed Emily and made his way through a door built into his bookcase
Kmack:"he's heading for the roof"
Cmill:"lead the way"
Kmack lead Cmill across the room and up the stairs after Mister J,they reached the top and Kmack ran straight through the rooftop door
BANG!!!! .............
.......a shot blasted into Kmacks chest,Cmill instinctively fired in the direction of the shot and it hit mister J in the hand,his gun clattering to the floor as Kmack crumpled into a heap
Kmack:"Get.....Emily"........her eyes closed
Cmill dropped the gun,he knew if he fired without a spotter he could hit Emily so he moved forward in the direction he had fired,suddenly he heard a voice
Mister J:"Now Emily put that down sweetie it's dangerous"
Emily had picked the gun up and was pointing it at Mister J
Cmill:"Emily honey,i want you to throw the gun away and go over and help kmack.......please Emily"
Emily threw the gun across the rooftop and ran across to Kmack
Mister J staggered to his feet and took his coat off,the rain was lashing down heavily,his chopper was in the background but the pilot was lying dead in the games room
Mister J:"You really have lost it,that brat could have saved your life and you told her not to,you're a ****ing fool and now you are gonna fight ME blind ?"
Cmil:"I didn't stop her from saving my life,i saved hers"
Mister J:"Ohhhhhh how noble.....Well when i'm done killing you i'm gonna get that disc out of her and sell her into the trade,always customers for a cute one like her"
Cmill didn't flinch
Mister J:"You are actually willing to die for this kid ?"
Mister J:"So be it"
Mister J lunged for Cmill,cmill side stepped the oncoming noise and reached out with a grab,he got Mister J's shoulders and forced him to the floor,the head was only just up from there and in a second his arms were around mister J's neck......Cmill squeezed with every inch of strength he had left.....Mister J gurgled.......SNAP!.......his neck broke
Cmill pulled himself to his feet and headed back in the direction he had come,Kmack was talking to Emily just barely
Cmill:"Emily,i want you to run down the stairs and get the lady agent's phone"
Emily did as she was told and brought the phone back to Cmill
Cmill:"Ok can you work the menu sweetie and find the list of callers ?"
Cmill:"ok,find the name C Lee"
Emily flicked through it and found the name
Emily:"Found it"
Cmill:"Ok sweetie press the call button and pass it to me"
Emily did as she was told and passed Cmill the phone,as soon as C Lee answered he gave him their location and Lee said he would have a team there ASAP
Cmill switched the phone off and lay back against the wall,Emilly crawled over and cuddled into him
As promised the SWAT and Medic team arrived within 10 minutes,they made their way through the dead bodies to the roof top and rushed all off to hospital
To Be Continued